"Participant Ecology" is still in the initial stage of Zhu Kelai: the positive role of digital technology power as the "strategic mother industry" should be used as a "strategic mother industry"

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.09.22

The standard of "good enterprises" is being redefined. The company must be profitable, but the company's mission cannot stop profit.

On August 29, Alibaba Group (hereinafter referred to as "Ali") released the "2022 Alibaba Environment, Social and Governance Report" (hereinafter referred to as the "ESG Report").

Zhang Yong, chairman and CEO of Ali Board, said that ESG is the abbreviation of ESG, Social, and Governance. "It not only provides us with a series of global risks and challenges, The action framework has also become an important criterion for measuring a good company globally. "

Correspondingly, Zhang Yong also gave Ali's future direction. He believes that as a digital platform company, more than 1.3 billion consumers and tens of millions of merchants and partners are active on the platform. "They are not only our partners of innovation and business, but also our fellow passerby who explores and practice ESG."

How to build a green, sustainable new business ecosystem with these "same passers -by" and create value above business is also the new topic of ESG. "Participants Ecology" began to be mentioned by Ali.

On September 22, at the 2022 China Platform Economic ESG Trends and Practice Seminar hosted by the Daily Economic News, Zhu Keli, the founding dean of the National Research Institute and chief researcher of the New Economic Think Tank, reviewed the "participant ecology" The birth process, and said that "participant ecology" is a community of interests of the interests shared by each participant in digital development. However, there are still many challenges from cognition to practice.

Dr. Zhu Keli, the founder of the National Research New Economic Research Institute and chief researcher of the New Economic Think Tank

"In the process, especially to play a positive role in digital technology for the" strategic mother industry ", it should be a positive role in the" strategic mother industry "and promote the effective collaboration of systems and technologies." Zhu Kelai proposed.

He also said that the digital economy is a means, and green development is the purpose, and it cannot be digitized for digitalization. The key is to determine Qingshan and anchor green, with the "double carbon" goal as the orientation, and guide the digital economy to always drive on the track of green development, becoming a new kinetic energy and main engine with high -quality development.

From "owner -dominated economy" to "participant ecological economy"

"From CSR to ESG, it is undoubtedly a new thing in business history and economic history of thousands of years." At the seminar, Zhu Keli reviewed the background of the birth of the concept of "participant ecology".

Before the concept of "participant ecology" appeared, business was a typical owner economy, and the owner of the owner was the first place of shareholders.

Zhu Kelai said that the commercial base was born in traditional industrial society. The social governance structure was mainly inherited in the 19th century. In the social governance structure, it includes a private domain consisting of residents, individuals and enterprises, and a public domain that basically handle related affairs of the government. Two The people are clear.

However, as the problems in the public domain are becoming more and more complicated, after entering modern society, it is necessary to invest more and more resources and higher costs to deal with social relations and social problems. After entering the 20th century, the rapid development of non -profit social organizations solved many problems in public domains.

Limitation still exists. Therefore, profit -making companies have also begun to do public welfare. By advocating "Business for Good", tens of millions of commercial companies stood up to bear social responsibility and expanded thousands of times to the power of good.

Zhu Kelai mentioned that the practice of making public welfare by profit -making enterprises began in the 1990s in the United Kingdom and other places. It did not achieve social consensus from the beginning. Because the main problem faced by the company at that time was the separation of ownership and operational rights. Many senior managers of large companies, the so -called "insider", were separated from shareholders' "control" and pursued their own interests.

Therefore, at that time, the "corporate governance revolution" was risen worldwide. The main point was to solve the problem of inside people's control of out of control, and the strengthening owner was the ultimate control of the company's company.

The turning point occurred in 1995. Margaret M.blair, an American economist, pointed out that it is not enough to emphasize the supervision and control of the company. She proposed that it was not only Stockholders that undertake the company's risk, but also StakeHolders including employees, communities, suppliers, sellers, etc. Therefore, the company must not only be responsible to shareholders, but also should be responsible for other stakeholders and even the entire society.

"It can be said that this is an important advocate that prompted the transformation of the owner's leading economy in the traditional industry era." Zhu Keli believes that in ESG practice, the platform economy proposes to build a "participant ecology", which is actually "interest -related interest -related related interests related The economy of "more positive expressions," because it emphasizes "ecology" here, it can be called the mobilization and practice of from the "owner's dominant economy 'to the participant ecological economy'."

Become an ecological builder of "a digital enterprise"

So, how to build a "participant ecology"? How should the digital platform be effectively explored?

In this regard, Zhu Kelai said that the internal and external environment put forward higher requirements for digital platforms. He suggested that digital platforms should become an ecological builder of "digital enterprises". He explained that in the digital age, as a market entity and innovative forces, enterprises should actively integrate or actively promote digital economy characterized by digital, networked, intelligent and green development. , Enterprise Border, Internal and External Risks, etc., there are "big people" in the hearts of enterprises.

He also said that various market entities should scramble to become an organic part of the "digital enterprise" ecosystem. The ideal state of enterprises, markets, and governments is that "several companies" jointly guided and supported healthy development and continued evolution under the guidance and support of "effective markets" and "governments".

Zhukel believes that building a "participant ecology" is a micro expression of building a modern market system.

He said that at the "valid market" level, the vitality of different market entities in stimulating platform companies and participants in the ecology of the participants; at the level of "the government", the construction of a modern governance system needs to be strengthened. "There are several enterprises" through the organic combination of the two, which can build mechanism construction and platform construction under the leadership of the industrial chain to promote the formation of collaborative, efficient, fusion, and smooth large, medium -sized enterprises.

"On the one hand, encourage leading enterprises, and openly open technology, market, standards, and talents in accordance with the principles of marketization and rule of law in accordance with the principles of marketization and rule of law; on the other hand, guide large enterprises It can drive and data Unicom and other methods to create a group of typical integration models for sharing and innovation in large, small and medium -sized enterprises. "He made a suggestion.

Zhu Kelai believes that digitalization is a key means, and the most direct effect is to bring industrial efficiency improvement. "Automated method management can optimize production and operation in real time. Compared with the method of investment in a large amount of capital, this Improvement will bring a significant reduction in costs and reduce emission reduction of greenhouse gases. "

In addition, digitalization may also bring new cooperation models. The cooperation of the platform mainly uses the advantages of digital technology to convert to energy storage facilities to increase the flexibility of energy consumption. This includes the exploration of virtual power plants in the industrial field. In the industrial park, it creates a intelligent micro -power grid, interacts with the power grid, and flexibly adjusts the use of power according to the load load capacity. This is mainly due to the considering unstable consideration brought by renewable energy, and it is also a positive scientific response to welcome the greatly increased proportion of renewable energy in the future.

However, he also mentioned that digital technology can provide calculated and planned quantitative parameter standards for carbon emissions on the one hand, and predict the promotion of carbon neutralization and technology application, which effectively reduces unnecessary carbon emissions in many fields, but in addition On the one hand, digital new infrastructure such as data centers also brings huge power and computing power energy consumption, and has become an important source of carbon emissions. For this "double -edged sword", clarify it in cognition.

Give full play to the positive role of digital technology for "strategic mother industry"

In fact, the effect of "participant ecology" is not a digital platform. Other industries have also proposed concepts and models such as "value chain reduction" and "overall zero emissions", which are similar to Ali's "participant ecology".

Zhu Kelai mentioned that FAW will promote the "dual -carbon" governance technology promotion of all vehicle and component companies, and gradually improve the construction of green low -carbon manufacturing standard systems. FAW's Ulshan Factory, Evergreen Factory, Prosperity Factory, Dynamic Magazine, New Energy Movement Factory, etc., will uniformly build a carbon emissions digital intelligent management and control system. need.

In addition, Yumsung China also proposed that in the future, based on technological development and pilot experience accumulation, the feasibility of using renewable energy in operating places will continue to be evaluated. Essence

Although many industries are moving towards the "participants ecology" and their similar concepts, Zhu Kelai mentioned that the participant ecology is still in a primary stage, and there are many challenges from cognition to practice.

He believes that in the process, especially to play a positive role in digital technology for "strategic mother industry" to a greater extent, it should promote the effective collaboration of systems and technologies.

The so -called strategic mother industry refers to the first productive force for the digital industry, which has the first productive significance for the first, second and third industries and the economic development of various fields. From the perspective of innovation and efficiency, development and change, continue to catalyze new technologies, bred new formats, and create a new pattern.

At this direction, Zhu Keli suggested that at the policy level, the "new IT" digital technology power is clearly positioned, strengthen its industrial function, gives them a strategic mission, and enhances it to the "strategic mother industry" in the digital age. Important support for the new advantages of new kinetic energy and national competition.

To this end, he believes that first of all, we must encourage the development of a digital ecology that develops mutually beneficial and win -win, and follow the economic concepts of platforms such as science and technology, sharing innovation, etc., and the government's supervision of the platform should move towards normalization and rule of law.

Secondly, we must improve the ability of digital ecology and innovation, establish mechanisms based on platform ecology to realize technological innovation, and develop key core technologies.

At the same time, it is necessary to improve the evaluation system for the contribution of digital ecological value, especially to dialectically treat the competition and innovation relationships in the process of numbers."Digital ecology, as a 'strategic mother industry', should give full play to its irreplaceable functions and values in infrastructure, service supply, innovation capabilities, social welfare, and sustainable development." Zhu Keli said.

Daily Economic News

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