Leading site | Reporter enters the spirit of the Provincial Party Congress of the Provincial Party Congress

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.06.24

"As a party member and cadre, I must deeply understand the spiritual science of the Provincial Party Congress, strengthen understanding and understanding, and always strive to move along the direction of the guidance of the provincial party committee." Hundred questionbooks, standing in the test field, Qian Chunrong, deputy director of the Institute of Multi -Cultivation, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

In order to implement the spirit of the 13th Party Congress of the Provincial Party and let the spirit of the Provincial Party Congress "connect" the grassroots party branches and the masses, on June 23, the reporter of Heilongjiang Daily went deep into the Democratic Township of the Democratic Township of the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The experimental base, with the party members and the masses to face the spirit of the 13th Party Congress of the Provincial Congress, allow the Provincial Party Congress to plant the front line of Longjiang Agricultural Scientific Research.

Straw Return to the field research and development project

This test base in Guangming Village is the largest test base in the province in the province, covering an area of ​​8,000 acres, with an area of ​​more than 5,000 acres. Many new inventions and new technologies such as the research and development of the good recipes of black land, the research and development of high -yield high -yield and efficient models, and new technologies for the cultivation of specific crops have been successfully explored from here.

Party News reporter to lead the spirit of the party congress

Walking in the tidy trial fields, the breeze blew through, the green leaves rustling, listening to the elders who were busy with weeds in the field, talking about the family, a sense of happiness came from the reporter's heart. Although it has not reached the harvest season, although there is no "Feng" scene with the wind and waves, all this is so beautiful. I heard that the reporter came to receive the spirit of the 13th party congress of the province and issued a hundred questions and answers, and the elders took it with a smile. "You must learn it well. If you think about a better life, you have to keep up with the Provincial Party Committee's decision -making, knowing exactly what the countryside revitalizes, and understand what the rural areas will look like in the future." Sister Yang Jing said.

"What is the basis for the development of Longjiang's revitalization?" "Cultivate and strengthen the characteristic and dominant industries of Xingxing County, leaving the main body of the industrial chain in the county seat, so that farmers can share the value -added of the industry, what actions to carry out in depth" ... The people present surrounded by the people present surrounded by around the people. One by one, there are questions and answers, and the discussion is enthusiastic.

Looking at a group of numbers, the farmer Li Yafang praised: "It's good! Let us have a new understanding of the development of modern agriculture."

Qian Chunrong is learning a hundred questions and answers manuals

"As a leading cadre in charge of scientific research, he adheres to the use of the party's innovation theory to arm his mind, leads the majority of scientific researchers to make full use of Heilongjiang's resource advantages, boldly innovate, develop more new agricultural technologies and new products, and accelerate the transformation of results. Better serving agriculture, rural areas, and rural areas, constantly injecting new connotations of scientific research, truly doing scientific research on the modernization of Longjiang Agricultural Agricultural, scientific research in the urgent needs of the people and solving practical problems in production, and contributing to the realization of Heilongjiang's comprehensive revitalization. "Money Chun Rong said.

In the end, Qian Chunrong said that the 13th party congress of the province made her more clarifying her future work ideas and efforts. As an agricultural science and technology worker, we must deeply understand the new historical direction and mission tasks of Heilongjiang Province, so that the urgent combination of scientific research work with the tide of development, regional development, and the overall national development situation need to be closely integrated.

Source: Lottery News

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