Qualification | China Quality Certification Center and other 18 green debt evaluation certification agencies registered through the Green Standard Committee

Author:Quality and certification Time:2022.09.23

Today TIC Morning News

On September 21, after reporting to the People's Bank of China and the CSRC, the Green Bond Standard Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Green Standard Committee") officially released the market -oriented evaluation of green bond evaluation and certification agencies. The registration of the bidding committee plays an important role in promoting the self -discipline and standardized development of the green bond market industry.

In the early stage, in order to promote the high -quality development of the green bond market and standardize the behavior of evaluating and certified institutions, the Green Bid Committee issued a market -oriented evaluation of green bond evaluation and certification agencies, and actively organized member units, infrastructure construction platforms, market institutions and environmental experts in the field of environmental fields. Multi -dimensional market -oriented evaluation of participating institutions.

The results showed that United equator environment evaluation Co., Ltd., Zhongzhong Green Gold Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., An Yonghuaming Accountant Affairs, Far East Credit Evaluation Co., Ltd., Dongfang Jincheng Credit Manage (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 18 institutions such as the office and the China Quality Certification Center were registered.

It is of great significance to strengthen the management of green bond evaluation and certification. At present, the external review of green bonds has become stricter, and it is intended to register with regulators to protect investors and ensure the effectiveness of the market. The Green Standard Committee took the lead in released the results of market -oriented evaluation and strengthened self -discipline management of assessment and certification agencies, which was conducive to the opening of the green bond market to the outside world and in line with international standards.

Strengthening green bond evaluation and certification management will promote the enrichment and improvement of the green bond standard system. The Green Standard Committee gives full play to the role of green debt self -discipline management and coordination mechanism, continues to promote the construction of the green debt standard system, strengthen the regulation of the green debt assessment and certification industry through market -oriented evaluation, restrict the behavior of "washing green" and "drift green", and effectively take good green Debt "access". At the same time, through the survival of the fittest and market -oriented screening, it urges the formation of a group of independent, professional, and market reputation third -party institutions to help the market better identify green economic activities, guide funds to accurately invest in the green field, and use the green debt market to "see the doormen" Characters show and show green attributes to the market.

In the next step, the Green standard Committee will continue to strengthen self -discipline management, maintain the order of green bond evaluation and certification market, regularly carry out cross -inspection and require the evaluation agency to submit a self -inspection report to standardize the behavior of evaluating and certified institutions. At the same time, the market -oriented evaluation work of the assessment and certification agency continues to carry out the "dynamic adjustment, progressive and out" of the registration list. Through market supervision and inspection, the evaluation agencies are urged to regulate the relevant businesses, enhance the purity of green debt products, and promote green debt to green debt The market high -quality development has implemented a major strategy of national green development. | Information Source Shanghai Securities News |

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