Every time it is traded (afternoon version) 丨 The two cities over 4,200 stocks fell, and the Shanghai Index fell 3100 points; today, it is not allowed to access the securities system against the securities system?Related person: No case

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.09.23

At 15:00 on September 23, Beijing time, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index closed down by 20.54 points, a decrease of 0.66%, and closed at 3088.37 points, with a turnover of 285.553 billion yuan. At the point, the turnover was 381.988 billion yuan; the GEM fingers closed down 15.51 points, a decrease of 0.67%, close to 2303.91 points, and the turnover was 117.947 billion yuan. The turnover was 172.905 billion yuan.

Individual stocks fell more, and more than 4,200 stocks in the two cities fell. The turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen today was 667.6 billion yuan, which was 29.1 billion from the previous trading day. The northbound funds sold 506 million yuan throughout the day, of which 681 million yuan was bought at the Shanghai Stock Connect, and 1.186 billion yuan was sold for Shenzhen Stock Connect.

On the disk, the blue -chip sectors such as banks, securities, infrastructure, and liquor are relatively anti -declining. Among them, the infrastructure stocks, China Construction Art Group, Dongyi Ri Sheng, and Quanzhu shares daily limit. In addition, photovoltaic, military, real estate and other sectors were once active, but they all showed a downward trend. In terms of decline, car parts, chips, robots and other track stocks have been adjusted collectively, and the daily limit of Zhongshaid, Star, and Jitai shares.

The top five industries are insurance 1.28%, banks 0.42%, and 0.11%of the brewing industry.

The top five industries were electronic chemicals -3.66%, semiconductor-3.52%, tourism hotel -3.13%, motor -3.11%, and software development -3.02%.

NO.1 On September 22, local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the Ukrainian Council of the Security Council in the UN headquarters of New York. Wang Yi said that China ’s position on the Ukrainian issue is consistent and clear. The sovereignty and territorial integrity of various countries should be maintained. The purpose and principles of the United Nations Charter should be observed. The reasonable and safe concerns of all parties should be valued. All efforts to solve the crisis should be supported. In response to the current situation, China has four claims: First, we must adhere to the direction of the conversation. The second is to jointly promote the ease of the situation. The third is to effectively alleviate the humanity. Fourth, we must fully curb the impact of spillover. (Xinhua News Agency)

NO.2 The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology held the tenth of the "New Era Industrial and Information Development" series of theme press conferences today. Wang Wei, director of the Planning Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, pointed out that a group of high -level industrial carriers support regional economic development. Relying on the advantages of development zones and industrial parks, 445 national new industrialized industrial demonstration bases have been constructed. These industrial demonstration bases cover key industries and fields such as equipment manufacturing, raw materials, electronic information, software and information services, creating nearly 30 % of the country ’s added value and value -added. More than 30%of the import and export amount, the total profit of industrial enterprises above designated size accounted for nearly 45%of the country, becoming a high -quality carrier that leads to the differentiated and special development of regional industries. A group of competitive advanced manufacturing clusters are forming. The output value of the 25 advanced manufacturing clusters cultivated by the focus of the focus of the focus of nearly 10 trillion yuan, gathering 25,000 enterprises. In 2021, the output value of 17 clusters increased by more than two digits year -on -year. In the first half of this year, the output value of 25 groups in the first half of this year was 6.2 trillion yuan, an increase of 6.1%over the same period last year. It has become the leading regional manufacturing industry to develop high -quality development and enhance industrial competitiveness. Important forces. (ICBC Micro News)

NO.3 According to Shanghai Steel Publication data, the quotation of some lithium battery materials today rose, and the battery -level lithium carbonate rose 1500 yuan/ton, and the average price was reported at 511,500 yuan/ton; 49,900 yuan/ton; lithium hydroxide rose 2500 yuan/ton; three yuan material rose 5000-10,000 yuan/ton; lithium manganate rose 1500-2500 yuan/ton.

NO.4 today's rumors about high -frequency transactions affect the A -share market. According to this rumor, the anti -mining of the securities system is not allowed today. Whether it is subjective or quantitative involving a new access to the high -frequency system of the securities firm or the seat, it is expected that the volatility will decline and the transaction will continue to shrink. A person from a head broker said that he did not receive a similar notice. The other two brokers responded directly that there was no such thing. This morning, it may be affected by the above rumors, and the A -share market once accelerated the killing. The recent A -share market is also easily affected by relevant rumors due to the small transaction volume, and has caused huge shocks. (Securities Times)

Guojin Securities released a research report on September 23 that Tongwei (600438.SH, the latest price: 49.82 yuan) was given to buy rating rating. The reasons for the rating mainly include: 1) the bidding project of the central state -owned enterprise component of the central bid to highlight the brand status of the leading enterprise; 2) After laboratory certification The logic of +continuous growth "is still established. Risk reminder: The epidemic is expected to deteriorate, the industry expand production scale exceeds expectations, and the technical route changes exceed expectations.

AI Comment: Tongwei has received 2 attention reports in the past month, adding one to increase holdings.

Soochow Securities released a research report on September 23 that the Tianzheng environment (300332.SZ, the latest price: 12.62 yuan) was given to buy rating rating. The reasons for the rating mainly include: 1) The two parties signed long -term gas supply agreements for the project, and the price adjustment mechanism was established in accordance with the principles of locking, price control, and the principle of supply protection; Binding high -quality customers; 3) The current demand of 800 million square meters/year, the total planned demand in the future is 2.4 billion cubic/year; Risk reminder: The construction of the Shen'an Line is less than expected, and the gas volume of Zhonglian coal layer is not as good as expected. AI Comment: The Tianxun environment has received 4 news reports in the past month and bought 3.

Minsheng Securities issued a research report on September 22 that it was recommended to Hangyu Technology (688239.SH, the latest price: 81.69 yuan). The reasons for the rating mainly include: 1) the core supplier of aviation ring forging, two -wheel drive of domestic and international business; 2) the continuous volume of aviation engines, and forging companies benefit from industry dividends; 3) Two of equity incentives to highlight the company's long -term development confidence. Risk reminder: market competition is intensified, long -term agreement termination, raw material prices have risen, etc.

AI Comment: In the past month, Hangya Technology has received 2 attention reports from brokerage firms. It has bought 2. The average target price is 81.78 yuan, which is 0.09 yuan higher than the latest price of 81.69 yuan, and the average target price increases by 0.11%.

Debon Securities issued a research report on September 23 that it was given to Times Electric (688187.SH, the latest price: 59.4 yuan). The reasons for the rating mainly include: 1) the company's fixed point of the Freyo IGBT module project and open overseas expansion space; 2) invest in two medium and low -voltage power device projects, the planned production capacity is 360,000 tablets/year; 3) new energy vehicle electric drive Business growth is obvious; 4) The company's efforts to develop new energy power generation flowers to expand the field of IGBT downstream applications. Risk reminder: New product R & D and market competition risks, new production line production capacity is not as good as expected, and the penetration rate of new energy vehicles is less than expected.

AI Comment: In the past month, Times Electric has received attention from 12 brokerage research reports. It bought 10, with an average target price of 73.52 yuan, which is 14.12 yuan higher than the latest price of 59.4 yuan, and the average target price increases by 23.77%.

Oriental Securities issued a research report on September 22 that Hengyi Petrochemical (000703.SZ, the latest price: 8.41 yuan) increased its holdings. The reasons for the rating mainly include: 1) polyester filaments to dark moment; 2) directly benefit from the high prosperity of ginseng oil products in Southeast Asia; 3) domestic 1 billion tons of oil refining capacity "ceiling", Southeast Asian production capacity expansion is not limited. Risk reminder: The price of crude oil fluctuates sharply; overseas refining products are not as needed as expected; polyester prosperity is not as good as expected; the Brunei second phase of the project is not as good as expected; exchange rate fluctuations.

AI Comment: Hengyi Petrochemical has received 4 brokerage research reports in the past month and bought 4.

Keheng (300340.SZ) stated on the investor interactive platform on September 23 that the equipment of Ningde and German factories is being installed and commissioned, and it has not yet been accepted.

Mo Shao Technology (000700.SZ) said on the investor interactive platform on September 23 that in the third quarter, it was supported by policy, the car consumer market resumed well, the company's product supply was restored simultaneously, and the operating situation continued to improve.

Silicon Treasure Technology (300019.SZ) said on the investor interactive platform on September 23 that the company's "50,000 tons/year lithium battery silicon carbon negative material and special adhesive" project has begun construction. It is planned to be constructed. Complete the infrastructure work before, the first phase was completed in the second half of 2023; the second phase was built within 12 months after the production line was put into production. The company will actively advance and accelerate the progress of project construction.

Tomson Beijian (300146.SZ) said on the investor interactive platform on September 23 that this year, the rise in raw materials has a certain pressure on the cost end, and the impact of internal calculation on the company's comprehensive gross profit margin will not be too great.

Jiangte Electric (002176.SZ) said on the investor interactive platform on September 23 that the company's "exploration and recovery" work is actively promoting and progressing is normal. The company has also launched the preparations for the "exploration and recovery" of the brand building and the Meijia mining area.

China Energy Construction (601868.SH) said on the investor interactive platform on September 23 that the company's hydrogen energy industry is based on the existing industry linkage to make related layouts to enhance the company's energy industry's full chain competition. Signed the integrated investment project of scenery hydrogen storage in Changxing Island, Baotou Guyang and other places, inherited the Hebei New Energy Shangyi Scenery DC micro-network coupling and electrolysis-storage-hydrogen hydrogen system integration and demonstration project, Ningdong renewable energy system Hydrogen and other projects.

Joint Chemistry (301209.SZ) said on the investor interactive platform on September 23 that it is currently mainly producing puppet nitrogen red, yellow, orange organic pigments, and Prussian blue is blue inorganic pigment.

Alto Electronics (002587.SZ) said on the investor interactive platform on September 22 that the company's multiple new LED TV studio for Qatar TV has been put into use. At that time, through Qatar TV, audiences around the world will enjoy 2022 in 2022 The wonderful event of the Qatar World Cup.

Tianrun Dairy (600419.SH) said on the investor interactive platform on September 22 that milk beer is the company's key promotional product. By creating a unique taste of milk for the second fermentation of milk, it is suitable for all ages.At present, milk beer is sufficient.Changxin Technology (300088.SZ) said on the investor interactive platform on September 22 that the company has related technology research and development and layout in the module field involved in the silicon -based OLED.

Daily Economic News

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