Baiyin Jingyuan County has newly increased, mid -risk zone 2+1

Author:Lanzhou News Network Time:2022.09.25

The Office of the Leading Group of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Institute of Pneumonia in Jingyuan County, Baiyin City issued a notice on September 24th. According to the current needs of the epidemic prevention and control work, according to the State Council's response to the new type of coronary virus pneumonia, the joint control mechanism of the joint control mechanism of the "new coronary virus pneumonia epidemic prevention and control of the epidemic control mechanismAccording to the relevant provisions of the plan (9th edition), through the research and judgment of the two -level expert group of the city and county, Jingyuan County decided to add high -risk areas and mid -risk zones in the jurisdiction from 12:00 on September 24, 2022.

1. High -risk zone:

The entire area and Dongxing Village of Dongsheng Town are all classified as high -risk areas, during which "not leaving home and on -site services".

Second, mid -risk zone:

The Dongsheng Town except for high -risk areas as a high -risk zone as a mid -risk area, during which "people do not get out of the region, and the peaks are taken."

The above measures will be implemented from 12:00 on September 24, 2022, and will be adjusted in a timely manner according to the changes in the prevention and control situation of the epidemic.

Source: CCTV News (copyright belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact and delete)

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