Ten years!Steel City District to promote the high -quality development of agricultural and rural work in all aspects

Author:Happy Steel City Time:2022.09.26

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it has been the golden decade of the development of the agricultural development of Steel City. The characteristic industries have flourished, the industrial structure is optimized and upgraded, and the amount of agricultural products contains "gold" has continued to increase. On the basis of ensuring food safety, it has accelerated development with pragmatic measures. Featured agriculture, the new momentum of the development of industrial development according to local conditions, a rural new painting of rural areas with strong agriculture, rural beauty, and peasants is unfolding slowly.

Over the past ten years, the Gangcheng District has promoted the high -quality development of agricultural and rural areas in all aspects, enlargement and strengthening the six characteristic industries of "animal, medicine, fruit, flowers, vegetables, and idle", develop 17 leading agricultural enterprises, farmers' professional cooperatives, family farms More than 1,000, ecological agriculture has developed rapidly, continuously deepen the adjustment of the agricultural industry structure, continuously increases the investment in science and technology, accelerates the modernization of agricultural and rural areas, and comprehensively promotes rural revitalization.

Entering the pastoral complex of Qishan Ai Township, the fine -grained cultivation soil, intelligent temperature control, intelligent pouring, intelligent drumming, biological insects and other high -tech agricultural machinery facilities are displayed in front of people. A strong growth of crops leave Liu Weihao, the "New Farmers" on the ground, gave them a new "home" specially made. "We vigorously develop organic agriculture, hire professional and technical personnel, and let each crop eat exclusive 'nutritional meals', including soil and fertilization types through scientific ratio. "Liu Weihao said.

The unique planting method and scientific cultivation management make Liu Wehao's rural complex the "new favorite" for tourists. As soon as it arrives on holidays, it becomes the "main battlefield" of the citizens' parent -child tour. It can experience the fun of picking, but also allow everyone to get close to nature and feel nature. Liu Weihao said: "Compared to the traditional planting model, the fruit and vegetables we have carefully cultivated are deeply loved by the market. We have also established our own brand to enhance market competitiveness through the brand effect and increase the added value of agricultural products." At the same time, Liu Weihao There is no just limited to planting organic fruits and vegetables, but to further expand the industrial chain and create a wormwood production distribution center based on the development of the wormwood industry, integrating planting, processing, sales, and experience. , Agricultural income increased cornucopia.

Shuangyangqiao Village, Aishan Street is a mountain village surrounded by mountains. The villagers used to grow peppercorns on the mountains and the mountains under the mountain. At the end of the year, they could not earn much. The village collective economic income was also weak. Since 2019, Shuangyangqiao Village has begun to plant gold and silver flowers. Through the party branch led by cooperatives, the planting scale has continued to expand, and income has continued to increase. Gold and silver flowers have become the "happy flower" for villagers to increase their income and get rich.

"Since the cooperatives, many people in the village do not need to work outside, and they can make money to support their families at their doorsteps. Planting gold and silver flowers has helped us a lot." Villager Bai Yuanju told reporters. As Shuangyangqiao Village, while planting gold and silver flowers, driving the villagers to become rich together, it also actively explores the road of deep processing. "Our village has cooperated with some pharmaceutical companies. At that time, people come to buy it. When the honeysuckle grows up, the branches are suitable for bonsai, and there will be plans to develop industries in the village. Wang Xin, Secretary of the Party Branch of Qiaocun and Director of the Village Committee.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the steel urban area has focused on agricultural quality and efficiency, farmers' income increase, rural livable and industrial, and fully grasped the supply of food and important agricultural products. As of June 2022, the area of ​​food sowing in the region was 58,500 acres; the region's capable sows reached 21,000 heads, 33 pig farms (households) with a scale of more than 500 heads of annual columns, 108,800 high -quality pigs in the column; The production of vegetables in the region has reached 102,000 tons, the total meat and egg milk output is 23,000 tons, and the output of aquatic products is 119 tons. Continue to do a strong modern seed industry, strengthen the protection and utilization of "three black" gear resources, and introduce the future of the future national modern agricultural industrial park project of Shandong's future livestock and poultry seed industry. In -depth implementation of the brand leading strategy, increase the protection of original ecological products such as "Laiwu Three Black", Wenyuan Peach, Liuqiao Xiaomi, etc. The brand has created a group of "earth names" and "township names" Steel City specialty agricultural brand.

Industry is the foundation of rural revitalization and the guarantee of the development of agricultural and rural areas. Gangcheng District will adhere to the various work of agriculture and rural areas, accelerate the prominent shortcomings of the "agriculture, rural areas", develop and expand characteristic industries, enable color to enable rural revitalization, and strive to paint the beautiful picture of rural revitalization.

Source: Happiness Steel City

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