Shaoguan Qujiang: Perfume lemon is booming, and the results of the four seasons are two prosperous

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.09.29

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Zhang Wen correspondent Tang Zhongxiang Hou Li Li Anqi

Entering the perfume lemon planting base in Yangmei Village, Wushi Town, Shaoguan, a spleen of the spleen of the spleen came to the face. Looking at the aroma, the lemon trees planted in the same piece extended to the distance like a green carpet, while the flavored perfume lemon flashed in the sun with seductive luster. Picking workers shuttled under the lemon tree, busy gaining a barrel of barrels of lemon.

"This kind of lemon fruit is slender, large but without nuclear. The biggest feature is that the peel is sweet and can be sliced ​​directly. It is named" perfume lemon 'because the juice aroma is strong. '. "The person in charge of the base once said that the green pumps of perfumes are like jade, full of round and round, and the taste is sweet and sweet. It is suitable for drinking drinks in the milk tea industry.

In 2016, Zeng Renqi accidentally learned that perfume lemon blooms in four seasons, the results of the four seasons, with a special fragrance, suitable for milk tea ingredients. He believes that the industrial prospects are broad, decisively returning to their hometowns to start a business, and introduce more than 150 acres of perfume lemon. A "crab eating" person.

After many years of unremitting efforts and the guidance of agricultural technicians, he has successfully exposed the power of the planting and seedlings of a set of perfume lemon, and has changed from the "foreign man" to a "local expert". As soon as his lemon was listed, it was favored by the market and quickly sold it. Zeng Renqiang's right to make a decision, expanded the planting base to more than 200 acres, set up a family farm and registered trademarks, and also called on relatives and friends in the village to join in perfume lemon planting.

According to Zeng Renqi, perfume lemon continues all year round, and the fruit is continuously collected almost anniversary. The output is high, and the fever period of the perfume lemon is concentrated from July to October.

Under the guidance and guidance of Zeng Renpower, Yangmei Village has 16 villagers in the planting of perfume lemon. The villager He Bo planted 3 acres of perfume lemon. He said that its own percurse lemon was produced for 2,000 kilograms. Excluding costs, the annual income was increased by more than 20,000 yuan.

In order to develop and strengthen the perfume lemon industry, in recent years, it has continuously optimized the industrial layout, improved the industrial system, and expanded production and sales channels, and upgraded perfume lemon, a "small industry" that drives villagers' income. When talking about future planning, he said that the current total output of the base is about 400 tons and income of more than 9 million yuan. It will continue to expand the planting area and strive to exceed 600 tons of annual output.

The relevant person in charge of Wushi Town also said that the vigorous development of perfume lemon industries has become a shiny industrial business card. Wushi Town will also promote the development of characteristic industries based on this.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Responsible editor | Zhu Jiale

School pair | Zhou Yong

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