Extremely eye -catching 丨 6 yuan 1 "New Oriental" corn, how to calculate this account

Author:Pole news Time:2022.06.23

Xu Hanxiong, a polar news commentator

New Oriental live broadcast "fire", oriental selection of 6 yuan 1 fresh corn also "fire", attracted the attention of all parties, some people say expensive, some people said that it was not expensive, and some hoped that farmers could earn more from them to earn more. Essence (According to June 21) China News Network)

According to reports, after comparison of fresh corn sold in different channels, it was found that the Eastern selection of fresh food with an average price of 6 yuan/root is not expensive, and it is not cheap. On a certain e-commerce platform, the average price of fresh corn for some big brands is 6-10 yuan/root, and the average price of fresh corn for local specialty stores or farmers' direct sales is 4-5 yuan/root. Some consumers said, "The live broadcast room is generally cheaper, and the price of normal fresh corn is above 3 yuan."

The Oriental Selection of Fresh Eat Corn (Network Screenshot)

This is the price of the sales terminal, then the price of origin. Fresh corn sold in New Oriental is originally produced in Gongling City, Jilin Province. A agricultural personnel in Jilin City, Jilin Province said that the purchase price of the province is similar. In 2021, the local quality of the local quality of fresh corn purchase price is 0.35 yuan/root, and the best quality of fresh food is 0.85 yuan/root. Essence The acquisition price in 2022 has been calculated, and the purchase price of a corn is also only a few cents.

Dong Yuhui, a former New Oriental teacher and Dongfang selected anchor, said: "If one thing has no profit at all, there will be fewer and fewer people in rural areas, so the price cannot be too low." I said crying all netizens. But how much money can farmers make every 6 yuan corn? This is actually an old question, and I have been looking forward to a satisfactory answer.

As early as March 14, 2012, a report from the "Farmers Daily" pointed out that "the price of cabbage rose 10 times from the field to the supermarket, and the logistics cost accounted for half." After four or five circulation links, each link has dirt, loading and unloading, transportation, personnel costs, capital costs, profits, etc. ". On April 24, 2011, CCTV's "Economic Information Network" reported that during the process of vegetables from the field to the farmer's market, the price increased by 10%-15%each link. After several links, the price doubled up to 10 times.

On July 21, 2020, the "Southern Daily" reported that "a process of a litchi from the branch to the tip of the tongue" pointed out that the purchase price of lychee per catty is 10 yuan. Packing and transportation. "Fresh products have corresponding requirements for temperature, humidity and packaging," otherwise it is easy to rot and deteriorate.

Each 6 yuan corn becomes a topic (screenshot of the network)

On June 20, some consumers reported that the peaches purchased in the Oriental Selection Live Room on June 9th found that some peaches were mildew and long hair on the 13th. This is a problem of preservation.

The so -called fresh -eaten corn, related packaging and fresh -keeping costs are indispensable. It is not surprising that the corn acquired from a few cents in the field, and the price of several dollars in the end is not surprising.

Each of the corn that can sell several dollars in the market. When the farmers are sold, each is only a few cents. Is this fair for farmers? How do farmers make more? To put it, how to reduce the intermediate link, reduce excessive cost superposition, and allow farmers to share the profits of the industrial chain more.

As farmers of retail investors, there is often no right to speak in the pricing of agricultural products. In the form of cooperatives, large -scale cultivation is formed to form a model of "production, supply, and sales", which can improve a certain ability to negotiate. It is also a way out to develop order agriculture and directly face consumer customers or e -commerce. The live broadcast and e -commerce platforms that have been promoted in recent years are an opportunity for farmers. Using "Internet +" to sell agricultural products through online stores, it is conducive to increasing income.

How to ensure that "fat and water does not flow outsiders" and allows agricultural products to sell a good price. The realization of this beautiful vision requires the relevant parties to continue to work hard.

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