Farmers' Harvest Festival | Fuxin, Liaoning: Reproduction shows the regeneration of "science and technology" on the black land

Author:Global Times Time:2022.09.23

In recent years, the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have resolutely adhere to the bottom line of ensuring food safety, focusing on promoting the improvement of the quality of cultivated land and the protection of grain production capacity. granary".

Golden Autumn September, the season of harvest.

In the corn -soybean band -shaped composite planting demonstration base in Wangfu Town, Wangfu Town, Fuxin Mongolia, a figure sometimes bent over and picks up a pod, carefully check the fullness of the bean grains, and sometimes turns its eyes to the plants standing next to the bean seedlings. Check the maturity of corn.

"It is about to measure the production in the past few days. It is a bit excited and a little nervous." Ma Yuguo is the person in charge of the implementation of this demonstration base, Liaoning Tianfu Ecological Agricultural Development Group Co., Ltd. Since planting at the end of April this year, every seedling on this black land has affected his heart.

In 2021, Liaoning Tianfu Ecological Agricultural Development Group Co., Ltd. circulated nearly 2,000 acres of land from the local area, of which 1070 acres of land were planted in corn -soybean strap -shaped composite mode.

"Choosing soybeans and corn variety can not only ensure the safety of food, expand the planting area of ​​oil crops, but also improve the land real estate capacity, improve the efficiency of moisture and nitrogen fertilizer, and get more." Ma Yuguo said.

The same land area, the same species, is the same, and now two are planted at the same time. How can we guarantee production? The emerging agricultural scientific and technological innovation achievements have given the best answers.

"Our base has‘ three new ’, new species, new varieties, and new technologies. These come from scientific research and technical promotion departments such as the Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Fuson County Modern Agricultural Development Service Center.” Ma Yuguo said.

Corn and soybean band -shaped composite planting. Interviewee confidence

The new method refers to the composite planting of corn and soybeans. Repeated seeds include corn and soybean 2: 4 (that is, corn 2 lines, soybeans 4 lines), 4: 4 (that is, corn 4 lines, soybean 4 lines), 6: 6 (that is, corn 6 lines, soybean 6 lines).

The sowing process is also full of modern sense and "science and technology fan".

"During the land and sowing, the driverless automatic cruise system installed on the tractor will automatically set the ridge distance and the operation wide." Ms. Zhou, the person in charge of the joint custody of agricultural planting at the demonstration base, said that because corn is the corn is the corn is the corn is Sowing at the end of April, and the sowing time of soybeans should be waited until mid -May. The standardized mechanical operations can ensure the accuracy of sowing and conducive to the follow -up growth of the plant.

Mechanized sowing operation. Interviewee confidence

Seeds can be said to be a chip for grain production. The demonstration base deliberately chose two new varieties of Liaodou No. 15 and Liaodou 32. They are the national review species selected by the Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Among them, Liaodou No. 32 has been measured at the site of the national experts in Linghai area. The yield per mu is 325.3 kg, which refreshes a new record of high -yield soybean yield in Northeast China.

Regardless of the new method and new varieties, new cultivation technology is needed to escort.

Fuxin, located in western Liaoning, has nine droughts in ten years and is large. "After the land transfer is over, the first thing we do is to upgrade the infrastructure." Ma Yu Guo said that the demonstration base has laid the underground pipe network and the ground drip irrigation band, and the field management of this system and water and fertilizer is used. Technology not only saves a lot of labor costs, but also saves valuable water resources.

"In the past, a large area of ​​spray irrigation can be poured four or five acres of land in one day, and the same water use, if it is drip irrigation, can be poured 30 to 40 acres." When you are thirsty, you can provide water and fertilizer at any time when you are hungry. At the same time, the efficiency is more effective.

Five months of cultivation is about to usher in the harvest. Although he was nervous in his mouth, he was firm in his eyes, because he believed that with the help of technology, this black land would produce richer golden fruits.

Source: People's Daily -Liaoning Channel

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