120 million yuan!A shares reproduce the "sky -high breakup fee", and the husband has stepped down as the general manager's wife's top

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.09.23

On the evening of September 22, the Reader Culture (301025.SZ) issued an announcement that the company received a notice from the directors and senior managers Zhu Xiaoxiao. Reader cultural stocks are divided into property.

The Red Star Capital Bureau noticed that before the two were divorced, Liu Di held a total of 19.73 million shares of readers' culture, accounting for about 4.93%of the total share capital; %.

After the two of them divorced, Liu Di divided the approximately 11.16 million shares held by them to Zhu Xiaoxiao. As of the disclosure of the announcement (that is, September 22), the transfer procedures involved in relevant shares have been completed.

Based on the closing price (10.85 yuan/share) on September 22, the total market value of 11.16 million shares that Liu Di cut was approximately 121 million yuan.

After the transfer of the transfer, Liu Di held a total of 8.57 million shares of readers' culture, accounting for about 2.14%of the total share capital; Zhu Xiaoxiao held a total of 16.1 million shares, accounting for about 4.02%of the total share capital.


↑ Screenshot self -reader culture announcement

Public information shows that the readers' culture mainly includes paper book business, digital content business (e -book business and audio book business), copyright operation business, and new media business.

Liu Di and Zhu Xiaoxiao are both "post -80s". Both are "entrepreneurial veterans" of readers 'culture: they all entered the readers culture in 2009, and the readers' culture was also founded this year.

Among them, Liu Di has served as the general manager, and Zhu Xiaoxiao has served as a director, deputy general manager, and secretary of the board of directors.

In October 2021, Liu Di resigned as the general manager for his personal reasons, but he still worked in the cultural copyright related work. The general manager was later replaced by Zhu Xiaoxiao.

According to previous announcements, after Liu Di left, he was nominated by Hua Nan, the chairman of the reader culture, and the board of directors reviewed and approved the relevant proposal, hiring Zhu Xiaoxiao as the new general manager.

The Red Star Capital Bureau read the cultural report of the readers and found that in the first half of 2022, the revenue of the readers' culture was about 254 million yuan, an increase of 6.19%year -on -year; the net profit of the home was about 31.3 million yuan, an increase of 14.20%year -on -year.

Red Star News reporter Yang Peiwen

Responsible Editor Ren Zhijiang Editor Guo Yu

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