Yongding neighborhood community Youthhui set up volunteer service points to care for new employment groups

Author:Haidian Rong Media Time:2022.09.29

At noon on September 23rd, the reporter came to the courier set scattered point on the south side of the community of the community of No. 27 Taiping Road. I saw that the temporary service site set up for the little buddies had been set up. Under the guidance of personnel, they participated in the service project.

Zhang Weitian, a social worker of Beijing Yi and the social work development center, introduced: "Our new" new "seal, volunteer service activities of volunteer peers, including free consultation, legal consultation, and publicity of safety knowledge. At the same time, according to the younger brother Need to provide them with various required materials, such as first -aid bags, knee pads, and gloves. It is hoped that the little buddies can better participate in social services through our community youth exchange. "

The time of this event was deliberately arranged in the lunch break of the little buddies. Volunteers told reporters that the younger brother was busy on weekdays. In order not to affect their work, the event chose to be held in the gap in the little brother. higher. Before the younger brother received free materials, the event also allowed the younger brother to participate in the questionnaire to let them understand the precautions at work to avoid potential danger.

Zhang Weitian social workers told reporters: "In the future, we will expand the scope of service, including the activity function of the younger brother gas station and the little brother's station, to provide more and better services for the younger brother. At the same time, listen to the needs of the little brother and enhance our services."

In order to actively promote the integration of the new business format and the new employment group into the grass -roots governance pattern, and effectively promote the comfortable work and comprehensive development of the new format and the new employment group. Volunteer "Caring for the new format and the new employment group volunteer service project. Promoting the spirit of volunteer services and driving all sectors of society to respect, care and support for new employment groups. (Reporter Liu Chang)

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