From the origin of the Red Revolution, to those who broke the Green Industrial Revolution, how can Changsha become the star of the wisdom of great powers?

Author:Zhigu Trend Time:2022.09.21

◎ Zhigu Trend (ID: ZGTREND) | Wang Zhanxin

There are rumors that there are two provinces in Hunan, one is Changsha and the other is Shenzhen.

Although it is a play, this city does have similarities. They have gathered a large number of Hunan talents. They are good at making Hunan cuisine. They all have the spirit of "dare to be the world first". They are all "City of Miracle" ...

Look at Shenzhen, in forty years, a small fishing village has been transformed into a modern metropolis with global influence, breaking one record after another in the history of urban development.

The same is true for Changsha. In 20 years, a common city that is not along the coast and aside is made into a first -class and world -renowned big city in China.

On September 20, Changsha successfully held a press conference to promote high -quality economic development.

It was proposed at the meeting that in 2000, Changsha's GDP was only 65.6 billion yuan, and the GDP in 2021 soared to 1327.07 billion yuan, spanning 700 billion steps, ranking 6th in the provincial capital cities. At the same time, it also surpassed the deputy provincial cities such as Xi'an, Changchun, Jinan, Harbin, Shenyang, Dalian and other provincial -level cities.

I have to say that Changsha is a dazzling "dark horse" in the history of China's urban development.

What does such a large economic increase rely on?

Is it relying on "Tea Yan Yue Se" and "Wen and Friends"? No, Changsha's catering revenue in 2021 was only 47.529 billion yuan.

Is it relying on land, speculation, and "leverage"? On the contrary, the average house price in Changsha was in early 10,000 (at the lowest position in the new first -tier cities), and the fantasies of countless housing groups were buried.

Is it relying on mineral resources or central policies? Without this life! Changsha's mining revenue in 2021 was only 2.693 billion yuan, which was almost negligible. In terms of policies, there are no pieces of golden signs such as "deputy provincial cities" and "national central cities".

So, how did the "Changsha Miracle" realize? With this question, I went to Changsha to do a field inspection.

After traveling throughout the city of Changsha 6 districts and 1 county, I found that this millennium ancient city is full of vitality and innovation every day. The capital, the capital of the new intelligence, the capital of the new energy).

"Changsha Industrial Index" has always been the vane of China's economy.

We all know that real estate and large infrastructure were the number one engine of the Chinese economy. Before the epidemic, we made the world's largest real estate enterprise, the world's largest high -rise building, the world's longest highway, the world's most developed high -speed rail network ...

In the process of demolition and large construction, construction machinery from Sanyi Heavy Industry, Zhonglian Heavy Section, Railway Construction Heavy Industry and Shanhe Smart (such as bulldozers, excavators, cranes, loaders, pile machines) played a role in the mainstay.

These four companies are ranked in the top 50 construction machinery in the world, and they are all authentic Changsha companies.

Changsha is one of the world's three major construction machinery industries. The total output value of construction machinery accounts for about 27.5%of China and 7.2%of the world's global, and its products have covered 180 countries and regions (as of July 2021).

The staff of Sany Heavy Industry told me that they reported data to the decision -making layer every month, "excavator index report".

This report allows superiors to understand the popularity of Chinese infrastructure, and provide important basis for formulating and adjusting the policy of the Great Political Political Political Prescription.

However, with the "cold" real estate real estate and the decline of infrastructure tide, the construction machinery market has begun to decline, and the equipment manufacturing industry of Changsha has entered a period of steady growth.

It is magical that Changsha's manufacturing industry is still developing rapidly.

On September 15th and 16th, Changsha City held a special press conference on "Changsha · Extraordinary Ten Years" to build a special press conference of the national advanced manufacturing highland and create a special press conference with core competitive science and technology innovation highland.

At the meeting, the Changsha Industry and Information Bureau pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the development of the Changsha Manufacturing Industry has set up a new starting point. With five billion -level 100 billion -level industrial clusters.

Here, I also want to focus on the new material industry in Changsha.

How important is the new material? Without revolutionary materials, there will be no three industrial revolution.

In the 19th century, steel materials accelerated the first industrial revolution process, and machine -based production replaced handicraft production;

Decades later, the invention of electromagnetic materials promoted the second industrial revolution, and the machinery production moved to industrialized production;

In the 20th century, the emergence of semiconductor materials promoted human beings to information technology and ushered in the third industrial revolution.

The fourth industrial revolution with new materials is about to come, of course, Changsha cannot be missed.

In 2021, there were 430 companies above the designated size of Changsha New Materials, with a total output value of the scale of about 163 billion yuan, an increase of about 25%.

Driven by Changsha, the brothers cities in Hunan Province are also vigorously developing the new material industry. In 2021, Hunan's new material enterprises realized full -caliber operating income of 661.5 billion yuan, achieving a value -added growth rate of 14.4%.

You know, Hunan, which is centered on Changsha, is recognized as a new Chinese material town in China, and even surpasses the coastal provinces in the segment.

Advanced steel materials such as shipbuilding board, marine platform steel, extreme thinning steel resistance steel, etc., the Chinese market share is the first;

Hard alloy materials occupy half of the country in the country's hard alloy industry;

Advanced energy storage materials industry positive electrode materials, front -drive body and other fields are in the leading position in the country;

Lithium polymer, hentide, polymer composite materials and other chemical new materials products have outstanding advantages;

Large aircraft take -off system, equipped with large -size alloy materials, high -performance silicon carbide fiber, aramine material, polyanide film material, etc. to achieve breakthrough progress and enter the industrialization process;

A number of key materials such as high -performance titanium, special cable, carbon/carbon composite materials, high -performance difficult melting metal base composite materials, structural carrier -absorbing composite materials have played a key role in important areas such as aerospace, national defense equipment, and nuclear power.


Seeing so many hard -to -understand nouns, it is estimated that many readers' reactions are like this:

Screenshot from network video

Hahaha, let me give you a while.

Among all new materials, the chip is the most headache for the Chinese. Everyone knows that the U.S. government has made a comprehensive blockade of China's chip industry to try to prevent the Chinese from lighting up technology trees.

In order to help the country solve the problem of "stuck neck", the Changsha people began to "dead" the third -generation semiconductor technology and make every effort to develop the integrated circuit industry.

According to the "Red Network" report, Changsha occupy three major CPUs, GPUs, DSP, and FPGAs of the four major chips. It is currently the only city in the country that can realize the three major chips. Glip is known as the "Fourth City of China Domestic Chip" after Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen.

In addition to semiconductor materials, carbon -based materials are also an important position for global scientific and technological warfare.

Carbon -based materials are key materials for national defense security and national economic construction. They have extremely broad application scenarios and difficult market spaces.

Therefore, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology incorporated carbon -based materials into the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" raw material industry -related development plan, and incorporated silicon carbide composite materials, carbon -based composite materials, etc. into the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" industry science and technology innovation related development plan.

In Chinese carbon -based materials, Changsha is a very important pole.

First of all, Changsha is the cradle of carbon -based material talent training. In 1962, Hunan University established China's first carbon material major. In the 1980s, the University of Defense Technology was the first research and development unit of silicon carbide fiber in my country. Central South University broke foreign technology blockade in the field of carbon/carbon composite materials, providing protection for national aerospace strategic demand.

Secondly, Hunan is an important base for carbon material resources in the country. It has a world -class micro -graphite mine. Its "Lutang" brand micro -crystal graphite enjoys a high reputation worldwide. Its reserves are the first in the country. Graphite and graphene areas and other fields.

Finally, Changsha enterprises are in the leading position in the country in the research of carbon -based materials and their applications.

The preparation technology of the high -performance carbon/carbon air brake material of Boyun New Materials won the first prize of the National Technology Invention. Dongying Carbon's high -guide thermal asphalt carbon fiber preparation technology has been awarded the second prize of national science and technology progress. San'an Optoelectronics has created the first domestic and the world's third carbonic silicon vertical integration industrial chain.

Exhibition Hall of Hunan Jinyangnen New Material Co., Ltd.

(Photo by Wang Zhan)

The new material industry chain in Changsha will be an important breakthrough in China to solve the problem of "stuck neck".

This reminds of the vows of the Xiang Army in the Revolutionary era, "As long as there are Hunan people, China will not die."

The trip to Changsha subverted my awareness of the factory workshop.

As a child of migrant workers, I have an instinct to escape the factory. At that time, my cousin and my cousin worked for a summer working time in a food factory along the coast. He had witnessed the cutter of a worker's fingers by his fingers, but the supervisor and manager refused to recognize the account.

As for the working environment, the windows are dark and dark, the equipment is rusty, the wires are messy, the parts are scattered, and the food is rotten and moldy, and the mice shake the ground ...

Therefore, when the editor -in -chief said that he took me to Changsha to see the factory, I was very resistant to my heart.

However, when I walked into the Sanyi Group, Zhonglian Heavy Technology, Shanhe Smart, Sky Motors, Beiyun Technology, I realized what it means to be hardcore and what is lighthouse factory.

The painting workshop of Skyrim, this ground is cleaner than my face

(Photo by Wang Zhan)

The layout is sparse, and the light is bright. Industrial robotics are as fast as surgeon. The data of the industrial large screen is as fast as the public security command center. The assembly line is as good as the human cycle system. The automatic object flow car is as smart and capable as the robot Vali.

The most important thing is that there are only dozens of young workers in tens of thousands of square meters of workshops, and there are also engineers who operate computers next to the assembly line.

Sany Heavy Industry "No. 18 Factory"

Picture source: "Changsha Published"

I can't help but make emotions: "The working environment here is awesome, which is completely different from what I think."

The staff of the Sanyi Group responded: "We have encountered difficulties in recruiting workers before. Even if we drive wages to 20,000, it is difficult to find mature and stable welders. So we spent a lot of money to transform the production line and introduce the most. Advanced equipment, using robots and touch screens. The overall gymnastics control is similar to the online game, which attracts young people to return. "

That's right, China's population structure and social psychology are undergoing tremendous changes.

The economy of China's reform and opening up is supported by huge demographic dividends. But now the population aging is getting worse.

Wind data shows that the post -90s generation is 11.72 million less than the post -80s, 47 million less than the post -90s, and less than 240,000 after 10 after the 10s.

In the first half of 2022, my country's birth population was 5.23 million, and the death population was 5.31 million. This is the first time that the number of deaths in my country is greater than the number of births. This is called "death cross" in population. Data source: National Bureau of Statistics

There are not many young people, and fewer people are willing to learn craftsmanship and technicians.

Zhang Xinghai, a representative of the National People's Congress and chairman of the well -off group, said that in 2020, the gap in my country's manufacturing talents was 22 million, and the average of 1.5 million people left the manufacturing industry per year in the past 5 years. In contrast to the manufacturing labor loss, the number of courier practitioners exceeded 10 million Essence

According to data from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the national recruitment in the fourth quarter of 2021 was more than 100 occupations than the "lack of work" in job search, and 43 occupations belonged to the sixth largest occupation -manufacturing and relevant personnel.

What should we do?

Do you abandon the manufacturing industry and specialize in the third industries such as real estate, finance, culture, education, and tourism? Never! How can China be abolished by developing the United States and is engaged in the return of the manufacturing industry?

The bell must be tied to the bell, and the iron is hard to fight. Chinese companies must do a good job of production automation, digitalization and intelligence, and use robots as possible with robots.

At the same time, it is necessary to jointly cultivate practical talents with vocational schools, improve the environment of the workshop, and establish a clear salary system for rewarding and punishment ... The workers have hope in the hearts of the workers, and the factory has a good momentum.

In short, China will upgrade from the "World assembly factory" to the "Global Intelligent Manufacturing Center".

This reminds me of the heavy programs jointly created by CCTV and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, "Intelligent Manufacturing China". The first stop of this live broadcast was selected at Changsha. The first company to debut was the Sanyi Group and the Railway Construction Heavy Industry.

In the live broadcast, the 5G unmanned electric heavy truck developed by Sany independently appeared. The heavy card has gone through more than 10,000 kilometers of autonomous driving road test, and small -scale mass production will be achieved during the year.

According to reports, the factory building of Sanyi Heavy Card is large. There are 31 football fields, with an average of 150 vehicles and up to 300 trucks every day. The Sanyi heavy truck factory is not only large, but also has high production efficiency. Since the end of last year, the Sanyi Heavy Card Smart Factory has launched more than 400 different trucks, of which one -third is a new energy heavy truck.

Picture source: CCTV

Tiejian Heavy Industries "played" was the use of the largest diameter shield machine "Xing Sheng" in Hunan Province. It is currently underway in the Jiangya Road through the Jiangnan Channel Project.

The live broadcast introduces that the shield machine operator can drink the coffee to open the shield machine at 32 meters underground. This enviable work experience is due to the R & D team of Railway Construction Heavy Industry.

It turned out that during the construction process, the "digital twin technology" of iron construction heavy workers could not only collect data and return in real time, so that R & D personnel used these data to optimize the design of the next -generation product. It can also be analyzed, early warning, and even independent decision -making based on various data to make the operation of the shield machine more secure, intelligent, and efficient.

Picture source: CCTV video

In addition to the "intellectual manufacturing leader" such as the Sanyi Group and Tiejian Heavy Industry, there are 143 national -certified "specialized new" giant companies in Changsha, ranking third among all provincial capital cities across the country.

Data source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

In addition, Changsha has mastered strong information and communication technologies.

Changsha has a high -performance computing national key laboratory, the National Super Computing Changsha Center, the National Basic Science Center, and the National Applied Mathematics Center.

"0" supercomputing building

Picture source: National Super Computing Changsha Center official website

Internet manufacturers such as Huawei, Tencent, Alibaba, etc. have also set up regional headquarters in Changsha, and Hongmeng operating systems have also brought them over.

First -class enterprises are equipped with first -class cities, and they are righteous.

Therefore, the top forum "Global Computing Conference" hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology settled in Changsha permanently.

Changsha is also one of the three national key cities in Beidou industry and one of the three major demonstration areas of Beidou satellite navigation applications. There are more than 120 Beidou industry enterprises. Beidou products produced by Changsha have been applied to many fields such as smart cars, smartphones, intelligent wearing equipment, driverless, robots, and smart industrial parks.

Is this excellent Changsha, isn't it worthy of the name of the "New Intelligent Capital"?

Among the 27 provincial capital cities in China, the rise of Hefei and Changsha is the most legendary and story.

In terms of policies, these two cities are neither a "deputy provincial city" born with golden keys, nor can they not enjoy the "western development" and open -ide open policies. Development can only rely on themselves.

In terms of transportation, these two cities are neither along the coast, nor on the main roads of the Yangtze River, nor belong to the "eight major railway hubs in the country". The starting point is not high.

However, they "killed" a blood road, the total amount of GDP exceeded the trillion mark, and the permanent population also rose to about 10 million, ranking among the top in various cities.

Everyone must have heard of the story of Hefei. The name of its "city of venture capital" is actually invented by "Zhigu Trends". As early as March 2020, we published an article that made a sensation on the entire network "Zhengzhou Changsha is urgent!" The most dare to "gambling" in China has become the strongest counterattack by venture capital. "

Picture source: "Changsha Published" (Photo by Xiao KK)

Recently, we found that the Changsha Municipal Government is also a primary master of attracting investment and pioneering new industries.

Try the data first. As of September 15, Changsha had 83 A -share listed companies (including 3 companies to be released), ranking first in the central provincial capital cities; the total market value of listed companies reached 1.04 trillion yuan, ranking first in the central provincial capital cities. The results of the 2021 "1021 private enterprises' business environment" survey conducted by the National Federation of Industry and Commerce showed that the business environment of Changsha ranked 9th among cities across the country, which was 4th from 2020, ranking first in the central part.

Dong Mingzhu, chairman and president of Gree Electric, can testify. She once said: "Why did I continue to vote in the first, second, and third phases in Changsha, because the integrity of the government (Changsha) moved me."

From 2011 to the present, Gree Electric's total investment in Changsha has exceeded 10 billion yuan. Dong Mingzhu said that in the future, Changsha Gree will become the second largest production and R & D base outside Gree Zhuhai headquarters.

BYD's boss Wang Chuanfu also has a deep relationship with Changsha. Changsha not only provided him with a superior learning environment (Central South University), but also helped him realize his dream of rushing into the world's top 500.

On February 21, 2020, in the critical period of the epidemic prevention and control, Wang Chuanfu came to Changsha to talk about cooperation.

Wang Chuanfu talked about a very emotional words: "When you see the true feelings, the more difficult it is, the more you can see the emphasis on the enterprise and the advantages and disadvantages of the business environment."

During the prevention and control of the epidemic, the active service enterprises of the relevant districts and counties and parks in Changsha do a good job of monitoring and verification of resumption workers, returning to factories of employees from day and night chartered cars, re -production and re -production of upstream and downstream suppliers, and ensuring that the logistics transportation is unobstructed. The smooth realization of the full production of superb production has created a superior environment.

Wang Chuanfu said specifically that he is optimistic about Changsha, which is not only based on the good foundation of the two sides for many years, but also believes that Changsha has surrendered a satisfactory answer in the epidemic war test, so it is full of confidence.

According to the "Changsha Evening News", BYD has the project in four directions in the four directions of the southeast and northwest of Changsha, and has invested tens of billions of yuan. As a result, Changsha has become the largest city outside of Shenzhen.

At the same time, due to the continuous investment of Changsha BYD, Changsha has become the first city in the field of intelligent connected automobiles in the field of intelligent connected automobiles. The output value of the automotive industry chain exceeds 100 billion yuan.

When it comes to the industrial chain, it is necessary to mention the "chain length system" originated from Changsha.

As early as November 2017, Changsha City established 22 industrial chain promotion offices in various provincial levels, with 20 municipal leaders as the "chain leader". 88 outstanding cadres selected by the county (city) form the industrial chain promotion team to create a high -quality and perfect industrial chain. Essence

Nowadays, Changsha has signed an analogy of industrial chain projects with an investment of over 100 million yuan every 3 days, a new three types of 500 industrial projects are introduced every 15 days, and a new investment amount of an investment amount of over 5 billion yuan is introduced every 30 days. Essence

Driven by the government's government, Changsha has formed five hundred billion industrial clusters such as construction machinery, automobiles and components, electronic information, new materials and food (tobacco).

The five blessings have settled the soul of Changsha's industry, and also provided "Changsha samples" for China's strategic emerging industries.

Reference materials:

1. "hard core! Made in Changsha, extraordinary ten years! ", Published by Changsha, 2022.09.15

2. "New Materials" Changsha Legion "firepower is full of domestic first square array", Red Net, 2021.12.25

3. "Why is Changsha called the capital of engineering machinery? Where is the advantage of the capital of engineering machinery? "

4. "Exercise! Advance the "Fourth City of China Domestic Chip", Red Net, 2021.08.31

5. "2021 Hunan New Materials Enterprise Achieving Full -calibration Camp Entering 661.5 billion yuan to achieve a value -added growth rate of 14.4%", Red Net, 2022.06.25

6. "Carbon -based Materials Promote the High -quality Development of Changsha Manufacturing Industry", People's Daily, 2021.12.14

7. "Changsha Enterprise Showing" Intelligent Manufacturing China "style, Changsha Evening News, 2022.08.07

8. "Changsha, the most successful cities in China in 20 years, comparable to Shenzhen! ", Panorama Finance, 2019.12.03

9. "Chain Long System", why becomes "hot words", Beijing News, 2022.07.26

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