"Creating" a new vitality "turn" out of the new situation -the development observation of "digital intelligence" of private enterprises

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.09.28

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 28th.

Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Yujia and Sun Fei

In the first half of this year, under the influence of adverse factors such as the "lack of core" in the new energy vehicle manufacturing company, operating income reached 150.607 billion yuan, an increase of 65.71%year -on -year. On September 5th, BYD ushered in the 1 million passenger car shipments in this year, becoming the first car company to sell for new energy passenger cars that exceed millions of units during the year.

Since this year, BYD has invested 6.470 billion yuan in R & D, an increase of 46.63%year -on -year. As of the end of June this year, BYD ’s global cumulative application of 37,000 patents and 25,000 authorized patents.

Coincidentally, the reporter's interview found that a number of private enterprises were focusing on "digital intelligence" practice to promote the continuous acceleration of enterprises and achieve continuous growth of benefits.

Located in the western yak industry group production center in Hongyuan County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province, the fully automatic multi -column bag -type milk powder packaging machine runs efficiently. … In recent years, this yak milk product company with a history of more than 60 years has created a modern manufacturing model of cleaning, equipment automation, and management information through technological innovation, so that the company's production efficiency, product good product rate, energy utilization rate, energy utilization rate The aspects of reducing operational costs have been greatly improved.

"Due to the continuous upgrading of management and production models, the company began to acquire yak fresh milk in May this May, one month earlier than previous years, and the amount of milk collection greatly increased, and the output value in the first half of the year increased by 33%." Pengsozxi, general manager of the source center, said that the increase in output value effectively drove local herdsmen to increase their income and get rich, and helped consolidate the results of local poverty alleviation.

The picture shows the production center of Western Yak Industry Group. (Photo confession of the company interviewed)

For more and more private enterprises, innovation is no longer a "optional topic", but a "required question" that achieves sustainable and rapid development.

"Enterprises from small to large, from doing simple businesses to complex business, from domestic to international, they are inseparable from research and development and innovation." Said Wang Kunxiao, chairman of Yantai Jerry Petroleum Service Group Co., Ltd. In the past five years, this company has invested in R & D and has reached 1.5 billion yuan. It has more than 10 countries and provincial and ministerial scientific and technological innovation platforms, and has 10 R & D bases worldwide.

Leading technological innovation capabilities support corporate efficiency and have repeatedly reached high. In the first half of this year, Jerry achieved revenue of 4.56 billion yuan, an increase of 24.28%year -on -year; net profit was 995 million yuan, an increase of 28.33%year -on -year. "Enterprises will continue to increase research and development and innovation investment, and provide competitive products and solutions." Wang Kunxiao said.

Facing the changes in domestic and foreign markets, the transformation of "digital intelligence" has become the optimal choice for many companies to find opportunities and find it difficult.

As a traditional manufacturing enterprise serving the domestic first -tier home appliance brand, Jiangsu Jiangnan Industrial Group Co., Ltd. has faced multiple tests such as rising upstream raw material prices and downturnal demand for downstream home appliance brands in recent years. In order to seek a breakthrough, the total investment of the enterprise was 310 million yuan, and the "smart factories" integrating intelligent workshops, R & D centers, and supporting facilities were planned and constructed. It has been put into use in the first half of this year.

"The transformation of the number intelligence 'is an inevitable choice for enterprises to achieve high -quality development." Liu Ping, president of Jiangnan Industrial Group, said, "Thanks to the production efficiency of the" smart factory ", the group's production efficiency has improved a lot. Under the influence, 8.53 billion yuan revenue was still completed, and the tax payment increased by 8%year -on -year. "

The picture shows the three -dimensional intelligent storage equipment of Jiangnan Group's "smart factory". (Photo confession of the company interviewed)

Private enterprises are able to engage in research and development and realize the transformation, which is inseparable from the continuous optimization of the policy environment.

As a private enterprise that has long been committed to scientific and technological innovation, the number of patents applied or authorized by Xi'an West Electric Jetong Wireless Network Communication Co., Ltd. currently exceeds 1,000. "In recent years, the protection of intellectual property rights in my country has been continuously improved, allowing us to devote more peace of mind to technology research and development and promote the transformation of technological achievements." Cao Jun, chairman of Xichen Jietong.

In recent years, a series of policies and measures have been introduced one after another to support the innovation and development of private enterprises: During the "14th Five -Year Plan" period, the Central Finance Plan has arranged more than 10 billion yuan of reward funds, and then cultivated 10,000 new special "little giants" enterprises; Continue to strengthen the protection of property rights, and focus on solving the problem of institutional mechanisms that affect innovation and entrepreneurship creation; in the face of complex and severe domestic and foreign environments, a series of bailout measures are introduced around tax cuts and financial support, so that enterprises are fully surging ...

Under the guidance of innovation support policies, private enterprises have increased their investment in research and development, increased R & D output rates, and effectively play the leading role of innovation in the high -quality development of enterprises.

The National Federation of Industry and Commerce recently released the "Report on the Innovation of 1,000 Private Enterprises Innovation Innovation in the 2022 R & D Investment" shows that the total R & D expenses of 1,000 private enterprises in the previous year's R & D investment were 1.08 trillion yuan, accounting for 38.58%of the national R & D expenditure investment, accounting for the whole country 50.16%of corporate research and development expenditures; 23.14%year -on -year, a growth rate of 8.5 percentage points higher than the country, 7.9 percentage points higher than the national enterprises. 54.7%of enterprises have high -tech, high growth, and high value attributes.

"A series of policies and systems that escort private enterprises' innovation and development have continued to introduce, inspiring enterprises to enhance the enthusiasm of technology research and development, enhance independent innovation capabilities, and continue to move towards high -quality development." Cao Jun said.[Editor in charge: Zhang Yongsu]

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