In 5 years, the new profit of the enterprise has added 170 million yuan to the "think tank" of the college teacher in Shandong

Author:Poster news Time:2022.09.29

Popular Network · Poster Journalist Sun Jie Correspondent Wang Leibin

"When you go to the enterprise to work and carry out school -enterprise cooperation projects, you can not only enrich your professional knowledge, accumulate practical experience, but also use your own director of his own learning to relieve the local enterprises." Recently, the return from the enterprise to the job Geng Jiguo, a teacher at the School of Physics and Electronic Engineering of Taishan College, experienced a deep experience in communicating with the college young teachers and sharing of corporate post -employment.

Geng Jiguo in the laboratory

The transformation of college teachers into the "think tank" has given the enterprise the "confidence" to the high -end market

Geng Jiguo's Shandong Aike Multi -thermal Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is a startup startup with more development potential in Tai'an. The enterprise mainly focuses on the field of heat utilization such as gas heating, thermal water, steam, and drying, and is committed to developing a full range of gas products covering civil, commercial, and industrial use. Although scientific and technological innovation has always been the foundation of its own development and growth, at the beginning of entrepreneurship, the company did not have its own scientific research team, and the scale of development has been unable to go up. The main products have no strong competitiveness in the market.

"R & D encounters technical problems and the production process is outdated. Many times I really do n’t know who to find. I have thought about inviting experts in the industry to cooperate, but considering a series of costs such as employment, reception, service, and supporting equipment, let us this this allows us The small enterprise -like small enterprises are walking. "Zhao Hua, the general manager of Aike Multi -Company, admitted to the public network · poster journalist.

In 2017, Tai'an launched school integration policies to universities and local enterprises. Subsequently, Zhao Hua found Taishan College and tried to carry out school -enterprise cooperation projects. After some communication, Zhao Hua immediately identified a cooperative relationship with the young teacher Geng Jiguo.

During the post -work exchange, Geng Jiguo often "soaked" on the front line of the workshop, doing experiments and research with the workers, and was committed to cultivating professional talents who knew both theory and technology. He also invited colleagues Niu Liqiang, Li Qun, Zhu Mei and other young teachers to form a R & D team together, to contribute to the wisdom, concentrate on research, and overcome a group of technical problems that have troubled enterprises for a long time, and help companies transform to high -end products.

After several years of cooperation and exchanges, Geng Jiguo's team has established a good cooperative relationship with Aiker Company. Zhao Hua said that the company has a "think tank" of "taking root" in the team of Dr. Geng Jiguo, and has a more confidence to the high -end market.

New profit for enterprises is 170 million yuan

The start -ups issued the topic, and doctoral doctors do articles. The first problem that Geng Jiguo to Aike was cracking more was "the problem of corrosion of the heat exchange tube", which is also the pain point of gas product manufacturers.

"Speaking of a thousand, Tao 10,000, the only way to overcome the problem is to work in middle schools, to do it in school!" Geng Jiguo simply expressed his confidence that he had no difficulty in fear at the company's research and development meeting. In order to thoroughly solve the problem of corrosion of the heat exchanges, Geng Jiguo always went to the corrosive copper pipe samples to the corporate garbage recycling library, and then took it to the laboratory to disassemble and slowly study. After several experiments, Geng Jiguo finally found the idea of ​​cracking problems -using graphene coating technology to completely solve the problem of corrosion of the heat exchange tube, but the result is always unsatisfactory after multiple operations. Instead of adhesion on the surface of the heat change pipe. In order to analyze the reasons for the failure and find the path of solution, Geng Jiguo copied the parameters obtained from the experiment on the mobile phone, and packed a sample such as a sacks of waste corrosive copper pipes, corrosive stainless steel pipes, and corrosive hot water storage tanks to visit the mentor.

With the help of the instructor's guidance, Geng Jiguo finally broke through the key to solving the problem of thermal transformation of the heat exchanges with graphene coating technology. The automatic energy -saving control valves for corrosion materials were developed.

While cracking the industry's problems, an innovative technology was attached, and Geng Jiguo's first battle gave Aike a lot of surprises. Subsequently, in response to the country's energy conservation and emission reduction and dual carbon policies, Geng Jiguo team also cooperated with Aike Duo to develop high -efficiency, fast response, and automatic heat exchangers based on heat pipe technology. Leading in China.

It is understood that as of now, Geng Jiguo's team has helped Aike more new technology research and development and innovation, 1 application patent, and the new profit of enterprises has reached 170 million yuan.

Help school -enterprise cooperation towards the "new journey"

With the gradual deepening of cooperation and exchanges, in December 2018, the School of Physics and Electronic Engineering of Taishan College signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with Shandong Aike Multi -thermal Energy Technology Co., Ltd. The school -enterprise cooperation model also provides strong support for the company's development and growth. In May 2020, the newly -built R & D center of Aike was officially put into use, and also officially hired Dr. Geng Jiguo as the company's science and technology research and development consultant.

Geng Jiguo share his experience with young teachers

In Geng Jiguo's view, the company's development is inseparable from the support of technology, the improvement of technology is inseparable from the team's work, and the role of the team's role is inseparable from the school's support and encouragement. Since going to the enterprise, Geng Jiguo has become an enthusiastic "middleman". He often communicates with the school cooperation and development office, shared the job experience with young teachers, and actively contacted the company's professional teachers to cooperate with the company's new technical innovation point. Essence

On September 23 this year, Geng Jiguo, as a member of the New Energy Innovation Team of Taishan College, participated in the "Taishan College-Taishan Lithium Valley" school-to-land production talent integration and accurate docking activities.At the event site, he focused on the research and industrialization of "high stability fast -charge lithium battery positive materials" "high -stabilization fast -charge lithium battery orthopedic materials" and "direct recycling technology and application of waste carbonate batteries".The introduction of the results has aroused great interest in the heads and investors of relevant enterprises.Immediately, the two sides reached a consensus on the next in -depth cooperation.As a local undergraduate university that is rooted in Tai'an, in recent years, Taishan College has taken the initiative to connect with the key industry chain of Tai'an City, aiming at the main enterprise of the industry chain, forming a service target, sending technology, finding cooperation, solving problems, and practical results for enterprises.More and more professional teachers and technical personnel such as Geng Jiguo are full of motivation. Relying on the teachers and scientific research platforms provided by the school, combined with the needs of enterprise technology innovation and product research and development, they will perform their talents and continue to move towards school -enterprise cooperation "new journey".Essence

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