$ 247 billion!China Construction Co., Ltd. opened the Saudi Arabia market first

Author:China Architecture Newspaper Time:2022.09.23

A few days ago, a consortium composed of China Construction Co., Ltd., Spanish FCC and Saji Sajco Company with Saudi Saudi Sovereign Fund PIF item signed the Saudi Arabia Transportation Tunnel Project (Mountains Part 2 and Third Bid Section Projects (Mountains Part 2 and 3 ) The total construction contract, the contract amount is about 2.47 billion U.S. dollars.

The project includes two parallel high -speed passenger railway tunnels and heavy -duty freight railway tunnels, with a single line length of 15.75 kilometers. And the construction of the section wall.

This project is Saudi Arabia's largest transportation and public infrastructure project, and it is also the pilot project of NEOM New Town "The Line". It is a necessary component and important mileage monument to ensure that NEOM continues to meet its development plan · 2030 new future vision formulated by Crown Prince Salman.

The Saudi Transportation Tunnel Project is jointly implemented by China Construction International and the Middle East Corporation. It is the first project for China Construction Co., Ltd. to enter the Saudi market, which is of great significance to the development of the Saudi market.

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