Fifth Hongqiao International Economic Forum | "Digital Economy Open and Governance" sub -forum

Author:China International Import Exp Time:2022.09.22

"Digital Economy Open and Governance" sub -forum

On November 5, 2022, the Ministry of Commerce, the International Trade Center, and the Zhejiang Provincial People's Government will host the Fifth Hongqiao International Economic Forum (Hongqiao Forum) "Open Communist Governance" sub -forum section " Economic Open and Governance forum aims to build an international exchange platform for digital economy, promote sustainable and high -quality development of the digital economy, promote the extensive sharing of digital economy dividends in all parties, and better empower global economic development.

At present, the development of the digital economy is to grasp the strategic choice of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and new opportunities for industrial changes. From the industrial economy to the digital economy, digitalization is actually "data resources" ﹢ "computing power", which is a new round of international competition. The global digital economy development environment is deeply adjusted, and the digital economy is becoming a key force for reorganizing global factors, reshaping the global economic structure, and changing the global competitive pattern. In this context, the digital economy puts forward new challenges for the original global governance concepts, rules, and order, which also brings a series of new problems that need to be solved. It is urgent to need to be open -minded, regulatory system, and governance environment. To guide the standardized development of the digital economy.

This sub -forum will invite guests in politics, academics and business circles around the situation of the opening and governance of the global digital economy, the practice of the development and governance of the Chinese digital economy, how the digital economy is open and governance to enhance national competitiveness and innovation, and the digital economy openness The impact of the opportunity and challenges of multinational companies, the impact of digital economic governance on future economic and social development, and the latest cutting -edge technologies of the development of digital economy sharing global and Chinese experience. During the sub -forum, the International Trade Center, Zhejiang University, and Alibaba will jointly release cross -border e -commerce research reports.

Welcome guests from all walks of life to pay attention to and register for the meeting. For details, please click "Read the original text" at the end of the article to see more content.

Extending Reading Hongqiao International Economic Forum (referred to as Hongqiao Forum) is an important part of the China International Import Expo. Focusing on the core theme of "Global Open" and the functional positioning of "International Public Products". The fifth Hongqiao Forum will be based on the theme of "Stimulating New Opportunities for Global Open New Energy Sharing Cooperation and Development". In addition to the main forum of Hongqiao Forum (the opening ceremony of the China International Import Expo and the Hongqiao Forum), it will hold "RCEP and higher levels of openness" High -level forums, "World Open Report 2022" release and international seminar, and "open sharing", "open co -governance", "open sharing" three sub -forum sectors.

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