Picking the Year | The China Banking Regulatory Commission: Financial escape from the past ten years has been reversed

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.23

A few days ago, the Central Propaganda Department launched the "China Ten Years of Ten Years · Series Theme Release". The column of the cover news "Picking the Year" will pay attention to the whole process, reporting to China's achievements and changes in the past decade.

Cover news reporter Teng Yan

On June 23, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a conference on the reform and development of the financial sector since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Xiao Yuan, vice chairman of the Bank of China Insurance Supervision and Administration Commission, stated that in the past ten years, bank loans and bond investment have increased annually The speed is 13.1%and 14.7%, which basically match the growth rate of nominal GDP. Compared with historical peaks, the financial management and trust channels have been greatly reduced, and the financial breakdown has been reversed.

Xiao Yuan, vice chairman of the Bank of China Insurance Supervision and Administration Commission (Picture Source: Guoxin.com)

Xiao Yuan Enterprise said that in the past ten years, the virtuous cycle of finance and the real economy has gradually formed. The average annual growth rate of bank loans and bond investment was 13.1%and 14.7%, respectively, which basically matched the nominal GDP growth rate. Compared with historical peaks, the financial management and trust channels have been greatly reduced, and the financial breakdown has been reversed. The depth of insurance has increased from 2.98%to 3.93%, and the density of insurance has increased from 1144 yuan to 3179 yuan per person. Since its establishment in 2012, it has covered 1.22 billion urban and rural residents since its establishment in 2012. Long -term care insurance covers nearly 150 million people. Agricultural insurance Providing risk protection from farmers increased from 9 trillion yuan in 2012 to 4.4 trillion yuan in 2021, which provided key funds guarantee for post -disaster reconstruction. The average annual growth rate of inclusive small and micro -enterprise loans and inclusive agricultural loans reached 25.5%and 14.9%, respectively, which was much higher than the average growth rate of loans. There are about 9.5 per capita bank accounts, and inclusive financial coverage is significantly improved.

In the past ten years, important results have been achieved to prevent and resolve major financial risks. The financial regulatory authorities resolutely prevent and resolve financial risks, and the blind expansion of financial assets has been fundamentally reversed. High -risk shadow banks decreased by about 25 trillion yuan compared with historical peak pressure. The disposal of non -performing assets has been promoted. In the past ten years, the cumulative digestion of non -performing assets was 16 trillion yuan, and a large number of outstanding risks were eliminated. Financial violations and corruption are severely punished.

In the past ten years, the reform and opening up of the banking industry has shown a new situation. Continue to improve the governance of financial institutions and deepen the reform of the Agricultural Credit Society of SMB. The third pillar pilot insurance reform pilot has made significant progress. The scope of exclusive commercial pension insurance pilots expanded to the whole country, and the scope of pilot financial management pilots expanded to ten places and ten institutions. At the end of May 2022, the subscription amount of pension wealth management exceeded 60 billion yuan. In the past ten years, more than 50 bank insurance open policies have been introduced. In 2021, the capital and assets in China Foreign Bank increased by more than 50%from ten years ago, and the capital of China Foreign Insurance Company increased by 1.3 times in ten years, and assets increased by 6 times. A large number of professional banking insurance institutions, such as foreign wealth management companies, foreign asset management companies, etc. actively participate in the development of China's financial markets.

In the past ten years, the atmosphere of strict supervision has basically formed. More than 70 legal and regulations have been formulated and revised, and the construction of financial rule of law has achieved significant results, and the ability to supervise in accordance with the law is significantly improved. Top five batches of 124 illegal shareholders to the society. The violations of laws and regulations of the bank insurance institutions and relevant responsible persons are severely punished by various forms, and financial risk prevention and financial corruption punishment will be promoted.

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