Get good achievements, praise the harvest, and the four -type outstanding agricultural representatives in Guangzhou were commended

Author:Southern Rural News Time:2022.09.26

The tide of "Feng" is surging, and the autumn light is just right. On September 23, the launching ceremony of the "Celebration Harvest Welcome Ceremony" celebrated the 2022 Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival series of activities was held as scheduled at the provincial modern agricultural industrial park in Zengcheng Simi Mi Mi, Guangzhou. At the launching ceremony, a group of outstanding agricultural -related business representatives achieved great achievements, injecting new development momentum into Guangzhou's agricultural quality and efficiency development.

Guangzhou Kewang Industrial Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Hefeng Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. won the honorary title of "2022 Guangzhou Grain Planting Grand Family"

Grain safety is the "big of the country". Since the beginning of this year, in order to keep the bottom line of food safety in Guangzhou, a group of large grain households took the lead in charge and made significant contributions to stabilizing the basic agricultural disk. In order to recognize the outstanding representatives, this event was specially awarded the honorary title of "Guangzhou City Grain Planting Grand Family" by Guangzhou Kewang Industrial Co., Ltd., Guangzhou, and Daofeng Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. in 2022.

"The evaluation '2022 Guangzhou Grain Grain Family' is an affirmation of our work. We will continue to promote the socialized service of rice production, expand the scale of industrial scale, improve service quality, reduce planting costs for rice breeders, increase planting rice breeding, increase rice breeding rice breeding, and increase rice planting. Income. "Said Tan Zengwei, head of Guangzhou Hefeng Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd.. In recent years, Guangzhou and Daofeng Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. has expanded the scale of hosting services throughout the cooperative, accelerating the process of "full -process custody service" of rice production, and creating a new model of "mechanized rice planting" in Conghua District, Guangzhou. "From the high -quality production of more than 25,000 acres of rice in 2021, to the completion of more than 1,5500 acres of early rice planting this year, more than 16,500 acres of late rice, the" full -time hosting service 'model has increased the yield of rice acres by 10 %, and the profit of farmers has increased by 13 %. " Tan Zengwei said.

The "Grain Planting Grand Family" Guangzhou Kewang Industrial Co., Ltd. has achieved obvious results in promoting high -quality and efficient agriculture and increasing income and income of farmers. Through the construction of land circulation, a large -scale, standardized, and 5G precision modernized Zengcheng silk seedlings planting base has been constructed through land circulation. The company has formed a "company+base+farmer" business model, which drives the surrounding farmers to plant more than 10,000 acres of rice. , Drive more than 5,300 farmers to increase economic income. "While ensuring the high -quality and efficient agricultural development, driving farmers to rest assured to plant food and increase yield and increase income should be the direction of our continued efforts." Said the head of Guangzhou Kewang Industrial Co., Ltd.

Enterprises such as Yuewang Agricultural Group Co., Ltd., Guangdong Haida Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Yuexiu Group Co., Ltd. and other companies were awarded the "Guangzhou Municipal Modern Agricultural Industry Chain Chain Main Enterprise" plaque

As an international first -line metropolis, Guangzhou has actively promoted the deep integration of the first, second, and tertiary industries on the basis of building a "cockpit stone" to stabilize the "grain bag", and use the extension of the modern urban agricultural industry chain as the starting point to explore the creation of supermodels. The new engine of rural rejuvenation in large first -tier cities has supported a number of "Guangzhou City Capital Modern Agricultural Industry Chain Main Enterprise ".

As a representative of the "Guangzhou Municipal Modern Agricultural Industry Chain Chain Main Enterprise", the Yuewang Agricultural Group has formed the "Guangdong Want Wan Mode" for the operation system of the entire agricultural industry chain, which has successfully created a comprehensive development of production breeding bases and comprehensive agricultural tourism development , Complete industrial chain such as supply chain services, smart agriculture, and new retail businesses. "As the main company of the chain, we must constantly improve the operation system from production to sales, seeds to products, and the development of the agricultural industry chain in Guangzhou, and play a leading role in leading enterprises." Wan Junhua said.

Zengcheng Daoxiang Agricultural Professional Cooperative and Guangzhou Ruiling Bonsai Peasant Professional Cooperative were identified as 2022 Guangzhou Farmers Cooperative Municipal Demonstration Society

Guangzhou Liming Agricultural Products Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Conghua Hualong Fruit Fresh Fresh Co., Ltd. were awarded the "2022 Litchi Marketing Outstanding Unit" trophy

In addition, Zengcheng Daoxiang Agricultural Professional Cooperative and Guangzhou Ruiling Bonsai Peasant Professional Cooperative were identified as a city -level demonstration cooperative of Guangzhou Farmers Cooperative in 2022; Guangzhou Liming Agricultural Products Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Conghua Huarong Fruit Fresh Co., Ltd. were awarded " Litchi marketing in 2022.

[Author] Cui Wenbo

【Photography】 Tan Jiafu

【Source】 South China Rural Report

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