It was only four months after listing, and the secretary and chief financial officer of Dongtian Weishang was exposed to suspected the crime.

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.09.26

Dongtian Micro (SZ301183, the stock price of 23.96 yuan, a market value of 1.917 billion yuan) announced on September 26 that the company received a notice from Zhang Xiaobo, secretary and chief financial officer of the board of directors, that Zhang Xiaobo was executed by the Public Security Organs of Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, live.

According to the data, Dongtian Young landed on the GEM on May 24, 2022, which was only four months old. Zhang Xiaobo joined Dongtian Micro -Subs in November 2019. He later served as secretary and financial person in charge of the company's board of directors. The term of office was from July 2020 to July 2023. In 2021, Zhang Xiaobo received a salary of 360,000 yuan from Dongtian Wei, which is also the salary level of Xie Yun, director and general manager of the company.

In the secondary market, the price of Dongtian Micro -shares has experienced a wave since late August. The closing price on September 26 was 23.96 yuan/share, a decrease of 7.45%, compared with the closing price of 41.96 yuan/share on May 24, 42.90%fell 42.90%. , Already close to the issue price of 22.92 yuan/share.

Dongtian Wei: It will continue to pay attention to the follow -up impact of the incident

According to Dongtian Wei, after a preliminary understanding of the company, Zhang Xiaobo involved in the above matters is his personal case, which has nothing to do with the company and the company's enterprises. At present, the company's operation is normal. As of the disclosure of the announcement, the relevant situation of the public security organs is still investigating. The follow -up impact of the incident will continue to pay attention to the company's promptness in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and regulatory requirements, and promptly fulfill the information disclosure obligations.

At present, Xie Yundai, the general manager, director, and actual controller of the company, is temporarily duty of the secretary and chief financial officer of the board of directors.

Dongtian Micro -Share Instructions (Registration Draft) shows that Zhang Xiaobo was born in April 1984. He once worked in the Shenzhen Branch of the Shenzhen Branch (Special Common Partnership), the Shenzhen Branch, Kunwu Jiuding Investment Management Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Wanpu, Ruibang Technology Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Jiuchuan Capital Management Co., Ltd. joined the Dongtian Micro Subs Company in November 2019, and later served as secretary and financial leader of the board of directors of the company.

Dong Tianwei did not explain the specific situation of Zhang Xiaobo's suspected crime. On September 26, a reporter from "Daily Economic News" called Dongtian Wei. The staff said that Zhang Xiaobo's suspected crime was pure personal act. His family members notified that the specific situation has not received a formal notice, and has not contacted Zhang Xiaobo for the time being.

The reporter noticed that Zhang Xiaobo was still one of the reception staff when Dongtian Wei received an online exchange on September 5. In this exchange, Dongtian Wei mainly discussed with investors' laser radar business layout, VR AR business layout, the company's business growth point this year and next year, the business trends of various lines and profitability in the second half of the year.

In the first half of this year, income and net profit doubled

Dongtian Wei is mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of precision photoelectric film components. The main products are camera filter and optical communication elements. It can be widely used in consumer electronics products, vehicle cameras, security monitoring equipment, and optical communication signal transmission, data The center and other application terminal areas.

However, the first regular report transcript after the listing of Dongtian was not excellent. In the first half of 2022, the company's operating income and net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies were 164 million yuan and 23.9174 million yuan, respectively, a year -on -year decrease of 22.85%and 36.08%. Dongtian Wei said that the decline in the overall shipment of smartphones, the demand for related components decreased, which led to a decrease in the income of camera filter.

In fact, Dongtian Micro performance has fallen as early as its listing. From 2019 to 2021, the company's operating income was 284 million yuan, 458 million yuan, and 403 million yuan, respectively, and its net profit was 20172,100 yuan, 67.8307 million yuan, and 69.14 million yuan. Among them, the income of camera filters accounted for 97.07%, 97.44%, and 88.47%, respectively, and the product concentration was high.

In 2021, Dongtian Micro -income declined year -on -year, which has a lot to do with the largest customer Ophei (SZ002456, a stock price of 5.46 yuan, and a market value of 17.79 billion yuan). From 2019 to 2021, Dongtian Micro's sales of Ophi-Guang's sales were 107 million yuan, 183 million yuan, and 98.783 million yuan, respectively, with revenue accounted for 37.76%, 39.99%, and 24.41%, respectively. In 2021, due to factors such as the termination of cooperation in specific customers and the sharp decline in mobile phone shipments, their own operating performance also began to decline, which corresponds to the decline in Dongtian Wei's sales revenue of 46.23%of Ophi Guang.

After entering 2022, the number of mobile phones was less than expected, and the demand for related products was insufficient. Dongtian Micro's camera filter business revenue decreased by 35.46%year -on -year. However, downstream customers are actively developing end customers in the fields of vehicle, security, and other fields. At the online exchange meeting of investors on September 5, Dongtian Wei said that the company currently vigorously develops the sales of optical communication markets and vehicle -related products. It is expected to be in the second half of the year. The camera filter business has gradually stabilized on the basis of the second quarter and has a certain rise.

The development of new products is one of the measures for market competition in Dongtian Micro. In the field of camera filter, Dongtian Wei launched a new product rotary filter at the end of 2021, which is used in high -pixel camera production. Small batch shipments.

In contrast, optical communication business is gradually growing into a new growth point of the company. In the first half of 2022, the income of optical communication components was 37.3298 million yuan, an increase of 143.49%year -on -year.However, Dongtian Wei said that as the base of sales becomes larger, it is difficult to maintain the previous high -speed growth.In terms of optical communication business, Dongtian Micro has shipped GPON filter and to tube caps in batches, and further develops new product glass non -curved lenses, DWDMs for reuse of waves.Beginning in the first half of 2022, Dongtian Micro continued to increase investment in glass non -spherical lenses.However, the company also said that the new product was pushed to the market and obtained large -scale commercial interests affected by many factors and was uncertain.

Daily Economic News

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