Fund companies accelerate digital intelligent transformation

Author:China Fund News Time:2022.09.26

China Fund reporter Zhang Yanbei

Along with the accelerated application of digital technology such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, and big data in the asset management industry, how to use digital and intelligent improvement in the competitiveness of asset management has become a major issue in front of all institutions. Many institutions have soberly realized that the development of digital intelligence is bringing the opportunity of curve overtaking to the asset management industry. The use of digital technology methods will lead wealth management institutions such as fund companies to start a new round of transformation and change.

As a professional field that rely on information data, the transformation and upgrading of the asset management industry. A group of fund companies have actively act, seeking digital intellectual upgrading, and comprehensively promoting the implementation of relevant financial technology methods in various business scenarios such as investment research, risk control, trading, operation, and marketing.

Digital technology leads wealth management transformation and change

At present, when the asset management industry returns to the origin and enters a new stage of high -quality development, financial institutions must always maintain the industry's leading competitive situation, and we must accelerate the digital transformation process and increase financial technology innovation. From the perspective of many fund companies, embracing the wave of digital technology has become a major event, important thing, and difficult thing for financial institutions to survive and develop.

Talking about the application of digital technology means in the actual value and effectiveness of the asset management industry, Boshi Fund stated that digital technology methods are conducive to the strategic direction of the asset management industry to build scientific and technological competitiveness. Marketing, intelligent investment advisory, investment companionship and other dimensions, vigorously improve the digital capabilities of the company's various businesses, accelerate the system integration and business integration with digital as the core, forming new achievements in digital awareness, ideas, and use; Organization, talent and culture, improve efficiency, reduce costs, and use fintech to become the core competitiveness of the company and occupy a strategic highland for future market competition.

Investment research is the core business of fund companies, and it is also a field that requires a large number of digital technology. According to China Merchants Fund, in recent years, the industry has a universal consensus, and digital technology has been regarded as an important means to break through the personal management scale of the fund manager, improve the performance of combination and effectively control risks, especially the application scenarios of artificial intelligence have gradually matured, allowing digital technology to make digital technology Exploration in the field of investment and research is more deeper. For the analysis of the current situation of deep mining, investment portfolio, the recurrence of the investment process, and the forward -looking simulation of the investment portfolio, a large number of digital technology means to support it.

In addition, in the fields of fund marketing, risk control, operation, digital technology can play an important role. China Merchants Fund said that in the field of marketing, through technologies such as reptiles/NLP/OCR, various types of information on the market can be used to obtain, analyze and refine it, assist marketers to understand customer needs and formulate marketing plans. At the same time, with its own e -commerce and various Internet platforms to help customer managers "understand" customers more.

"The means of digital technology are a necessary condition for the development of the field of risk control. In particular, our company has undertaken a large number of private equity asset management and annuity business. From the perspective of digital technology, the field of risk control is a very complicated system, the demands of risk management, the demands of risk management Merminating and changing. To achieve the construction of the passage management, the construction of a strong and powerful indicator system, computing engine and data centers, and the process and management functions in supporting applications. "Relevant sources of China Merchants Fund said that in the field of operation, data technology can promote the promotion of data technology. The regularized operation process is more automated, while improving efficiency while reducing operational risks, and ultimately externalization to improve customer service.

Chuangjin Hexin Fund summarizing digital technology is an important driving force for the development of socio -economic development, bringing fresh vitality to every industry. In the asset management industry, digital technology such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing are accelerating into various business links that integrate asset management. Especially in the fields of digital investment research, digital transactions, digital risk control, digital operations, digital marketing, etc., these new technologies have improved the efficiency and ability of information collection and processing; And control transaction risks; further open and optimize business processes, gradually realize data -driven, and promote the significant improvement of the operating efficiency of the asset management business; through accurate customer portraits and product matching, timely and efficiently provide customers with more demand products and services.

In general, the application of digital technology has further promoted the online, digital, and intelligentization of asset management business, and finally realized the value of cost reduction, optimizing business processes, and even upgrading business models, and improving the value of user experience and satisfaction.

Multi -scenario of fund companies implement digital intelligent upgrade

At present, the wave of digital technology has risen comprehensive, and the upgrade direction of the public offering industry has been upgraded to "digital intelligence", that is, "digital+intelligence". The industry believes that if you want to realize "digitalization", you not only need cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies, but also upgrade in infrastructure construction, and "digital intelligence" will be derived. Fund companies are investing in manpower and material resources to promote the implementation of relevant fintech methods in various business scenarios such as investment research, risk control, transactions, operations, and marketing.

"In terms of exploring the intellectual transformation, the company probably has the following strategies." According to relevant persons of China Merchants Fund, one is to focus on the improvement of core capabilities such as dataization, platformization, and intelligence. In terms of dataization, the construction of data models with complete and rich data sources, clear business structures, analysis and visualization of massive data processing, excavation, and visualization; platformization, construction business integrated application platform realizes all kinds of systems, applications, processes, data, data, data Open and aggregate, improve the convenience of business operations, and solve the problems of multiple internal systems, splitting of business system processes, and information splitting; in terms of intelligence, the introduction of intelligent basic capacity platforms (machine learning, OCR, NLP, knowledge map, etc. ), Combined with business pain points, constantly explore and try intelligent applications. Second, build a highly integrated IT governance system and linkage mechanism of IT business to create an innovative and open -minded work atmosphere; Third, adopt a gradual order of construction to balance the relationship between short -term demand and long -term strategic goals. Focus on the pain points of business, start with the system of improving the work efficiency of the business department and the system of controlling risks, and then gradually enter the deep water zone. Fourth, find your own positioning, and fully use external resources. The company continues to increase investment in key areas such as platform planning, system architecture, and core functions to maintain dominance and autonomy. On this basis, the specific construction content borrows as much as possible, including shareholders, fintech companies, data providers, etc.

It is understood that the application of fintech has covered all aspects of the business of China Merchants Fund, including investment research, marketing, background operations, and business decisions, which have achieved good results.

Based on the judgment of digital technology will become the core competitiveness of asset management agencies, Chuangjinhexin Fund also attaches great importance to the innovative application of fintech. In daily operations and management, Chuangjinhexin Fund has a special financial technology innovation budget to encourage actively exploring innovation. In the company's organizational structure and position settings, a scientific and technological team is set up in the business line, equipped with full -time technology product managers, responsible for collecting and feedback scientific and technological needs, participating in the evaluation science and technology plan, tracking the construction process, improving customer satisfaction, and effectively promoting the application of scientific and technological applications.

In the advancement of daily work, CIO (chief information officer) personally leads, and the executives of various business lines will regularly hold financial technology co -creation conferences to promote the innovation, consensus and implementation of key fintech work. In terms of partner's ecological construction, Chuangjinhexin Fund actively set up innovative issues with the cutting -edge institutions of digital technology and upstream and downstream partners to jointly explore solutions to obtain a series of breakthroughs.

In terms of investment and research, Chuangjin Hexin Fund has established a knowledge -sharing and efficient investment research system to improve the processing efficiency and ability of investment research information, reduce low value -added working hours such as manual browsing, search, and finishing. More energy focuses on research and investment decisions. In terms of transactions, by the online transaction business online and greatly improving transaction efficiency and quality, it effectively supports the rapid development of the company's business. At the same time, relying on AI, NLP, OCR and other technologies, the company has conducted some practices in terms of structural inquiry instruction generation, greatly reducing artificial enrollment and intervention, and initially realizing intelligent operations.

In terms of risk management, the company's self -developed integrated risk control center covering the pre -investment risk allocation and early warning, investment risk monitoring and early warning, post -investment risk assessment and feedback, basically realized the personalized end -to -end to the characteristics of adaptation business characteristics Risk control. In terms of operation, the company has developed its own systems such as product collaboration platforms and refined operation platforms. By introducing digital technologies such as AI, RPA, NLP, it has realized automatic identification and extraction, intelligent settlement matching, automatic configuration and review of parameters, etc. Function, significantly release manpower input and reduce operational risks. In terms of marketing, by creating a multi -form intelligent customer companion system such as "community, community, telephone", perceive customer voice in real time, through NLP (natural language processing) and data mining technology, create a tender companion library, and conduct intelligent questions and answers , Quickly respond to user companionship.

It is understood that the Boshi Fund's "New Generation Investment Decision Support System" has various applications such as basic functions of investment and research business, the output of core capabilities of investment and research, professional institutional services, business innovation support, and improvement of quality and efficiency to create core capabilities. Taking the quality and efficiency of investment and research as an example, the following problems are mainly solved.

In terms of research and analysis, improve the efficiency and value of research and analysis. The pain point of the research work itself is the inheritance of work efficiency and work. The system solves these problems through intelligent information search, research report data customization, and intelligent research report generation. In conclusion, improve the level of research. In terms of investment, the level of investment portfolio management and investment decision -making. A pain point for investment management is the decision -making before the investment, which requires real -time position and real -time combination index information. This system can provide decision support. For example, before the currency funds are tuned, the impact of the positioning of the position on the long -term period and the rate of yields can be tried. Essence Another pain point is the early warning and disposal of investment risks. Investment calendars, investment monitoring, real -time compliance monitoring reports on the system are important tools for preventing operational risks and compliance risks.

In terms of transactions, increasing transaction capabilities, strict control of transaction risks, and reducing transaction costs. The new generation of investment decision -making systems connect banks, custodian, Chinese bonds, and trading opponents' business. In real time, the underlying data can accurately control the position and automatically calculate the regulatory risk control; Related data to excavate, quickly recommend trading opponents and transaction prices, and support transaction decisions. In terms of background operations, reducing operational risks and improving business efficiency. The new -generation investment decision -making support system of Boshi Fund has opened up the business connection of multiple internal systems, custodian banks, banks, Chinese bonds, and Shangqing to achieve automation, and the efficiency of off -site transactions has been greatly improved. Opportunities and challenges coexist

Fund companies' digital intellectual transformation is not smooth sailing, and at present and in the future, there are still some challenges. Difficulty and opportunities in the process of transformation coexist, but the industry generally believes that digital intellectual transformation is the only way for the company to build a continuous core competitiveness. In the future, it will persevere in the integration and innovation of science and technology and business, and continue to build its own technological strength.

Chuangjin Hexin Fund pointed out that in the transformation of digital intelligence, digital technology is changing with each passing day, and business innovation is also iterating rapidly. On the one hand, how to understand and master the characteristics of new technologies in time, match the appropriate business scenario, and even drive business model innovation, which requires a high degree of integration of technology and business. On the other hand, new technology requires professional data experts, artificial intelligence experts and other digital technology talent teams. As a traditional financial enterprise, professional science and technology partners need to make up for their own shortcomings.

People related to China Merchants Fund also bluntly stated that the asset management institutions are facing a lot of challenges. On the one hand, there are contradictions between short -term demand and long -term strategic goals. From the perspective of the company, the purpose of the platform construction is to achieve the precipitation of knowledge and the effective interaction of work, and finally improve the ability of investment and research capabilities; from the perspective of investment and research personnel, the purpose of platform construction is To grasp the value of the standard and effectively increase investment performance, both need to take into account both.

"Second, in the process of digital intelligence construction, it is necessary to establish mutual trust partnership with business to gradually enhance the depth of business participation. Third, the team's talent structure needs to be continuously optimized and adjusted, considering more data and intelligence, Related technical personnel, how personnel training and organizational development are required. Fourth, the input and output in the process of digital intelligence transformation, lack of objective and fair standards. "The above person further stated that at the same time The opportunities are broad, and "digital intelligence" is becoming a new basic productive forces. With the "intelligent change" drive quality change, pioneers entering the field can give priority to building their own moat, accelerate the development of the company's development, transformation and upgrading, and continuously spawn new formats. New service, new model. Boshi Fund believes that the future digital wealth management experience must be data -driven. The investment in fintech has greatly improved the user experience. In the past, the sales of fund companies focused on the trading links, centered on sales and products, which is relatively different from that of Internet companies with users. User -centric needs to analyze user characteristics based on big data technology, and cannot simply let users answer questions.

"In the future, the focus of marketing is to shift to investor education, precision marketing, and full -process companionship services. Combined with content upgrades and business capabilities in China and Taiwan, to connect online and offline contacts, cover the entire business line, continue to precipitate and optimize data, make digitalization The empowerment platform has become the strongest backing of digital marketing of financial institutions, so as to realize users -centered digital transformation. "Relevant persons of Boshi Fund said further.

Edit: Xiao Mo

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