Zhengzhou Industrial Fund has accelerated!Enterprises with the establishment of an industrial reserve project library, enterprises with investment and financing demand hurry up to register

Author:Zhengzhou Evening News Time:2022.09.24

"Promote the transformation and upgrading of industrial funds"

Series of reports

Zhengzhou Industrial Fund Development Speed ​​Speed

Enterprises with industrial preparation project libraries are set up, and companies with investment and financing needs to sign up!

The strength of the Beijing Winter Olympics torch also appeared in Zhengzhou enterprises. Gongyi City is a manufacturer of high -temperature components of the "Feiyang" torch shell carbon fiber and composite materials.

Fan Ruiying was founded by several doctors of Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2015 at the streets and towns of Gongyi City Station. With the concept of dedicating the best "materials" to the motherland, the company focuses on the research, production, and sales of new composite materials. And technical services, the company's products have been applied to many fields such as aerospace engine thermal components and space reflex mirrors, and have become a group of "China" -headed high -tech central enterprises and head technology companies, and even exclusive supply business.

What you may not know yet is that the pan -sharp new materials founded by the PhD team of Northwestern University of Technology, the wondering machine vision founded by the Dr. Tsinghua team, the Cyanut Biology, which replaces imported products in the field of tumor pathology, is all in the company. The start -up period was supported by Zhengzhou Industrial Fund.

Zhengzhou Industrial Fund Development Enter the fast lane

Dr. Wang Gang, a researcher at the Shenzhen Research Institute of Peking University, who has been working on Zhengzhou Industrial Fund for many years, told reporters: "Zhengzhou Industrial Fund has started late, but in recent years, it has developed rapidly in recent years. "

As far as the starting period is concerned, Zhengzhou began to explore the implementation of financial fund -related fund -related reform reforms in 2014. In 2017, Zhengzhou planned to set up the "Zhengzhou National Central City Industrial Development Fund", adopting the "mother -child fund" model, with a total scale of 100 billion yuan, of which 20 billion yuan was the parent fund.

During the exploration period, in September 2019, Zhengzhou National Central Urban Industry Development Fund Co., Ltd., withdrawing a scale of 20 billion, adopted the organizational form of the company's parent fund, and initially planned the direction of intelligent manufacturing, big data, and scientific and technological innovation. , Industrial Fund entered the substantial operation stage.

In the promotion period, on September 9, 2022, the "Administrative Measures for the Zhengzhou Industrial Development Fund" was released. By expanding the original 20 billion scale to 50 billion yuan, the return ratio of the return ratio was reduced from 1.5 to 1, and the classification management, classification operation of industrial funds, and classification operations were reduced. According to different operating models, it is divided into strategic investment funds, technology incubation funds, and industrial cultivation funds.

It is reported that the municipal industrial fund has comprehensively adopted the investment operation of legal compliance methods such as the shares (funding) sub -funds, direct investment, and follow -up investment, focusing on the function of giving play to the gathering and introduction of the parent fund resources, and through the head fund management agency, central and provincial level with head fund management agencies, central and provincial levels Fund operations, high -end R & D institutions, and leading industry capital have cooperated to create a government investment fund group with a scale of not less than 200 billion yuan, support Zhengzhou's "four highlands" construction, and promote the implementation of the "top ten strategies".

Industrial Fund escorted Zhengzhou leading industries

When talking about the impact of industrial funds on industrial development, Liu Ye, managing director of Zhengzhou National Investment Property Management Co., Ltd., mainly manifested in three aspects: First of all, a batch of sub -funds have been set up, which has played a role in magnifying the effectiveness of fiscal funds. Essence Zhengzhou Industrial Fund has participated in the investment of multiple market -oriented sub -funds and county and district funds. Investment support.

Secondly, through the "fund investment", it has played an important role in supporting the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure, major industrial projects and technology -based startups.

In addition, cultivate and explore local potential enterprises and entrepreneurs, and help Zhengzhou build a first -class innovation high. With the continuous enrichment of Zhengzhou Venture Capital Ecology, a number of potential projects have obtained industrial fund financing in the early stage of development.

"As an important tool for government industrial investment funds to guide regional industrial investment, government industrial investment funds have played an increasingly important role in regional industrial development in recent years. Local governments have gathered funds, cultivate industries, promote technology through the establishment of government industrial investment funds, and promote technology. Innovation and regional coordinated development. "Dr. Wang Gang believes that, compared with market -oriented funds, government industrial investment funds have different positioning and functions. The essence is that when the market is simply configured with the market failure of equity capital, the government set up an industrial investment fund. Strengthen government funds supply to equity investment in the region, and give play to government coordination, resource allocation functions and financial support functions. Through the collaboration with social capital, the leverage role of government funds is used to guide social capital to gather in the field of industrial development.

The first batch of 108 companies in Zhengzhou will receive exclusive investment and financing services

What is exciting is that at present, the Zhengzhou Industry and Information Bureau is involved in the establishment of the Zhengzhou Industrial Preparation Project Library, and enterprises are stepping up the submission of materials. This is undoubtedly the snow to send charcoal for companies that need to be supported by funding support.

At the end of April this year, the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology combined the development direction, direction and field of investment funds in the city and the municipal industry guidance fund, and surrounded by traditional advantageous industries such as equipment manufacturing, modern food, aluminum processing, resistance to building materials, clothing home, clothing home furnishings, and clothing home furnishings Reconstruction and upgrade and electronic information, new energy, intellectual connected cars, intelligent equipment, new materials, biomedicine, green environmental protection and other strategic emerging industries, establish an advanced manufacturing industry guidance fund alternative project library, and issue notification organizations district and cities (County) The first batch of 108 enterprises were recommended, involving various types of financing needs of 2.793 billion yuan. After the demand is collected, through the Central Plains SME Growth Index Services Service Platform, the enterprise has multi -dimensional big data, conducts a quantitative assessment of the enterprise's innovation capabilities and growth, sort out enterprise industrial attributes and development status, forms data portraits of enterprises, and invests with investment institutions. Preferences are accurately matched to provide enterprises with exclusive investment and financing services.

As of now, the joint on -site investigation team of Zhengzhou National Investment Production Management Co., Ltd. has completed the due diligence of 27 enterprises and is tailoring for the enterprise to build a special financing plan.

At present, Zhengzhou is leading the new development concept, focusing on the general goal of "being a good national team, improving internationalization, and leading modernization of Henan construction", comprehensively carry out the "three standards" activities, deepen the reform of the investment and financing system, promote the industry Effectively integrate with capital to accelerate the conversion of old and new kinetic energy.

The Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Council came from the principles of "government guidance, enterprise -based, voluntary participation, cooperation and mutual assistance, clear power and responsibility, and industry self -discipline". In order to guide the unit, the city's advanced manufacturing cluster 15 key industrial chain alliances (club) enterprises, Zhengzhou Bank, Zhengzhou National Central Urban Industry Development Fund Co., Ltd., Peking University Shenzhen Research Institute for the initiative Zhengzhou Industrial Financial Investment Alliance It will be officially established recently!

The Industrial Financial Investment Alliance is a shared economy innovation alliance that gathers the industrial, capital, platforms, technology, talents, projects, policies and other factors in our city. It is of great significance to build advanced manufacturing and innovation, openness, and talent.

It is understood that in order to cultivate the new ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship investment in Zhengzhou, seize the new opportunities for industrial upgrading, and accelerate the construction of national central cities, Zhengzhou has planned to hold the "2022 Longzi Lake Smart Island Fund Industry Investment Summit in the Central Plains" in the near future. Activity, activity theme: condense innovation forces • Create the future of the Central Plains. Industry experts are invited to build the development of the industry and build an investment -financing platform to promote the docking of production and finance.

Experts suggest to increase the cultivation of local fund management talents

For future development, Liu Ye suggested that, at the same time, the introduction of head fund managers will increase the cultivation of local fund managers. Head institutions have a large scale, outstanding research capabilities in the industry, excellent historical performance, and high degree of market -oriented investment decision -making, and have advantages in project recruitment and post -investment empowerment. Local investment institutions have deepened local policy demands and industrial demands, and have a localized team with a construction system. Liu Ye said, "Without a group of active and well -known local investment institutions, there is no entrepreneurial ecology in Zhengzhou."

Secondly, improve fault tolerance and convergence mechanism, and the performance assessment focuses on the main indicators. In view of the special attributes of government funds in attracting investment and industrial places, the mechanism is given a certain investment fault tolerance mechanism for such industrial funds during the construction of the mechanism. In the operation of the fund, it is necessary to implement the benefits to the implementation, at least not competing with social capital.

Finally, to ensure the investment in fiscal funds, and further streamline the approval process of the industrial fund, and improve the efficiency of decision -making and management.

Dr. Wang Gang is very optimistic about the development of Zhengzhou Industrial Fund. He hopes to accelerate the advancement and further improve in the following aspects: Combining the establishment of the current government industrial investment funds, referring to the practices of advanced areas such as Suzhou, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, etc., it is recommended to appropriately improve the mother fund moderate to improve the mother fund In the proportion of investment in the sub -fund and strengthening policy guidance; in terms of the selection of sub -fund managers, it is recommended to choose investment institutions that are familiar with the current status of Zhengzhou's industrial and own Zhengzhou "153N" industrial chain related fields and project reserves; In terms of, it is recommended to set up S funds or cooperate with domestic mature S funds to achieve the efficiency of the use of state -owned funds through share transfer; in terms of compliance development, it is recommended to explore the establishment of an industrial investment alliance, through industry self -discipline and policy promotion and guidance of cooperative investment institutions in cooperation. Regulatory operations to promote the healthy development of industrial funds.

Zhengguan News · Zhengzhou Evening News reporter Xu Gangling/Wen Ma Jian/Picture

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