Betel nut is banned, taste king's production license enters the countdown

Author:Lu Yan Business Review Time:2022.09.22

In the face of the policy of the policy, the boiling anti -profit of public opinion, the stealth faucet of the betel nut processing, can you clearly clear the customs this time?

市 Yiwu City, Zhejiang, Nanchong City, Sichuan, Guangyuan City ... More and more cities have joined the team banned betel nut.

In September this year, 36 -year -old singer Fu Song died of too much chewing betel nut cancer, allowing the betel nut industry to appear on the cusp of public opinion again. For China's largest betel nut processing enterprise in Hunan (hereinafter referred to as the King of Taste) The industry crisis may be the front line of life and death that approaches it.

It has nearly 100 billion betel nut industries. It has long been criticized by all walks of life, but it is mixed with multiple considerations such as employment and people's livelihood. The upstream and downstream companies with the taste king as the leader always have a stunning customs clearance.

However, in 2020, the State Administration of Market Supervision did not include "edible betel nut" in the latest revised "Food Production License Category" catalog, which means that betel nut can no longer be awarded food production license.

According to the investigation of the enterprise, the food production license of the taste king has expired last October, and the Hunan Provincial Government extended the local regular betel nut companies according to the actual situation.

As October approaches, the last "amulet" of the taste king will also fail. Where should it go?

The license of the taste king expires immediately

"Unexpectedly, I really didn't expect it." In a small supermarket in the western suburbs of Zhengzhou, he saw the news of Zhejiang Yiwu asking for betel nut. The boss Liu Yu (pseudonym) brushed his mobile phone and sighed.

Among this small shop with less than 40 square meters, betel nut is in an absolute C position. A simple iron shelf presented by the betel nut manufacturer has two iron hooks above. It can be hung in front of the cashier. They will take a bag in hand. Behind the cashier, there is a cigarette counter.

Liu Yu admits that the profit of betel nut and cigarettes is similar, and sometimes single -day sales can exceed cigarettes. Lu Yan Business Reviews saw that the world's and the world occupied most of the iron racks, and they would printed retail prices on the packaging. A pack of 50 yuan betel nut, only 48 grams, is about 1 yuan and 1 grams.

A customer who came to buy betel nut, took a pack of cigarettes, and took a pack of betel nuts. The customer said that he was a full -time driver who drove the car. He usually used betel nut to refresh. "If you smoke in the car, it is easy to be complained."

Compared to ordinary food, the shelf life of betel nut is only 60 days, and it needs to be circulated at high speed.

A person in charge of a period of food in Henan said they rarely received the end of the betel nut. Because each user who can actively repurchase betel nut is more or less addicted. This is the ultimate weapon of betel nut, and the original sin of betel nut.

In September of this year, 36 -year -old singer Fu Song suffered from oral cancer because he chewed too much betel nut. Video was posted during his lifetime, saying that betel nut was terrible. This is like the wings of butterflies, which once again set off the crusade of the betel nut industry in the country.

Especially after the news of Yiwu in Zhejiang's demand for betel nut rushed on the hot search, more and more people paid attention to the industry. "Even without this news, the betel nut industry has no policy basis for survival." A staff member of a market supervision system in Henan revealed to Lu Yan's business comments that in 2020, the State Administration of Market Supervision in the latest "food production license for food production licenses In the category "Catalog," Edible Betel nut "is not included, which means that betel nut can no longer issue food production permits.

The staff also said that the food production license does not require regular review. If it cannot be extended after expiration, it means that the documents are invalidated.

According to the company's investigation data, the Food Production License of the Taste has expired in October last year. Lu Yan Commercial Reviews observed that there is no food production license number on the outer packaging of the taste king, which is a non -allowed behavior in food supervision.

The reason why the taste king can be sold is because of the comprehensive consideration of local government departments.

According to public reports, the Hunan Market Supervision Bureau has before March 2021, the province's normal production, more employment personnel, and continuing to meet the conditions for obtaining the certification, in accordance with the requirements of "six stability and six guarantees", after on -site inspections, after inspection Extend the validity period for the food production license of the enterprise for one year.

That means that the upcoming October will make the last amulet of the taste king's last effect. On September 18th, Lu Yan's business commented on the grounds of purchase and dialing the customer service phone on the taste king packaging bag, and he could still connect artificial services. He said that as long as you leave the store address, you can deliver the goods to the door without pressing the goods. On September 21, the call was called again, and the artificial service link had been canceled, and in the process of entering the investment voice, it was said that the investment promotion has been stopped.

The "red and black" of the taste king

From the betel nut industry, as the taste king of invisible faucet, it has a certain role in promoting the standardized industry and the development of the industrial chain. However, from the perspective of the entire society, the negative impact of the betel nut industry cannot be eliminated by the taste king.

Related data show that in 2020, Taste Wang Group was listed on the top 100 Hunan companies with operating income of 3.676 billion yuan; in 2021, Taste Wang Group was on the list again with a revenue of 4.235 billion yuan.

Although the betel nut processing industry and brand vendors are mainly in Hunan, 99%of planting in Hainan is planted. Under the leadership of Hunan betel nut processing enterprises such as the taste king, it has solved the employment problem of a large number of Hainan farmers. A set of data mentioned by Hainan Daily shows that as of the end of 2019, the planting area of ​​betel nut in Hainan Province reached 1.78 million mu, which is an important source of economic income for 2.3 million farmers in Hainan. However, behind the eye -catching performance, it is at the cost of consumers' health.

Wang Lei, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner in Henan, told Lu Yan for business comments that betel nuts are a blind medicine on Chinese medicine. After becoming a casual food, they have two major harm to consumers. On the one hand, physical damage is harder. When chewing betel nut, consumers can easily cause oral mucosa damage. Long -term repeated damage and ulcers are prone to more serious lesions.

On the other hand, chemical damage. The reason for consumers to be addicted to betel nut is that betel nut contains betel. Cyanine itself has cytotoxic effects, which can directly harm cells, and may also form cancer nitrosamine, which in turn causes cancer.

Public information shows that the taste king has the first smokeless technology in the industry -the green fruit betel nut seeds steam drying method to further soften the betel nut fiber and taste better.

In Wang Lei's view, the taste king only softes betel nut fiber, reduces physical damage, and has no solution to chemical damage to greater health hazards. There is no foundation for existence. "Wang Lei said.

Wang Lei's statement has also been confirmed by the big V of the medical community. Tencent Medical Ceremony, Peking University Cancer Hospital, and Science Popularization of Science and Medical Science Popularization "Zhuang Shili and" commonly released popular science graphics, saying that the betel nut brand claims to "eliminate backward craftsmanship, improve the method of consumption, reduce risks", and want to make betel nuts a kind of betel nut as a kind "Not so poisonous" food, but this is almost impossible.

A person close to the taste king told Lu Yan for business comments that betel nuts are a policy industry. Once the policy is shot, it may fade quickly. Although the taste king is more keen on public welfare, emphasizing the benefits of farmers. However, with the increase in policies and propaganda, the taste king has almost no longer held activities.

It is understood that as early as 2003, betel nut was defined as a first -level carcinogen. However, the Taste King opened an attack on the national market. In addition to Guangdong, Hainan, Hunan, Hainan, Hunan, which had traditional edible betel nuts, Henan, Hubei and other places gradually became a large consumer province.

Talking about this industry crisis, the above -mentioned people still have a trace of optimism. After all, in the short term, the betel nut industry is "one -size -fits -all", which affects too wide face. There are more than 20,000 employees in the taste king. Regarding this matter, Lu Yan's business comments tried to communicate by those who were familiar with the taste of the taste and did not get a response.

From 2003 as a first -class carcinogen to an industry that has grown to nearly 100 billion yuan today, the taste king, as an invisible dragon head, has definitely played an important role in it. Some people in the industry who do not want to be named believes that perhaps the taste king also understands that only if the industry is sufficiently enough can they get a trace of game and negotiation chips.

Can the taste king find vitality?

In fact, the dilemma faced by the betel nut industry is not a case.

For example, Cordyceps sinensis deep processing enterprise Qinghai Spring has logged in to the capital market because of several products such as Jicao. However, since then, Ji Cao has been stopped in the pilot work of health food because of Kun's content exceeding the standard, and Qinghai Spring has to move to the field of liquor.

However, on Taobao and other platforms, Cordyceps sinensis is still selling as primary agricultural products and local specialty products. The betel nut industry, which played an important role in the local economy, also hopes to include it into local specialty products through similar methods.

According to media reports, in 2021, the official website of the Hunan Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau publicly released the "Answer to the Suggestions of the Fourth Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress No. 1247", which stated that betel nut is included in the "medicine and food homologous" catalog, and also It is necessary to strengthen the work with the Provincial Department of Justice and the Provincial People's Congress, do a good job of follow -up work of legislative projects, and strive to determine the positioning of betel nut "local specialty products" through local legislation.

"Local specialty products cannot be independent or separated from the existing market supervision system." An expert from Henan's food industry believes that the best result is to include it in the management method of tobacco -like to reduce the hazard range of betel nut as much as possible. , And no longer allow it to expand market, gradually narrow the industrial scale.

Perhaps the taste king also foreseen the current industry crisis. As early as 2018, he proposed to go abroad to deploy overseas markets in the world. However, many countries around the world have listed betel nut as drugs, and the development of overseas markets has also had great uncertainty.

According to media statistics, at present, the United States and Canada have banned transportation and sales of betel nuts in all aspects. India has also legislated to regulate the sales of betel nut. It is required that the sales of betel nut must be obviously pasted on the packaging. Even in Turkey, betel nuts are considered drugs, and Chinese people carry betel nut into Turkey's trap.

In addition, today's domestic markets cannot approve food production licenses. If they do not have an accident, it means that the taste king can only build the factory overseas, which will increase the cost of the cost.

For the taste king of good cash flow, it is also considering transformation.

Lu Yan's commercial comments found that after the expiration of the Food Production License of the Food Food in October last year, the following month, in November, Guo Zhiguang and Guo Yan's father and son established Hainan Zhengda Jinyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd.Interestingly, in the scope of operation, in addition to betel nut processing, the relatively significant business scope also includes electronic smoke liders (non -tobacco products, non -tobacco ingredients) production, electronic tobacco (non -tobacco products, non -tobacco ingredients without tobacco ingredients)Sales.

It is not difficult to see that Guo Zhiguang's father and son may bet on the next addictive industry, which is the obsession between the father and son.

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