
Author:China Survey and Design Magazi Time:2022.06.24

Yesterday (June 23), the US "Engineering News Records (ENR)" and "Architecture Times" jointly released the ranking of "Top 80 Chinese Contractor and 60 Engineering Design Enterprises" in 2021. 60 engineering and design companies including China Construction Co., Ltd. and 60 engineering design companies such as China Energy Construction Group Planning and Design Co., Ltd., such as 2020, fully highlight the responsibility and strength of the Chinese construction industry. In 2021, the ENR/Architecture Times Chinese contractor's top 80 and the top 60 engineering design enterprises were ranked based on the 2020 engineering contracted operating income and design and business income of each enterprise. This article analyzes the two lists.

2021 Analysis of the top 80 list of Chinese contractors

In 2020, the operating income of the 1021 Chinese contractor's top 80 enterprises reached 6225.121 billion yuan, an increase of 18.44%year -on -year, an increase of 1.06 percentage points compared with the previous year, the growth rate was much higher than the total construction value of the construction industry in 2020 6.2%. Essence Among them, the total operating income of the top 10 projects was 4227.753 billion yuan, accounting for 67.9%of the total operating income of the overall project of the top 80 enterprises. The concentration of TOP10 increased by 0.62 percentage points compared with the previous year.

Only China Construction Co., Ltd., which has a trillion -dollar mark of the project contracted operating income, is China Railway Construction Co., Ltd., China Transportation Construction Group Co., Ltd., Greenland Big Infrastructure Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai Construction Industry Co., Ltd., China Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd. Group Co., Ltd., Yunnan Construction Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd., Nantong Sanjian Holdings Co., Ltd., Zhongtian Holdings Group Co., Ltd. Among them, Greenland University Infrastructure Group Co., Ltd. is new. The last year's 100 billion yuan list was Hunan Jianong Group Co., Ltd., and the project contract revenue in 2020 decreased.

Judging from the changes in the list and ranking, there were five new -listing companies in 2021 (labeled with blue fonts). Among them, China Global Engineering Co., Ltd. participated in the 2015 ranking, ranking 41st in that year; China Electric Power; China Electric Power; Jianjian Northwest Survey and Design Institute Co., Ltd. ranked 80th on the 2017 list; Greenland Da Infrastructure Group Co., Ltd., Hubei Provincial Industrial Building Group Co., Ltd. and Shaanxi Jianong Eighth Construction Group Co., Ltd. Essence Greenland Big Infrastructure Group Co., Ltd. (the 47th place in Shanghai Greenland Construction (Group) Co., Ltd. on the list last year) is the historical opportunity of Greenland Holdings Group to grasp China's new urbanization and infrastructure interconnection. One of the 100 billion -level industrial development platforms was established in April 2020 and was headquartered in Shanghai, China.

The ranking of 20 companies has risen (marked with red fonts), 48 companies ranking decline (labeled with green fonts), and the largest decline is China Sanong Industry Group Co., Ltd. By 78th; 7 companies have maintained the ranking of 2020.

2021 China Engineering Design Enterprise Top 60

List analysis

In 2020, the overall design revenue of the top 60 enterprises in the 2021 Chinese engineering design enterprise reached 180.859 billion yuan, an increase of 7.44%year -on -year. Among them, the top 10 design revenue of the top 10 total of 81.739 billion yuan, accounting for 45.19%of the overall design income of the top 60 enterprises. The market concentration of the TOP10 design market decreased by 1.22 percentage points compared with the previous year.

At the same time, the top 60 companies made rapid progress in the general contracting business. In 2020, operating revenue reached 317.8 billion yuan, compared with 197.1 billion yuan in 2019, the annual growth rate was as high as 61.2%, which reflects that the 60s transformed by engineering design enterprises have further increased their efforts to increase the strength of the top 60 big.

Judging from the changes in the list and ranking, compared with the previous year, there were 7 newly listed units in 2021 (marked with blue fonts); 16 design units rose (marked with red fonts), and The fastest rise is China Five Ring Engineering Co., Ltd., from 51st in the previous year to 22nd places; 29 design units have declined (labeled with green fonts). The two units with the largest decline were Dongfeng Design Research Institute Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Golden Mantis Building Decoration Co., Ltd.; eight design units have maintained the ranking of 2020.

Note: The ranking of the list is derived from the "Times", and the Coston Management Institute compiled based on statistical analysis of data over the years.

Source: WeChat public account "Engineering Industry Insight"

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