@, Lack of funds to start a business?Don't worry!Entrepreneurship guarantee loans to solve worries

Author:Changsha release Time:2022.06.22

In order to help various groups of communities in the society, the state provides individual independent entrepreneurship, partnership operations, and small and micro enterprises with a maximum of not more than 200,000 yuan, 1.1 million yuan, and 3 million yuan. Based on the current loan market quotation interest rate, borrowers and borrowing companies only need to bear 2.2%of the annual interest rate.

Let's take a look at it together!


What conditions do you need to apply?

For personal application for entrepreneurial guarantee loans, it is necessary to be within the age of legal labor and meet the following conditions: First, it belongs to a key employment group, which includes: urban registration of unemployed persons, employment difficulties, re -employment retired soldiers, criminal releases, 5 years of graduation, 5 years of graduation. Ordinary college graduates, employees and unemployed people who resolve excess production capacity, returning to entrepreneurial migrant workers, online merchants, rural independent entrepreneurial farmers, and poverty alleviation; second, in addition to student loans, poverty alleviation loans, housing loans, car purchase loans, 5 In addition to the small consumer loans (including credit card consumption) under 10,000 yuan, I and their spouse should have no other loans; the third is that there are specific business projects in Changsha. Small and micro enterprises apply for entrepreneurial guarantee loans, which need to meet the following conditions: First, the number of people who newly enroll the application for entrepreneurial guarantee loans in that year reaches 15% It is a labor contract with the new recruitment employee for more than one year; the third is that the unit's credit record is good, without arrears of wages of employees, and social insurance premiums such as social insurance premiums.


How much loan can I apply for? How long can I loan?

The maximum loan quota for individual independent entrepreneurship is 200,000 yuan, and the longest loan period does not exceed 3 years; if partnership entrepreneurship or organizational starting a business, according to the number of eligible people, the maximum loan amount is 1.1 million yuan, and the longest loan period does not exceed more than more Three years; the maximum loan amount that small and micro enterprises can apply for is 3 million yuan, and the loan period is up to more than 2 years.


What is the loan interest rate?

The maximum loan interest rate does not exceed the loan market quotation interest rate+1.5%. The borrower and borrowing enterprises only bear the loan market quotation interest rate below-1.5%, and the remaining part of the finance is given discount. For example, the current loan market quotation interest rate is 3.7%. When the loan interest rate is 5.2%, the borrower and borrowing enterprises only need to bear the annual interest rate of 2.2%.


How to apply?

Individuals or enterprises who meet the loan conditions shall apply to the area where the entrepreneurial area (county, city) is located or municipal -level human -social and social departments. Those who apply for a personal entrepreneurial guarantee loan can also be used to the community or street (township) where the entrepreneurial place is located. Submit an application with the Social Security Service Center (station). After reviewing and conducting field investigations by the Human Resources and Social Security Department, it is recommended to go to the Bank to go through the loan procedures.


If there is any unclear related content, you can call the following market or district, county (city) human -social department to call for consultation

Source 丨 Changsha Published

Supply 丨 Changsha Employment Service Center

Edit 丨 Tangwei School Division 丨 Wen Chunyan

Review 丨 Du Jin

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