Harvesting at the time | Agricultural Knowledge Classroom has started class ~

Author:Southern Magazine Time:2022.09.23

Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival

The rice dumplings are thousands of waves, and the melon is fragrant

Today is the fifth "Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival"

The theme is "Celebration Harvest Welcome Ceremony"

While enjoying the joy of harvest

Agricultural Knowledge Class Class starts class ~


As the saying goes, "The four bodies are not diligent, the grain is not distinguished"

Do you know what is the "Gut Valley"?

Except as food

What are the use of "Gutan"?

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Each agricultural tools are hidden in the wisdom of farming. my country's agricultural tools have developed from primitive wood, stone, and bone system to copper and iron; from the initial manpower to livestock, hydropower, and wind, it has now shifted to mechanization and digitalization. The improvement of agricultural production tools has brought about improvement of productive forces, thereby continuously promoting social development.

"If you want to be good, you must first benefit your instrument."

How many do you know in ancient Chinese agricultural tools?

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"Steamed the heat of the heat, and the back of the inflammation." Now, as my country's agricultural production mode continues to change from manpower processing to mechanization and intelligence, the days when farmers facing the loess facing the sky have gradually improved.

At present, intelligent agricultural machinery that supports remote control has been widely put into use, and farmers have also adopted drones to carry out medication work, and "unmanned farms" have appeared in some areas. The modernization of agriculture has effectively saved human and material resources and promoted agricultural quality and efficiency.

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"Who knows the Chinese food, the grains are hard." The hard work of farmers day and year after year, the hard work came to the delicious dishes on our table. On the occasion of the fifth "Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival", let us pay tribute to farmers, be grateful to the earth, and enjoy the joy of harvest together!

Planning | Lin Lin Li Xiaoxia

H5 | Li Xiaoxia

Responsible editor | Liu Shuqiang

- END -

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