Help "return to heaven" to achieve greater results!Changping District Human Resources (Hui Tian District) Comprehensive Service Station settled in Tiantong Science and Technology Park

Author:Beijing Changping officially r Time:2022.09.28

The transparent and bright office environment, simple and neat table and chair equipment ... Today (September 28), the comprehensive service of human resources (Hui Tian) in Changping District is listed on the Tiantong Science and Technology Park. Many ... These problems may be greatly resolved in the future.

Provide "one -stop" service

In the future, it can achieve full coverage in the field of manpower and social security

It is understood that the comprehensive service station is on the first floor of the G2 project of the Tiantong Science and Technology Park, covering an area of ​​119 square meters. Two business acceptance windows are opened to the outside world. Two staff members are equipped with two staff.

"At present, service stations can consult and train for 26 businesses such as enterprises, human resource service licenses, and skill improvement subsidies in the heavenly region, materials acceptance review, handling guidance, and helping service services, and reduce the business of employers and the masses in the heavenly area The distance and time consumption, improve the efficiency of human and social security services in the area of ​​returning to heaven. "The relevant person in charge of the Changping District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau introduced that on the day of the comprehensive service station settled, it was also added to promote the vocational residential balance employment station and the home of the migrant workers in Beijing. After the three service stations, the three service stations will jointly realize the full coverage of employment, talent, social security, and labor relations, etc., to provide "one -stop" services for returning enterprises.

Focus on actual touch needs

The theme day event will be held regularly in the later stage

"Some social security, personnel archives processing and other businesses need to go to the office hall, which will take a lot of time." "" I hope to conduct some skill training in the area regularly to improve the employment success rate of the masses "... Before the unveiling ceremony, the person in charge of the sixth street convenience service center in the town of the town of the return to heaven and the representative of the Tiantong Science and Technology Park settled in a comprehensive service station The seminars for demand docking have been settled. Everyone speaks smoothly and puts forward demand recommendations for social security business management, talent introduction, personnel archives, personnel recruitment and other issues, and jointly plan for the balance of residence.

"At present, there are nearly 300 human and social security public service matters. There are not many business processes and high efficiency, and the company's experience is the deepest." The person in charge said that the actual operation of the service station operates It will be carried out in three stages. "The first stage is the trial operation stage. It mainly focuses on the actual needs of the actual touch, assigns the staff of the service station as an employment service instructor, and accurately connects to the sixth street employment service commissioner of the first town of the town in the sky. The enterprise liaison of the park to form a regular business mechanism, and solve the problem in a timely and accurate solution. "

The second stage is to improve the services of service stations based on the demand for soliciting, and provide the enterprise to provide help to service. After entering the mature operation stage, the service station will officially enter the role of "settlement", sink the business appropriately, and regularly organize the human social security theme day activities to truly achieve the goal of "running less legs and more information."

Provide targeted services

Help "return to heaven" great results

Rely on the previous step, take the initiative to govern, take the initiative, and improve services. The establishment of a comprehensive service station in Changping District Human Resources (Return to Heaven) is an important measure to implement the theme activity of the "Main Style Construction Year" theme activities. The starting point is also an important carrier of implementing human and social security work to help the balance of residence in the heavenly area and promote the stable employment of migrant workers in Beijing.

Next, the Changping District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau will rely on comprehensive service stations to give full play to the role of the operating mechanism of the employment work system, improve the demand for returning enterprises, the demand of the sixth streets of Yizhen, the number of business acceptance time, the number of personnel equipment, etc., and gradually improve the service projects , To provide a targeted manner to provide a comprehensive service of professional human resources for enterprises and residents in the return of heaven, solidly promote the construction of the "one -minute bell of the people in the sky", and help "return to heaven and industry" to achieve greater results.

Photo/Wang Hong Bo Lu

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