The total investment of industrialization projects is 15.67 billion Chengdu High -tech Yidu co -construction zones to start construction 丨 all out to fight for the economy to build

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.28

Cover Journalist Qin Yi

Fight in the fourth quarter, sprint for 100 days. On September 28, Chengdu High -tech Yidu co -established the co -construction of the machine roar. The concentrated construction ceremony of major industrialization projects in the third quarter of 2022 was held here.

The total investment of industrialized projects that starts this time reached 15.67 billion yuan, including the East Materials Technology · Chengdu Innovation Center and production base projects, Ripple Headquarters and High -functional Semiconductor Materials R & D and Manufacturing Base Projects, Hang Ruiguang Power Guidance and Imaging Equipment R & D 10 projects including the production test center project and the BCC Technology Western Headquarters Base Project involved a variety of industries such as integrated circuits, new display, and 5G communications. , Promote the establishment of a strong chain of the electronic information industry, and help the integration and development of the electronic information production city.

Strong chain supplement

A number of projects such as integrated lines and new display are implemented

The reporter learned that this concentrated construction includes 10 industrialized projects including Aifako's illegal leakage equipment and vacuum coating equipment production base projects, Fuba pressure sensor China headquarters and production base projects, and Cisco Microelectronics Headquarters Base Project Essence

Among them, Dongcai Technology is a technology -based listed company specializing in the development, manufacturing and sales of new materials, and has 18 subsidiaries. The company aims at the national key development field and vigorously implement the "1+3" product development strategy. While making a deeper and translucent insulating material, it focuses on the development of optical membrane materials, environmental protection flame retardant materials, and advanced electronic materials.

In addition, it is also a strong chain project in the construction circle. The Rocky -Key Headquarters and High -functional Semiconductor Materials R & D and Manufacturing Base Projects have attracted attention. The total investment of the project is about 3 billion yuan, covering an area of ​​about 69 acres. Project construction is divided into coating OLED phase difference supplement film projects and integrated circuit function membrane projects. The expected output value for 5 years after the project has reached 7.2 billion yuan, and the number of personnel has reached 400.

As a modern science and technology space, the projects of the Gaomao Electronic Information Industry Park Science and Technology Centers for this time covers an area of ​​about 74 acres and a total investment of about 700 million yuan. The planned total construction area is about 100,000 square meters, and the project pair of standard industrial space of the standard elevation standards is mainly constructed with modern science and technology innovation centers integrating R & D, testing, production, and supporting facilities. After the project is completed, it will create a "Zhiyuyintai" that is beautiful, suitable for business, innovative production, and opening up, and realize the organic body of "people, cities, realms, and karma".

Bochuang Technology Western Headquarters Project with a total investment of 1 billion yuan has a planned total construction area of ​​about 50,000 square meters. It mainly builds a 5G wireless carrying network and a new generation of optical fiber access module production base. After the project is completed, it will have the capacity of 4 million communication networks with a light -load and receiving module of a communication network, which will link up the development of upstream and downstream industrial chains to help the cultivation and development of Chengdu's new -generation optical electronic device manufacturing industry group.

Park co -construction and project citation

Gao Xinzhang's advantages are complementary to the "co -construction zone" advantage

Since 2021, in accordance with the deployment of the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee's "Implementation of the Strong Chain of the Industrial Construction Circle", the Chengdu High -tech Zone and the Dudu District have jointly explored the moderate separation reform of the Economic Zone and the Administrative Region. The output value of electronic information companies in the regulation is 495.8 billion yuan.

On this basis, in accordance with the principles of "co -construction of the park, project citation, interest sharing of interests, and risk sharing", give full play to the advantages of the high -tech zone "industry+policy" and "land+supporting" of the Dudu District, planning construction covers an area of ​​1361 acres of 1361 mu "High -tech 共 建 的 的 的 的 的 的 的", currently gathered a number of "153" projects such as Chengdu Intelligent Embers and Technology, and Dongcai Technology, with a cumulative investment of 20 billion yuan and nearly 20 ecological chain companies across the regional layout. The co -construction effect of "1+1> 2" has been formed, and the "co -construction zone" has formed a good pattern of global cooperation, complementary advantages, and shared sharing. A few days ago, the Chengdu High -tech Zone and the Dudu District held a mobilization conference on "Four Seasons of Decisive and Fighting for One Hundred Days", calling on the "Gao Yong Co -Construction Area" to go all out to fight for the economy and build, and strive to sprint the "four quarters".

At present, Laudu District is focusing on the goal of "Science and Technology Heights and Splendid Capital", and fully promotes the "three major structures", optimize and adjust the "four major structures", vigorously implement the leading industrial strong chain to make up the chain, and make every effort to build the world Class electronic information industry cluster. The relevant person in charge of Chengdu Laudu District said, "The starting ceremony further promoted the cooperation of high -tech 郫 成 成 成 to build a demonstration model for coordinated development of the region, and the two districts cooperated to make big and stronger industries."

In recent years, the Electronic Information Industry Bureau of Chengdu High -tech Zone has been committed to attracting projects through the "strong chain and stable chain supplement chain" idea, relying on the industrial foundation of the high -tech zone, solidly promoting the construction of industrial parks and industrial ecosystems, and continuously promoting high -end and clusterization of industries develop. The relevant person in charge of the Electronic Information Industry Bureau of Chengdu High -tech Zone said, "The concentrated construction activity of Chengdu High -tech · Dadu Cooperative District's major industrialization project marks a regional development pattern of cooperation, complementary advantages, and sharing of co -construction and sharing. The first floor. We will focus on the core, screen, end, and network to make the enterprise bigger and stronger. In the fourth quarter, we will put the economy to build the economy in the first task. Pay attention to packaging planning and introducing special policies to promote the development of the electronic information industry. "

In the next step, Chengdu Gaoxin Dudu will cooperate with the co -construction district to promote innovation with exchanges, promote development with innovation, and grasp opportunities to host the 81st World Science Fiction Conference in 2023 to promote production and production of Xingcheng. Based on the electronic information industry,Full -chain cultivate new kinetic energy, strive to create a "new electronic information engine, new science fiction center, and new model of park cities", continuously enhance the ecology of the electronic information innovation industry, and work together to promote the comprehensive development of the Chengdu electronic information industry chain.

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