Xinhua Full Media+丨 Market Recycling Vitality Gradually -the front -line economic signal from the Yangtze River Delta

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.22

Enterprises produce "fire", logistics accelerate "running", and consumption gradually "heat" ... Under the active and effective epidemic prevention and control measures in various places, the reporter visited the front line of the Yangtze River Delta recently that the market further showed signs of warming up, the market The vitality of recovery gradually appears.

The number of orders rose, and the production of enterprises produced "fire"

The machine was roaring, and a whole vehicle went offline ... Entering the SAIC Group's Linkong Passenger Car Factory, a busy scene was in front of him. On the 18th, this factory has basically returned to the daily production status before the epidemic, and can go offline every day more than 900 vehicles.

"Under the impact of the epidemic, re -connection to the industrial chain is our most urgent thing." Chen Peifeng, director of factory director, told reporters that with the gradual return of the supply chain of the Yangtze River Delta automobile industry chain, since June, SAIC Group's automobile production has exceeded 200,000. A year -on -year increase of about 30%.

In the factory of Steorus (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. in Germany, the automotive electric tail door supporting line is operating. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yu Jiaxin)

Behind production and order growth is the rise of the corporate confidence index and prosperity index. Entering the factory of Steubus (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd., which focuses on the auto parts industry, is busy and orderly production. On the semi -automatic production line, the components are cleverly "combined" and assembled as a car electric tail door to support the rod.

Ma Yunjie, the director of the Zhejiang Company of Statuis, said that the order in March and April was about 50 % of the normal period, and it has been fully recovered in June. The shipment is expected to be innovative this month. "The order volume is gradually increasing, and we are also accelerating production. We hope to make up the production capacity that has fallen in the early stage and strive to achieve the goal of double output value this year."

"Complaints can't solve the problem. Enterprises should bravely get out of the 'comfort zone'." Chen Xiaojun, chairman of Ligao Holdings Group Co., Ltd., was busy inspecting factories and visiting customers overseas during this time. While expanding the overseas market, he regards the big health industry as a new track in the domestic market, increases the research and development of related products, and sets a sales target of 500 million yuan this year.

The market expectation of improvement is also reflected in some economics indicators. In May, although the China Manufacturing Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) and non -manufacturing business activity indexes are still below the glory line, they have achieved recovery.

The reporter interviewed in the Yangtze River Delta region and found that with the steady advancement of the resumption of production, enterprises have accelerated the original backlog's inventory. The person in charge of some enterprises frankly stated that the orders lost during the epidemic were difficult to recover at once, but they firmly believed that the market demand had always existed, and the past demand of the epidemic would be released.

Increase the amount of parcels, the logistics accelerates "running"

Entering the Cainiao Station located in the Xixi Butterfly Garden in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, the staff is busy sorting the package. Lu Fei, the person in charge of the station, told reporters that with the improvement of the epidemic and the promotion of the promotion of the middle of the year, since the beginning of June, the number of parcel received by the station has increased from an average of 2,000 per day to more than 3,300 pieces.

Behind the increasing amount of parcels is the accelerated operation of express logistics. According to statistics from Zhejiang Post Administration, from May 20th to June 18th, Zhejiang Post Express Industry reached 2.135 billion pieces, an increase of 5.46%year -on -year. Rookie logistics data shows that this year's "618" express pre -sale of fast -selling rapid service units increased by 110%year -on -year.

On June 18th, a courier station in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, a reciprocal parcel that was collected into the station. (Photo by Zhang Xuan, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency)

At the time of the mid -year promotion, many express delivery companies do a good job of transportation while preventing and controlling the epidemic. puts in two logistics parks in the logistics hub city Yiwu and Wenzhou; the Best supply chain starts a new warehouse to ensure that the diversion of orders is not affected; the automatic sorting equipment of the 60 setting transport centers of Yuantong will improve the transit efficiency Essence

The port is an important "barometer" to observe economic operation. At the Zhoushan Port in Ningbo, the boat came to the boat, and the school was busy. The relevant person in charge of Ningbo Zhoushan Port said that after the first breakthrough in the "3 million standard boxes" mark in April, the container throughput volume of Ningbo Zhoushan Port in May exceeded 3.3 million standard boxes, an increase of over 16%year -on -year, a record high. In May, the average daily increase in the throughput of the Shanghai Port, an average increase of 7%month -on -month, showing the accelerated recovery growth trend.

The demand is continuously improved, and the consumption is gradually "hot"

The night fell, and many "night economy" in Hangzhou became lively. "Recently, the business has returned a lot. On average, you can make about 100 tables a day." Said Xue Meng, general manager of Xue Sanye's iron pot fat pot in a street restaurant in Hangzhou, said that there are still many people line up at 9 pm, and a table is up to 8 tables. Second, "I feel the fireworks are back again."

On the Hangzhou Hubin Pedestrian Street, the peak flow of people on the first day of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday refreshed the highest value since this year; on Nanjing Road, Shanghai, the traffic of the first food store has returned to about half of the before the epidemic ... Many operators lame "Start the blood."

On June 16, in front of the Yintai Department Store in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, consumers queued in the market promotional activity. (Photo by Zhang Xuan, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency)

Instead of speeding up offline, open full horsepower online. During the "618" event, many platforms for feedback sales were better than expected. The total number of orders for the platform exceeded 379.3 billion yuan, and the sales scale of the entire category of the home appliance industry in Pinduoduo increased by more than 100%year -on -year.

10 million digital consumer coupons issued by Hangzhou, Zhejiang on the 17th drove nearly 600 million yuan in two days; Jiangsu has issued Huimin Consumer Consumption in many places, covering catering, home appliances, sports consumption and other fields ...Further boost the vitality of the consumer market."At present, boosting consumption confidence and promoting consumption recovery are essential to stabilize the economic market." Chen Lifen, a researcher at the Institute of Market Economy Research, the Development Research Center of the State Council, said that next, we must strengthen consumer confidence through stability and revenue.Accelerate the expansion of new consumption and constantly excavate consumption potential.

Original title: Xinhua Full Media+丨 Market Recycling Vitality Gradually -the front -line economic signal from the Yangtze River Delta

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