185 days long!Let Yantai apples sweeter twice

Author:Jiaodong Online Time:2022.09.23

Yantai City Celebrate the Fifth Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival and the launching ceremony of the 3rd China · Shandong International Apple Festival

Jiang Zhongwu, President of the Apple Association of Yantai City, issued five initiatives for the improvement of the quality of Yantai Apple

Jiaodong Online, September 23 (Reporter Wang Xiangrong Li Gang, a trainee reporter Li Yifan) On September 23, "Qingfeng Harvest Welcome to the event" Yantai City celebrated the 5th Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival and the 3rd China · Shandong International Apple Festival launching ceremony in Penglai Sanligou Village in your own. In order to help the Yantai Apple industry continue to develop, Jiang Zhongwu, president of the Apple Association of Yantai City, issued five initiatives for the improvement of Yantai Apple quality.

Eliminate the early mining of apples and ensure the quality and flavor of Yantai Apple. Judging from the results of Apple testing in recent years, Yantai Apple has a gap between the amount of sugar and fruit flavor in the Western province. Given that the Yantai Fuji Apple can only reach more than 14%from flowering to harvesting during the growth period of more than 185 days. Improve.

Wide -shaped densely planted low anvil collection, the cultivation mode is conducive to the ventilation of the orchard, and the fruit light is sufficient to improve the quality of the fruit. The proposal is to change the cultivation mode in the place where the soil and soil conditions are suitable, change the state of orchard depression, and promote the standardization of orchard planting. At the same time, vigorously promote the production of new technologies and equipment for Apple, and promote the integration of agricultural machinery agronomy.

Strengthening comprehensive applications such as water and fertilizer integrated technology, fertilizer pesticide reduction technology, orchard raw grass cultivation technology, pests and pest physics and biological prevention and control technology are conducive to solving the problem of acidification of orchard soil plates and low organic matter content. In the production session, the use of pesticides in the fruit garden fertilizer is reduced, the use of microorganisms organic fertilizer, promoting the resource utilization of liquid silicon fertilizer and agricultural residues in the orchard, and optimizing the ecological environment of the orchard.

Focus on solving the problem that the main apple variety is single, concentrated on the listing period, and high production costs. Proposal to vigorously develop the new Apple varieties of "morning, middle and evening, red, yellow, green, sweet and crispy, and well -known specialty" to achieve the optimization replacement of Fuji varieties and crack the "homogeneity" of the fruit market. At the same time, actively promotes the selection of free baggage -free varieties that are good, disease -resistant, quality, and suitable for mechanized operations, and solve the problem of "high cost" of the fruit industry production.

The industrialization business model of the development of "leading enterprises+cooperatives+farmers" is conducive to active sales and rational storage of fruit farmers and fruit companies. In proposal In the sales and storage link, fruit companies should focus on the quality of Apple to strengthen the graded selection, increase the high -quality fruit rate and commercialization rate, reasonably plan the annual Apple sales ratio and inventory, avoid losses caused by backlogs, and actively carry out representative sale and cooperatives for fruit farmers and cooperatives Financing services to resolve the risk of slow -selling fruit agricultural volume pressure.

Yantai Apple is the traditional advantageous industry of Yantai Agriculture. It has long been a leading position in the country for a long time in the variety technology, storage processing, and industrialization. It has won the first brand of the national fruit industry for 13 consecutive years. The "Haopin Shandong" image logo authorization book. However, in recent years, with the rise of the apple industry in the western provinces, Yantai Apple's advantage in domestic and foreign markets has been impacted, and the leading position has been challenged.

"The five initiatives issued today, the first initiative is particularly important, which is late. Because if our apple is less than 185 days, the sugar content is less than 14 degrees, and it must be persisted at 15 degrees and 16 degrees. It grows more than 185 days. We have calculated it, from blooming to harvest, from 185 days from October to 25th, so we suggest that the majority "Jiang Zhongwu said," After this initiative, fruit farmers can be appropriately enhanced according to market needs, and the quality of apple can be greatly improved. Our apple quality, efficiency, and taste will be better, which will help maintain a leading position. "

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