Before financing, ask yourself 12 questions, which can effectively improve the success rate of financing

Author:Hu Huacheng Channel Time:2022.09.22

On the road of entrepreneurship, it is inevitable to help the investment institutions. But we were surprised to find that there were too many entrepreneurs who held an outdated financing plan, and the possibility of successful financing was zero.

Financing is a very serious thing, and we must take it seriously. Don't always think that your products are good and you will be able to integrate it. This is a very one -sided idea.

Whether we can make financing successfully depends on whether our information meets the standards of investment institutions.

After reading hundreds of business plans, I found that many entrepreneurs lack the ability to summarize. In order to help everyone improve the success rate of financing, I summarize it into 12 issues. If these 12 questions have a perfect answer, then we still have a greater possibility of financing success.

First, is the positioning accurate? I often tell entrepreneurs to position Dingjiangshan. Once the product is positioned, the product is not good.

For example, suppose you produce a super -looking and good -performance electric bicycle, but the cost is twice as expensive than ordinary electric bicycles. It stands to reason that this electric bicycle only needs to find a good positioning in the city. Unfortunately, you are positioned as "electric bicycles that rural people also love to ride". Isn't this self -seeking?

In real life, although the positioning of many entrepreneurs is not as outrageous as mentioned in the above example, there are many companies with wrong positioning.

In fact, the purpose of positioning is to make you the unique, at least a representative company in a certain field. For example, in the field of competitive shampoo, some positioning is men's, some are positioned as women, some are positioning to prevent hair loss, and some positioning is dandruff.

When it comes to anti -shampoo, people will involuntarily think of overlords, when they are dandruff, people will think of Hai Feisi. This is the benefits of positioning.

Second, is the model designed ruthlessly? There must be a business model accompanied by a business model. Enterprises without a business model are mixed days.

The principle of business model design is to use humanity, reduce costs, improve efficiency, and minimize entrepreneurial risks, but to the highest success rate.

As long as entrepreneurs decide to start a business, then you are no longer an ordinary person. You are a general who needs to fight every day, and you must not have "the benevolent of the woman". Design a business model must be fierce, do not give competitors any chance of breathing.

Because the current social environment has entered the stage of the stock game. The cake is so big. If you are weak, others will finish it directly. Therefore, we must design a set of business models that can swallow cakes alone. Even if we do not swallow cakes in the end, it is worth celebrating to become the industry boss.

Conversely, if we design a set of business models, we are very kind that we cannot get the cake from the mouth of competitors, and we still have to starve to death.

Third, does the product value new? The essence of entrepreneurship is to create new value for the market, not endless internal rolls. If your products are not unique, the cost is similar to the industry. If you want to sell it, it is a price war. This product does not create new value, and it is impossible to get financing.

Fourth, is technology iterative fast? With such a group of people, they never innovated and always lived by imitation. As long as the competitors produce something, they can immediately imitate an exactly the same. The key is that the price is lower than you. This method will force original enterprises to be under great pressure, so it also forces enterprises to have faster product iterations.

Fifth, is the core barriers strong? In the process of development, enterprises cannot only pay attention to external design, but also pay attention to the company's core competitiveness. Because of the external things, competitors can learn. But the inner core competitiveness is difficult to learn because it may be related to the system and culture. If a company can do it in a competitor, then the core barriers are strong enough!

Sixth, is the founding team stable? Many companies are walking away, because the founding team appears internal. Whether a founding team can stabilize depends on whether the founder has sufficient personality charm to attract team members. The team must be unstable.

Seventh, the founder is large? The founder's pattern determines the development level of the company. Some entrepreneurs just have a little profit in the company, and they want to give them a little more, and eventually hurt the hearts of others. The company cannot have a long -term future. Some entrepreneurs do not care about wages, as long as they can live normally, because he wants the equity value of the company after listing.

Eighth, is long -term endurance? It is not so easy to start a business. It is unlikely to start a business today and will be successful tomorrow. Many entrepreneurial teams succeeded after 10 years of hell, and he really needed the endurance of team members. If there are very money in the team, there will be no endurance.

Ninth, is the strategic vision far? Whether a company can walk in the long run depends on whether the company has a long -term strategic vision. If a company only stares at the goal of the last two years, it will be a reduction.

Tenth. Is it enough to control? Some companies will get financing soon, but entrepreneurs have not seen so much money, do not know how to spend, and lack a certain amount of funding control ability, which will make investors doubt.

The eleventh, the words and deeds are high? Entrepreneurs need to see people with shape colors. Because people with high emotional intelligence have a higher probability of success.

The twelfth, is the beginning of entrepreneurship?The original intention of entrepreneurship is very important. Some people start a business to prove themselves. This original intention is not very good.The real entrepreneurial intention should be to solve a social problem.We can compare these 12 problems according to our own situation to see how much can we get?If we are less than 8 points, then we will work hard, otherwise it will be difficult to raise funds!

This is the best era and the worst era. With capital thinking and innovation models, the world is your stage!

In the new business world, there are no eliminated industries. Only the eliminated products and outdated business models will focus on product innovation and model innovation in the future.

If a company or a boss, if the shortage of innovation ability is destined to be defeated in advance, please remember that there is no innovation, how can you have imagination!

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