National Society: Summer grain and wheat increasing yield and harvest has become a foregone conclusion to do a good job of autumn grain field management and disaster prevention

Author:21st Century Economic report Time:2022.06.22

21st Century Business Herald reporter Li Sha Beijing report

On June 22, the Executive Meeting of the State Council was held. The meeting pointed out that this year's summer grain and wheat increasing production and harvest has become a foregone conclusion, and the quality is better than all year round. Autumn food is good. This is not easy to provide solid support for the stable food production throughout the year.

We must continue to compact responsibilities to ensure that the annual grain output remains above 1.3 trillion kg. First, we must do a good job in the collection and storage of summer grain, and the quality and quantity to enter the warehouse. Second, it is necessary to implement the summer sowing area such as corn, late rice, soybean corn planting. Third, we must do a good job of management and disaster prevention in autumn grain fields. Grasp the vegetable baskets such as pork.

Why does summer grain increase production and harvest

According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry, as of June 21, 9 provinces including Sichuan, Hubei, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Shandong, Hebei, Shanxi have harvested 301 million acres of "Sanxia" wheat, with a harvest progress of 99.2%, and the country nationwide Large -scale machine collection is basically over.

"This year, the output of wheat is very good. The output of my house per mu is 1200-1300 catties, and the perurone capacity of high water is 1500 catties." Xu Dongcao, a farmer in Hebei Shenzhou, told the 21st Century Business Herald reporter.

The increase in production of Xia grain is not individual. Recently, the feedback of grain farmers in many regions in Hebei and Henan interviewed in Hebei and Henan has increased to a certain extent for the winter wheat production planted this year. On the whole, this year's summer grain and wheat increasing yield has become a foregone conclusion.

During the fall and winter of last year, my country encountered rare autumn floods. The soil in some areas in the northern winter wheat area was overwhelmed. Winter wheat sowing was blocked, causing a total of 15 million acres of wheat in the country for about 15 days, accounting for about 1/3 of the national winter wheat sowing area. Under the disadvantages of the complicated and complicated seedlings of Wheat Wheat and the early stage, why is the food harvest this summer?

Hu Glacier, director and researcher of the Agricultural Product Trade and Policy Research Office of the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said in an interview with the 21st Century Business Herald that this is the result of the common role of "good policies, people's efforts, and help". The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry attaches great importance to the promotion of planting technology, dispatched experts to guide wheat production, increase investment in water and fertilizer in various places, promote weak seedlings, strengthen field management management, etc., and consolidate the foundation of summer grain harvest. In the later period, from wheat grouting to harvesting, the rainwater accumulated less temperature, which facilitated the increase in wheat.

Not only does the output increase, this year wheat prices are also significantly higher than in previous years, showing a high -yield and high -priced pattern.

"I have grown land for more than 20 years, and this year should be the highest price of wheat. When my family first started to pick up wheat around June 12, the purchase price of wheat was about 1.5 yuan. It has risen to 1.57 yuan, "Xu Dongcao said.

Rising wheat price is the result of multiple factors. Hu Glacier believes that the price of wheat is expected to increase the price of wheat in the price of multiple acquisitions, under the conflict of Russia and Ukraine. Lu Fengyang, a wheat analyst at the Shanghai Steel Union Agricultural Products Division, believes that the increase in the cost of farmers' grain planting last year is also an important reason for the rise of wheat prices this year.

Because the price of wheat prices will continue to rise in the later period, Xu Dongcao's wheat will not be sold immediately this year, but it is stored in the grain houses in the village. According to Xu Dongcao, people in the same village have been sold in the same year, and a considerable number of people have to stock up this year.

According to my Steel survey, only 30 % of the farmers sold after the harvest of Xinmai this year, a decrease of about 20 % compared with the same period of the previous year.

Lu Fengyang told the 21st Century Business Herald that farmers 'hoarding food on the one hand was influenced by the international situation and "there is food in their hands without panic"; on the other hand, the cost of farmers' planting costs increased significantly last year. The farmers continued to look at the bullish psychology, covering the food to sell.

Extreme weather has limited impact on autumn grain production

With the harvest of summer grain, all localities actively arranged the deployment of summer grain acquisitions, and launched relevant supervision and investigation.

According to data from the State Food and Material Reserve Bureau, as of June 15, wheat in the main producing area has acquired 11.77 million tons, of which: 1.18 million tons of Jiangsu acquisition; 2.94 million tons of Henan; 2.58 million tons of Anhui; 930,000 tons of Shandong acquisition of 930,000 tons ; Hubei acquired 550,000 tons; Hebei acquired 140,000 tons. The cumulative acquisition of rapeseed in the main area of ​​rapeseed is 430,000 tons.

This year, the farmers' food hoarding situation has intensified, and to a certain extent, it has also increased the difficulty of summer grain collection and storage.

Hu Glacier said that under the initial minimum purchase price of wheat, it mainly focused on the policy collection and storage of state -owned grain depots and large and medium -sized processing enterprises. This year, the price of new wheat is higher than the minimum acquisition price. The diverse acquisition entities actively participated in the acquisition of summer grain. To a certain extent, farmers have stabilized the purchase price to stabilize and increase the pressure of collection and storage.

"In fact, the price of international wheat for reference has fallen, and my country's wheat prices continue to run at a high level of lack of power." Hu Glacier said. Hu Glacier believes that the price of subsequent wheat is likely to decline. It is recommended that farmers sell wheat in time.

In the current acquisition situation, from the perspective of the Hu glacier, on the one hand, the relevant departments and policy collection and storage subjects must have a short -term and large -scale collection and storage pressure expectations and make emergency preparations. On the other hand, relevant departments must also do a good job of publicity work so that more farmers sell wheat early. As the "Mei Rain Season" of the Huanghuaihai area comes, the poor storage conditions of farmers' wheat are not conducive to long -term storage of wheat.

Some areas have begun to rain. Since mid -June, heavy rainfall in the south has continued to rain, South China has continued to strengthen the rain, and the intensity of precipitation has increased after "entering plums" in Jiangnan. In addition, there are high temperatures in many places in the north, and the weather in the northeast is also frequent. Recently, it has affected more weather, and whether it will affect the production of autumn grain to become a topic of concern for many people. Hu Glacier pointed out that the fertility of rice and corn is between 100-120 days, and there are many changes in natural conditions during the period. There is no need to be too anxious about this. At least from the current situation, the high impact of high weather in various places has little impact on autumn grain production. In addition, with the continuous advancement of agricultural mechanization and farmland infrastructure construction, my country's agricultural production technology and the ability to cope with extreme weather have continued to improve. Statistics, in recent years, the area of ​​crops in my country has been stable and the unique area of ​​crops has dropped steadily.

Even if the extreme weather continues or new extreme weather in the subsequent parts of the area, the Hu glacier believes that it can reduce the impact of extreme weather by increasing agricultural investment, increased fertilizer and flood resistance, flood resistance and other artificial intervention measures. Due to the vast across my country and the large -scale latitude, even if extreme weather affects local food production, it has limited impact on the overall grain output.

In fact, after the wheat machine was closed, the local area seized the situation for summer sowing and summer species. According to CCTV News reported on June 19, except for the double -season late rice, 77%of the national summer food crops have been broadcast.

On June 19, the Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Affairs sent three working groups, and organized experts in the science and technology team to go to Hebei, Shandong, and Henan to conduct work supervision and technical guidance to guide local scientific drought resistance measures, high standards and high quality completion Summer mission to promote the smooth development of summer tube.

The working group guides all places to grab, build, supplement the sowing in time, and implement drought -resistant sowing techniques such as rain and "mask water" after the streaming, and ensure that they are full of drought -resistant sowing techniques to ensure that they are full and the sowing period. For the timely and fully excavated water sources, you should poured all to ensure that all seedlings and seedlings are sturdy.

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