GEM refers to the collective rebound of the pharmaceutical stocks in half a day

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.09.27

Zhongxin Jingwei, September 27th. On the 27th, the three major A -share indexes opened collectively. Since then, it has maintained a fluctuation trend. As of the afternoon closing, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose 0.26%to 3059.21 points; the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index rose 0.31%to 10997.02 points; the GEM index rose 0.66%to 2338.31 points. The rise and fall of all trading stocks in Shanghai and Shenzhen was 3301: 1454. The daily limit of the two cities had 43 daily limit and 10 daily limit.

Source: Flush iFind

On the market, in the industry sector, food processing, textile manufacturing, medical equipment, medical services, medical services, airport shipping and other sectors have increased, and oil and gas mining, real estate services, coal mining, small metals, and precious metals led.

In the concept sector, the pet economy, dairy industry, shared bicycle, CRO concept, gene sequencing and other sectors lead the rise, and metal zinc, metal lead, cobalt, scarce resources and other sectors have fallen first.

On the news, recently, the "Implementation Plan for the Promotional Promotional Promotional Activities of Health China" was released. The "Plan" required that it took 3 years to carry out a special special activity of multiple traditional Chinese medicine health promotion, which aims to use the unique advantages of traditional Chinese medicine.

In terms of northbound funds, the net inflow of the northbound funds exceeded 700 million yuan in the morning, of which the Shanghai stocks were flowing exceeded 900 million yuan, and the outflow of deep shares exceeded 200 million yuan.

In terms of individual stocks, the current daily limit shares are as follows: Sunrise Oriental (9.96%), Ganneng (10.03%), Liangpin Shop (10.02%), Tongxing Environmental Protection (10.01%), and Sichuan Run (9.97%).

The limit of the limit of the limit is as follows: Cedar Group (-10.00%).

The first five stocks are: China Textiles, Ultrasound, Zhejiang Zhengte, Rainbow Group, and Tian Deyu, respectively, 70.856%, 58.788%, 50.897%, 41.499%, and 40.639%.

Ping An Securities said that the recent release of the policy risks of the pharmaceutical sector has been released, and the national epidemic has also been well controlled. At this time, pay attention to the sector where the marginal improvement has improved. With the control of the epidemic, the performance of the pharmaceutical industry in the third quarter is expected to achieve accelerated growth. In the middle and long period of time, the basis of the influence of the epidemic period is concerned.

Soochow Securities believes that the two cities have been adjusted down again on Monday, more than 3,900 stocks have fallen, and the market weak pattern is fulfilled. In the short term, if the peripheral market continues to kill, the Shanghai Composite Index 3,000 -point defense war may be launched again, and the underlying bottom is also expected to be formed. Considering that the main index valuation is close to the low point, the probability of rebound after the holiday will also increase. Investors are advised to continue to pay attention to consumption and some high prosperity industries, such as photovoltaic, energy storage, and new energy vehicles.

According to the analysis of Founder Securities, the space of the short -term market continues to fall is limited. The short -term is expected to go out of the rebound trend. The height of the rebound will be proportional to the degree of release. If the amount can be effectively released, the broader market shakes between 3050 points and 3100 points. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

(The views in the article are for reference only, do not constitute investment suggestions, have risks in investment, and need to be cautious to enter the market.)

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