Qingyu Harvest Welcome to the event | Tayuanzhuang Village, Zhengding County, Hebei: Smart agriculture is full of vitality

Author:Great Wall Time:2022.09.25

Golden Qiu sent cool, fruity. On September 23, the village of Tayuanzhuang Village, Zhengding County, Hebei Province, entered the harvest season, was full of green eyes, and the greenhouses and ecological facilities and greenhouses were connected in groups, which filled the joy of harvest everywhere.

In the smart farm of the Zhenxing Demonstration Park of Tongfu Village in Tayuanzhuang, the organic vegetables in the constant temperature and humidity environment stretch the tender buds. The villager Tang Xiuying was careful to look at the growth of each hydroponic and lettuce. When he saw the shrinking and fascinating vegetable leaves, he took it off and was so busy.

"You see, this batch of lettuce is estimated to be collected tomorrow!" Tang Xiuying took a piece of leaves and handed it to reporters, "You taste this kind of lettuce, crispy and sweet, more recruit people like it!"

Tang Xiuying is responsible for breeding and maintaining work on smart farms. She cherishes employment opportunities at the door of the house. It is a lot more than before. "

The smart farm of Tongfu Village Revitalization Demonstration Park in Tongfu Village is a smart ecological energy house integrating technology, green, and energy -saving. The real -life display future agricultural development direction and the production process of the product raw materials of the same industry chain product. Planting technology realizes "South Fruit and North", introduces various novelty fruits and vegetables, and attracts a large number of tourists to visit and study.

"Don't look at it with your own eyes, it is really unexpected. This can be described as a surprise and a lot of fun." Walking in a smart farm, Zhang Chen from Shijiazhuang City took a picture while sending a circle of friends to "show off": Every time you take a few steps, you can understand A new technique of modern planting, fish and vegetable symbiosis, qi fog cultivation, Nanguo North species ...

Relying on Tongyuanzhuang Tongfu Village Revitalization Demonstration Park, Tayuanzhuang Village introduced the first, two, and three industry chains. While improving modern agricultural planting, leisure tourism, research training and other projects, carefully planned to create large -scale rural Kangyang Parks, cultural performing arts parks and other projects. Stimulate the vitality of scientific research, culture, tourism, health, health food production, food processing, etc.

Increasing the income is the real harvest. "Our number of tourists in the first half of the year has exceeded 1 million, which has strongly drove the villagers to become rich and increasing their income." Wu Feng, deputy general manager of Tongfuong Technology Co., Ltd., Tongfu Nong Technology, Hebei, introduced that the revitalization demonstration park of Tongfu Village Tongfu Village has been built in a smart farm and a family. There are 8 parks such as farms and Meng Pet Park. Each year, at least 10 million yuan in village collective dividends are arranged to be arranged for employment. In the next three years, 10,000 people will be resolved in the next three years. The per capita income of villagers will increase by 30%per year.

Along the road of economic development of the "half -city suburban", Tayuanzhuang Village relies on the emergence of industrial projects in the city. They bring not only material wealth, but also the happiness index that cannot be bought.

Relying on the advantages of location and resource advantages, Tayuanzhuang vigorously develops characteristics, leisure, green, smart agriculture, vegetable factories, bean sprouts, and tofu factories have been completed and put into operation, developing modern agricultural technology and rural e -commerce, deepening the expansion of three -dimensional soil -free plant, Fish and vegetable symbiosis planting and other projects, which are characterized by smart agriculture to create a demonstration zone of the rural revitalization, have realized agricultural industrialization. Relying on the landscape resources of the ancient city of Zhengding and the Luanhe River, to create rural tourism featuring red tourism, leisure and entertainment, idyllic scenery, rural folk customs, in 2021, the comprehensive revenue of more than 8 million yuan in tourism and more than 32 million yuan in collective economic income were exigned. Transcript.

Industry, prosperous popularity, and rich villagers. Wu Feng said that they will give full play to the industrial advantages of the leading enterprise, improve the production and operation model of "leading enterprises+cooperatives+bases+farmers", rely on modern agricultural green planting and breeding bases, and build a modern agricultural and green health food industry. Stimulate the vitality of scientific research, culture, tourism, and recreation. (Hebei Daily reporter Hao Dongwei)

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