"Black Science and Technology" Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival "Grandland Grasson Science and Technology Museum" shows the charm of smart agriculture

Author:Yutai Rong Media Time:2022.09.24

The booth staff is introducing agricultural drones. Photo by Wang Lei

Chinanews.com, Chengdu, September 24 (Wang Liwen) Agricultural drone, orchard automatic inspection robot, seed testing and sorting equipment ... On the 24th, the China Tianfu Agricultural Expo Park in Xinjin District, Sichuan, full of science and technology The "Grand Country Grain Science and Technology Museum" is very lively, and a variety of agricultural "black technology" attracts citizens' attention.

The audience is visiting the "Grand Country Grain Science and Technology Museum". Photo by Wang Lei

As one of the important activities of the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival in 2022, the "Great Kingdom Grain Science and Technology Museum" was opened to the public from September 23 to October 7, covering an area of ​​about 4,800 square meters, and concentratedly showing the achievements of modern agricultural science and technology. The spacious and bright exhibition halls are divided into eight distinctive exhibition areas, including "Drive Chinese Rice Bowl". Among them, the "Duanzhang Chinese Rice Bowl" exhibition area shows new technologies and new achievements in the management of cultivated land and field management to provide technical solutions for field management, do good diseases and insect pests, and achieve granular warehouses; "insert information wings" The exhibition area revolves around the construction of smart agricultural machinery and smart farms to show the "precise" agricultural working model brought by drone technology.

At the corner of the exhibition hall, an agricultural drone with autonomous spraying function has attracted many audiences to stop and watch. "This agricultural drone collects flight defense and aviation measurement. The load can reach 50 kilograms, achieving agricultural precision." Wang Shichen, a sales manager of DJI Agricultural UAV, introduced the drone spraying system and the wisdom map system to the audience. And visual perception system.

The audience is understanding smart agricultural -related equipment. Photo by Wang Lei

The Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences shows many facilities and equipment such as crop information detection, seed information detection, and environmental information detection. Wang Ya, an engineer of the Animation Technology Department of the Information Technology Research Center of the Academy, said that in addition to the improvement of hardware facilities, in recent years, the agricultural theme digital interactive experience hall, museum, science and technology museum have a great role in agricultural education and popularization. Local agricultural physical display and virtual combination allows practitioners and students to conduct immersive experience and skills training in the interaction of online and offline.

This exhibition attracted many "professional audiences" to visit. "For the first time, I heard that the smart greenhouse production operation can be achieved through the AI ​​algorithm. It turns out that agriculture can also be so 'smart'." On the other side of the exhibition hall, Deng Shiping and his wife who lived in Pujiang, Chengdu are carefully understanding a satellite positioning. Orchard inspection robots with independent navigation, four -wheeled independent drive, stepless transmission and other functions. The couple of Deng Shiping run a citrus planting orchard. Since 2014, they have tried to transform to the ecological orchard, cultivate fertilizer and soil through raw grass, and use enzymes to repel deworming and sterilization, and supplement trace elements for fruit trees. , Develop the orchard better, "Deng Shiping said.

The audience is visiting the "Grand Country Grain Science and Technology Museum". Photo by Wang Lei

Mr. Li, who lives in Wenjiang, Chengdu, came to the exhibition with "goal". "I hope to find the appropriate scientific and technological achievements and realize the little dream of 'family vegetable garden'." Then he continued to visit the exhibition and continued to immersely immersed in the world of agricultural technology. (Finish)

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