Behind "Hunan on the Tip of the Tongue", don’t forget them

Author:Banyue talk about new media Time:2022.06.23

Use the "double low" rapeseed oil to make a chili fried meat and chopped pepper fish head, with a hybrid rice rice rice, and the simple Hunan rice is ready. After enjoying the perfect food, a few petals of citrus and a cup of black tea are so comfortable. This is a daily scene in the lives of ordinary Hunan people.

In fact, behind the daily taste of these people, behind the taste of Hunan, it contains the hard work and innovation of Hunan's eight "academicians" in technology for decades. They are "Rapeseed Academician" Guan Chunyun, "Academician of Pepper" Zou School, "Pig Raising Academician" Yin Yulong, "Academician Fish" Liu Shaojun, "Academician Tea" Liu Zhonghua, "Food Engineering Academician" Shan Yang, "weed defense defense defense Academician "Bai Lianyang and" Academician Muzhu "Wu Yiqiang.

How did these "academicians on the tip of the tongue" be made? What surprises will they bring to people in the future? On the evening of June 23rd, the "Hunan Good Taste", which was broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV -China Food · Hunan Fan Special Program takes you to find the secret behind the "Hunan taste".

From "what to eat" to "what to eat"

Known as the "soul" of Hunan cuisine, the pepper fried meat is the most common dish on the table of Hunan people. As Hunan cuisine comes out of Hunan and the world of fragrant fragrance, the fried meat of peppers is gradually being accepted by people of different flavors around the world. Behind this ordinary Hunan cuisine's original taste and "popularity", it is inseparable from the efforts of the "Academician Academician" Zou school and "Academician of Pig Raise" Yin Yulong.

Hunan people are all spicy, but it is not easy to let others across the country and even around the world accept the charm of peppers and enjoy the charm of peppers. For more than 30 years of study, academicians and teams of Zou School raised 165 new types of pepper, collected and preserved more than 4,000 domestic and foreign chili species resources, and built my country's largest chili species resource library.

From left to right: Moderator Liang Tian host Wang Han "Academician Raising Pig" Yin Yulong "Academician of Pepper" Zou school "Academician Fish" Liu Shaojun

These different chili varieties, adapting to people with different dietary habits, so that people who want to eat spicy and afraid of spicy can also enjoy pepper and feel spicy culture. "My scientific research in my life is to keep breeding new varieties on a small peppers to meet the needs of farmers and meet the needs of the market." Zou school said.

The quality of pork is the key to make pepper fried meat. If you want to eat nutritious and healthy pork, you must first raise pigs. Focusing on the incident of "how to raise a pig", the "Pig Raising Academician" was seal for 40 years. Today, Academician Indian and his team have founded my country's first poultry health breeding research center. The efficient and environmentally friendly safety pig feed production technology has been applied to more than 100 large enterprises in the country. Low cholesterol high -quality pork escort.

From eating to good food, from what to eat, what to eat, and what is to eat, chili fried meat has witnessed the changes in people's dietary demand over the years. Today, people's pursuit of diet focuses more on health and personalization, and these new demands have also prompted agricultural scientists to innovate production technology and improve food quality. People's dining table:

"Academician Fish" Liu Shaojun and his father, Academician Liu Yan, led the team to develop a number of varieties such as Xiangyunmao 2 and hybrids, so that more delicious meat fish entered millions of households; "Academician Tea" Liu Zhonghua innovated black tea processing processing The theoretical system has created more than 20 new products, functional, and fashionable black tea new products, which meets the needs of tea drinking for different people; "rapeseed academician" Guan Chunyun selected high -quality "double low" rapeseed varieties and high oil The varieties of sour vegetables make modern families get healthier ...

"Academician Fish" Liu Shaojun

While Hunan's "Academician Tuan", while giving the Chinese people's dining table, it also effectively improves people's sense of gain and happiness in their diet, so that people have more new expectations for the future beautiful life.

Technology help, let the farmers' money bags bulge

Kuragi, the world. To ensure food safety and protect the granary of the country, one of the key is to let farmers feel at ease, let the farmers 'money bags bulge, and protect the farmers' production enthusiasm. The research and exploration of eight academicians over the years has not only promoted more authentic Hunan flavors out of Hunan, but also drove the development of related industries. The research results were transformed into wealth passwords, allowing farmers to obtain real benefits.

Living on the second floor, the full -automatic water supply and supplies are deodorized, and equipped with a healthy diet ... Zeng Qinghua, a large household in Hunan Ning Township, has created a "five -star pigpen" in order to raise pigs. Zeng Qinghua introduced that in order to raise pigs, it is to make pigs eat well and live well. Under the guidance of Academician Yin Yinlong and team, he began to use scientific methods to cultivate pigs. The "secret recipe feed" tailored by Academician India, the quality of pigs was greatly improved. "We expected 100,000 pigs this year, thanked Academician Yin and his team!" Zeng Qinghua said.

For technology help, small fruits can also be transformed into happy fruits and rich fruits. Hunan, as a well -known country in the country, uses rich fruit tree resources to enhance fruit preservation technology, extend the fruit processing industry chain, and help farmers increase their income. It is an important proposition that must be considered.

On the left is the "Food Engineering Academician" Shan Yang; on the right is "Academician Muzhu" Wu Yiqiang

The "Food Engineering Academician" has been deeply cultivated in the field of deep processing of fruits and vegetables for many years, and innovative and developing citrus processing raw materials green storage technology has effectively extended the fresh sales period of citrus. Yang Li, a technician of citrus processing industry, said that with the academician's quick -frozen citrus fresh -keeping technology, 30,000 tons of citrus can be acquired from the fruit farmers each year. Whether it is fruit farmers or food processing enterprises, it can achieve a win -win situation in economic benefits. "If you want to grow well, weed the yellow seedlings first." Weeding grass control grass is closely related to grain production and food safety. "A weeds Prevention and Control Academician" Bai Lianyang has studied weeding for more than 30 years, and has developed a series of multi -target target herbicides to help paddy fields from hazards of weeds, and farmers' economic losses have also been reduced.

The whole body of the food is treasure, and the straw can also become "gold". "Academician Muzhu" Wu Yiqiang has been engaged in the research work of wood bamboo straw resources for a long time. He developed the manufacturing technology of the straw inorganic artificial board, allowing the farmer Cai Mingyuan to fire the output value of the fire straw board last year. More than 100 million yuan; drinking tea can health, and tea can get rich. From traditional farm tea to large health industries, farmers Zhou Yu, with the support of "Academician Tea Academician" Liu Zhonghua, creates a "Changsha Green Tea" geographical indication protection product; "Chili Pepper The academician "Campan Port peppers cultivated by Zou School directly helped the income of Zhangshu Town, Yueyang, Hunan, to exceed 400 million ... The strong injection of scientific and technological forces in the agricultural field made the farmers' rice bowl more stable, and they also entrusted their beautiful tomorrow.

"Hunan Rice" is new, always on the road

Whether in the field of breeding or industrial processing, a generation of agricultural researchers devoted their wisdom and sweat to the vast farmland and the earth. The harvest is the best footnote for them and hard work.

Faced with the vast blue ocean of the agricultural industry, the steps of the academicians still stop: "Hunan Good Taste" -China • Hunan rice special program, several academicians also introduced their latest research results to the public: Academician of Yin Yulong's tea incense pigs, Longfu pepper from Academician Zou School, "Sanhao Mi" of Academician Bai Lianyang, and the refrigerated navel orange of Academician Shan Yang ... "Hunan Rice" is constantly new, helping the grain industry to develop more. Guaranteed.

"Identifier Prevention and Control Academician" Bai Lianyang

To create a golden business card of "China Grain Hunan Rice", while further playing the role of Academician Xiang and improving the quality of agricultural products in Hunan, we must also pay attention to the use of Hunan agricultural products and Xiang cuisine advantages, implement brand improvement plans, use the Internet to actively carry out marketing and promote agricultural products to enhance agricultural products The popularity and reputation of the grain brand will be effectively converted into economic benefits. In addition, we should strive to build an agricultural advantageous industry, work hard to extend the industrial chain and improve the added value, and help poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.

Make you in Xiang Hunan rice, and stabilize Chinese food. Agricultural researchers have overcome difficulties and optimize Hunan rice varieties; industry leaders and farmers work hard to brighten the brand of Hunan rice. Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV will be aimed at the silent dedication behind these people's dining tables this time, so that people can understand the hard work and difficulty of the new farmers' "harvest" transcripts, showing the media's responsibility. From the live broadcast of poverty alleviation in 2020, "Betting, Brothers", by 2021's special program "Rice Flower Somsayes", and "Hunan Good Taste" tonight, Hunan Radio and Television will always be in love with land, focus on agriculture, pay attention to attention, pay attention to attention, pay attention rural.

With the modernization of agriculture that provoked the granary of the farmers' harvest, the "rice bag" and "vegetable basket" that guarded the people, and the "Chinese rice bowl" was firmly contributed to the power of Hunan for food security. "Hunan Rice" will be new and will always be on the road.

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