Julin Ocean Biological Development and Protection and Cultivation and Development of New Power -Interviewed Chen Longjin, Director of the Municipal Marine and Fisheries Bureau

Author:Quanzhou Evening News Time:2022.09.29

"Since this year, we have thoroughly implemented the two -wheel drive deployment of the" strong industry and the city '', based on the advantages of the marine economic resources of Quanzhou City, and comprehensively sorted out the situation of offshore breeding, fishing ports, and the use of marine biological resources. The best path. "Chen Longjin, director of the Municipal Marine and Fishery Bureau, said that in the second half of the year, the development concept of" one property is deeper, the secondary production is big, the three production is beautiful, and the ecology is blue ". Plan to promote landing, focus on cultivating development new kinetic energy, and promote the high -quality development

□ Quanzhou Evening News reporter Xie Xi Correspondent Fu Chengzhi Lin Li Ling

Create deep blue pastures

Layout 151 square kilometers Deep sea breeding space

"Quanzhou's marine advantage is unique. The key to exerting this advantage and bigger and stronger is to adjust the structure." Chen Longjin said.

In order to realize the "cage and birds" at sea, since this year, our city has made comprehensive sorting on existing breeding areas, tapping the potential of nourishment areas, restricted areas, and a good connection of the "Fujian Provincial Breeding Water Plan", and is committed to expanding the breeding development planning plan space. In the next step, it will accelerate the implementation of scientific research institutions such as Marine Biological Research Institute of Ocean University of China and the Straits Science and Technology Innovation Center of Fujian Institute of Aquatic Research. Increase the use of new technologies and new varieties, gradually promote the expansion of abalone, golden cricket, three -fold oyster, Buffy clam and other famous varieties, and develop ecological health models such as comprehensive rice and fish breeding, factory circulating water breeding, and improve High -value aquatic products output, improving the comprehensive benefits of fishery.

"The development stage of aquaculture through small cages, large cages, and large platforms has entered the 4.0 era represented by the" Guoxin No. 1 "farmers." Wild and unit water output can reach 2-3 times that of traditional cage breeding. Under the status of saturation of traditional offshore farming, it is the general trend to promote the transformation and upgrading of modern fisheries.

Based on the deepening production, Quanzhou City, while supporting the development of ocean fisheries, is accelerating the implementation of the "Deep Sea Breeding Plan", deploying 151 square kilometers of far -reaching sea farming space, formulating investment access approval plans, industry support policies and measures, and accelerating Hui'an 60,000 cubic meters of breeding comprehensive platform, 60,000 cubic meters of breeding equipment, spring and Hong Kong breeding ships, stone lion deep -sea breeding and other projects. At the same time, it has increased its efforts to attract social capital entry, and invest in 360 units of farm breeding facility platforms in batches and 2,000 anti -wind wave cages. Synchronized supporting sea fishing leisure tourism, fishing processing, energy supply, garbage treatment and other comprehensive service bases.

Blue kinetic energy

Generate a total investment of 28.7 billion yuan investment promotion project

"Focusing on the sophomore production, we will persist in planning and leading, build the park carrier, focus on investment promotion, and attack the industrial chain. With the development of three national fishing port economic zones, it will promote the high -quality development of the marine economy." Chen Longjin introduced that since this year, since this year, this year, since this year, this year, since this year In our city, the city has organized relevant counties (cities, districts), municipal departments, and sea -related fishing enterprises to Qingdao, Yantai, Xiamen, Fuzhou and other places to conduct investigations and investigations, and hold project investment promotion conferences in Fuzhou. Up to now, 36 investment promotion projects have been planned, and the planned investment is 28.729 billion yuan; 22 projects will be guided by the capital increase and expansion projects, with a total investment of 2.955 billion yuan.

According to the newly introduced "Special Plan for the Comprehensive Utilization of Marine Biological Resources in Quanzhou (2022-2030)", in the future, our city will rely on "two sugar and one medicine" (shell polychin, amino glucose, and marine Chinese medicine), "two two)," two two) The industrial advantages of the vegetables (kelp, seaweed, and abalone), promote 5 projects including resource supply amplification, corporate recruitment development, park incubation agglomeration, innovative transformation demonstration, brand creation and promotion, and will be initially formed in 2025 The layout, product competitiveness and brand influence have significantly improved, and the output value of more than 50 billion yuan to create a comprehensive use of research and development, incubation and production base cities in China.

In terms of creating a characteristic industrial park, the city is based on the advantages of the location and promotes differentiated development: the main processing of stone lions attacks marine materials, marine Chinese medicine, and aquatic products; Combination of Mi Products and Fisheries Travel; Nan'an main attack prefabricated dishes, aquatic trading platforms, e -commerce; Taiwanese investment zone mainly attacked marine functional foods, marine cosmetics, etc. All localities are accelerating the gathering of factors resources, attracting enterprises to settle in, promoting the industrial chain to extend upstream and downstream, and create a "new engine" that supports regional economic development.

"Protecting the marine ecological environment is the prerequisite and foundation of the development of the marine economy." Chen Longjin said that Quanzhou will insist on making the ecology blue, in -depth implementation of proliferation and release, strictly investigate and destroy the behavior of fishery resources, let the water clear beach and fish gulls set The beautiful ecological environment is shared and shared. On this basis, relying on the ancient city Haisi relics, coastal beaches, fishing port scenery, fishery culture and other resources, the three industries do beauty, develop sea, islands, coast fishing family music, leisure fishing, fishing experience, fishery cultural and creative and other projects. From simple pastoral fishing and farming sea, fishing and breeding to the integration of fishing and tourism, the use of a single seafood resources, integration into seascape development and utilization.

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