Financial and Economics · One week hot news | Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's coordinated new energy vehicle industry layout

Author:Fabrication Time:2022.09.23

1. macro industry

1. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Coordinate the layout of the new energy vehicle industry and guide differentiated and cooperative development in various places

According to the public account of the Industrial and Micro News, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology held the tenth session of the "New Era Industrial and Information Development" series of theme press conferences today. The theme was "active service and integration into the coordinated development of the manufacturing regional regional regional regional". Wang Wei, director of the Planning Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, pointed out that it has focused on optimizing major productive forces. Formulate and implement the layout plan of key industries, and guide the optimization layout of key industries such as petrochemicals, ships, and aviation. In accordance with the principles of "main concentration and regional agglomeration", orderly guidance and standardized integrated circuit, new display and other industrial development order. Coordinate the layout of the new energy vehicle industry and guide differentiated and coordinated development.

2. Development and Reform Commission: China's new energy vehicle ownership has accounted for about 50%of the world

Liu Dechun, director of the Resources Society and Environmental Protection of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that in the past ten years, my country's industrial structure optimization and upgrading have achieved obvious results. The new energy industry is the world's leading worldwide, providing more than 70%of photovoltaic components for the global market; green buildings account for 84%of the proportion of newly built construction area in cities and towns. In the first eight months of 2022, the production and sales of new energy vehicles reached 3.97 million and 3.86 million, respectively, with a preservation of 10.99 million units, accounting for about half of the world.

3.idc: In the second quarter

The IDC report shows that in the second quarter of 2022, the Chinese wearable equipment market shipped 28.57 million units, a year -on -year decrease of 23.3%. Among them, the ear -wear equipment market was 16.18 million units in the second quarter of 2022, a year -on -year decrease of 23.2%. Real wireless headset shipments were 12.73 million units, a year -on -year decrease of 22.1%. After the real wireless market has experienced the renewal of active noise reduction functions and the stimulus of price decline, the driving force of market growth is slightly weak. Most of the head brands show different degrees of decline, but the intelligent process of the local brand and white brand market continues.

Second, company

1. Mixue Bingcheng pre -disclosed the A -share prospectus, intends to log in to the main board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange

According to the official website of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the A -share listing application of Mixue Bingcheng Co., Ltd. has been accepted and officially disclosed the prospectus, which plans to log in to the main board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The prospectus shows that the operating income of Mixue Bingcheng in 2020 and 2021 was 4.680 billion yuan and 10.351 billion yuan, respectively, an increase of 82.38%and 121.18%over the same period last year. As of the end of March 2022, the number of stores in Mixue Bingcheng Company had a total of 22,276 stores. According to statistics from narrow door meals, the number of stores ranked first in the domestic tea industry.

2. Ctrip releases 2022Q2 financial report: net revenue 4 billion yuan

Ctrip Group's second quarter financial report showed that in the second quarter, Ctrip's net revenue was 4 billion yuan, super market expectations, and EBITDA was adjusted to 355 million yuan. From the perspective of the main business, in the second quarter, Ctrip's accommodation revenue revenue was 1.4 billion yuan, transportation ticket revenue was 1.8 billion yuan, tourism and vacation business revenue was 122 million yuan, and the income of business travel management business was 210 million yuan. In the second quarter, Ctrip's overseas platform air tickets and hotel reservations increased by more than 100%year -on -year.

3. In the first half of the year, the total amount of Douyin life service transactions increased by more than 30 times year -on -year

In the first half of 2022, compared with the same period last year, the total transaction (GMV) of Douyin Lifetime's service (GMV) increased by more than 30 times, and the number of motion dealers increased by nearly 22 times. As of August this year, the Douyin Life Service Business has covered more than 370 cities across the country, with more than 1 million cooperative stores, covering catering, wine travel, leisure and entertainment and other industries.

4. Tencent denies the news that reduces the control of Meituan, shells and Didi equity

A spokesman for Tencent said that Tencent does not need to raise funds, nor does it have to reduce its equity timetable and plan, and does not need to sell any shares held for repurchase. Earlier, there were rumors that Tencent was considering the equity of some companies in the hand in order to cash out funds for repurchase. The potential reduction targets may include shells, Meituan and Didi.

5. Pinduoduo will not be launched overseas for the time being "cut a knife"

On September 20, Pinduoduo TEMU will not be launched overseas for the time being. The team may adopt the content community to increase the transaction conversion rate on the mobile terminal. In addition, the budget of the TEMU in September may reach 1 billion yuan, and the market expenses in the first three months will be concentrated in public domain traffic acquisition and content types.

6. Zero Running Cars: Hong Kong IPOs have sold 130 million shares worldwide, with a maximum selling price of HK $ 62

On September 20, Zero Running Automobile announced in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the number of offering shares sold globally from September 20th to September 23rd, the Hong Kong IPO global offering was 130.819 million shares, and the face value was 1 yuan per share. The highest offer price of the shares is HK $ 62, and it is expected to not be less than HK $ 48 per share. Zero -run car is expected to be released on September 29th (Thursday) at 9 am. H shares will be based on 100 shares, and the transaction code will be 9863.

Third, view

1. Zhou Hongyi: The network security company that does not take the initiative to transform within three to five years will disappear

On September 22, Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360 Group, issued an internal letter, announcing that the "360 Government -Enterprise Group" was renamed "360 Digital Security Group". Zhou Hongyi said that the concept of network security belongs to the past small security era. The opponent is a small hair thief and a small Trojan, and the problem of fragmentation by selling goods can be solved by selling goods. In the era of digital civilization, complex technologies superimposed and complex scenes have spawned non -traditional security, including data security and artificial intelligence security. "Selling goods can only solve local problems, and the system can solve systemic risks." Zhou Hongyi said. "In the next three to five years, cyber security companies that do not actively transform will disappear." 2. Wang Chuanfu: my country's lithium resources can meet the needs of 300 million cars across the country.

At the high -level forum in China New Energy Vehicle Development, Wang Chuanfu, chairman of BYD, proposed that we must adhere to lithium iron phosphate as the correct route for power batteries. "Many lithium mines have been found in China recently, but the mining is not so fast, but the market has grown rapidly, and supply is tight." Wang Chuanfu said that my country's lithium resources are generally sufficient and can meet the needs of 300 million cars across the country. Essence

3. Nvidia CEO Huang Renxun: Moore's Law is over

On September 21, Huang Renxun, the founder and CEO of Nvidia, said in an interview with the media. In response to the discussion of the excessive price of the 40 -series graphics card that has just been released, he explained that the performance of twice the performance with similar costs has become "the past" for the industry. The Law of Moore is the prediction of innovation of the semiconductor industry in Intel co -founder Gordon Moore.

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