[Welcome to the 20th National Congress] Minle County has unswervingly grasped industrial strong counties

Author:Xinminle Time:2022.09.22

Minle County is based on the dominant development positioning of the industry, adheres to the strong leader, supplement chain, and gather groups, fully promote the industrial breakthrough development actions, strives to build a modern industrial system, and solidly promote the high -quality development of the industrial economy.

Since the beginning of this year, Minle County has taken the opportunity to implement industrial breakthrough development for three years. Grasp the full load production of time nodes. Accelerate the construction of key industries and new energy projects such as 200 MW photovoltaic power generation in Sandun Beach, high -purity inorganic fluoride salt, and Aisi Potato Powder Pharmaceutical, and strive to strive to be brocade biocalfamal formalum spices, Vervo boron isotopes, etc. The project is put into operation as soon as possible, and supports the cultivation of Cangyu Packaging, Vervo, Tong Test reagents, and Jintuo Biological 4 enterprises to enter the library, cultivate new growth points, further strengthen the total industrial economy, and ensure that the added value of industrial value above 2022 The growth rate reached 13%. Focusing on the national and provincial and cities to maintain a package of economic packages, implement a series of policies and measures such as tax reduction, tax reduction, reserved tax refund, and slow payment of social premiums, accurately help enterprises to solve production and operation difficulties and problems, and promote the promotion Enterprises are stable and increasing.

Source: Minle County Rong Media Center

Reporter: Deng Yongde

Edit: Zhang Dan

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