Zhang Xiaoshan: Promote the integration of urban and rural factors marketing, break the obstruction of the rejuvenation of the countryside

Author:21st Century Economic report Time:2022.09.21

The 21st Century Business Herald reporter Li Sha Beijing reported that since 2018, my country has set up the each year's lunar autumn equinox as the "Farmer Harvest Festival". This is the first festival to set up a national level for farmers at the national level and write to the "Rural Revitalization Promotion Law. ", Fixed in the form of law.

On September 23, the fifth farmer's harvest festival will be ushered in. The General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs clearly set up the theme of the "Celebration Harvest and Welcome Grand" to organize this year's harvest festival, organize and arrange special festive activities, adhere to the agricultural benefits and farmers' hearts, and stimulate market vitality to promote rural consumption.

The holding of multiple types of festivals has established a platform for urban and rural interaction, which is conducive to encouraging and guiding resources such as technology and funds to flow to the countryside, promoting the whole society to enjoy harvest and increase in increasing income, and inject more motivation to rural revitalization.

When is the establishment of the establishment of the farmer's harvest festival? How can farmers make a bumper harvest? What new opportunities do digital technology bring to rural revitalization? How can finance serve agriculture, rural areas, and farmers? Recently, a 21st Century Economic Herald reporter interviewed Zhang Xiaoshan, a member of the School of Social Sciences and a researcher at the Institute of Rural Development.

Promote the organic connection between small farmers and modern agricultural development

"21st Century": What is the role of the establishment and holding of farmers' harvest festivals?

Zhang Xiaoshan: I think that the establishment of a farmer's harvest festival fully reflects the "three rural" work is the top priority of the work of the whole party, reflects my country's consistent policies and policies that attach importance to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, as well as the deep care of the party's central government for farmers.

Autumn is the season for grain harvest, and it is also highly expected to be harvested. From the national level, the establishment of a farmer harvest festival in autumn also hopes that all people will keep in mind that agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. Food is an important strategic material related to national economy and people's livelihood and national economic security. It is always a top event to ensure food security. Do not relax.

In addition, the farmer's harvest festival is a tribute and praise of farmers and agricultural production, and enhance the sense of honor, gain and happiness of farmers. The establishment and celebration of this festival also released clear policy signals to farmers, that is, the state attaches importance to agriculture, attaches importance to food security, hopes that farmers have a variety of grains and plant good grains, and resolutely carry the heavy tasks of food security. At the same time, they also guide and help Farmers in practice in practice and harvest.

"21st Century": Large and small farmers are the basic national conditions and peasants in my country. You have mentioned that during the current and future period, the family operation of small farmers will be the main way to operate my country's agriculture. How to promote small farmers' high yield and harvest?

Zhang Xiaoshan: my country is transforming and upgrading from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. Agricultural business entities include traditional agricultural business entities and modern agricultural business entities. In fact, the average farming area of ​​Chinese farmers has an average farming area of ​​about 0.6 hectares, and there are still more than 100 million small farmers who cultivate their own family contracting farmland. This is a basic national conditions in my country. In the short term, it is difficult for us to fully realize scale operations. Therefore, a major historical task we currently face is how to achieve organic connection with modern agricultural development and transform it into modern farmers.

Although the production scale and operation scale of small farmers are small, it can effectively reduce the production cost of small farmers by achieving the scale effect of prenatal, medium and postpartum productive social services, further expand production scale and market scale, so that small farmers' households Organic connection with social services, gradually realizing its transformation to modern farmers.

The main form of prenatal social services is joint purchases such as agricultural capital. The main form of postpartum social services is joint sales. Socialized services in production are more abundant. It is mainly through the development of social service organizations from planting to collecting aspects to achieve the scale effect of productive social services throughout the entire process of agricultural production. Diversified social service organizations include agricultural technology promotion organizations, agricultural enterprises, supply and marketing cooperatives, farmers' professional cooperatives, agricultural machinery service cooperatives, etc.

"21st Century": In the process of promotion and application of productive and socialized production services, how should we reduce the impact of factors such as terrain and local planting and regional planting?

Zhang Xiaoshan: With the development of agricultural science and technology and the application of smart agriculture, my country has developed and continued to develop new agricultural machinery to meet the differentiated needs in agricultural development and solve problems such as land and small -scale production. For example, drones are introduced in agricultural fertilization and pest control links, and personalized small agricultural machinery is used in the harvest session to solve the impact of terrain problems such as slope on agricultural production. And through market -oriented operations, the main body of social production services can make money.

All kinds of problems in the process of agricultural production and development in my country are also promoting the further transformation of my country's agriculture to modern agriculture and continuously improving the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress.

Digital technology helps to comprehensively revitalize the countryside

"21st Century": The digital economy is an important driving force for social development. This year, the Central Document No. 1 proposes to vigorously promote the construction of digital countryside. What new opportunities do digital technology bring to comprehensively promote rural revitalization?

Zhang Xiaoshan: First, in terms of industrial development, digital technology helps to modernize rural industries. Taking agriculture as an example, as mentioned earlier, with the development and application of digital technology, my country has continuously developed agricultural production technology suitable for local agricultural production according to local resource endowment and differentiated conditions. In the process of serving farmers, social service organizations have also continuously used advanced agricultural machinery and scientific agricultural production methods to promote agricultural modernization.

The second is that in the construction of rural infrastructure, the application of digital technology in rural areas is becoming more and more widely used. Online direct sales, live broadcasts and other activities also affect rural infrastructure construction, especially information infrastructure construction. Helping the "first kilometers" of agricultural and sideline products to the market, and the infrastructure construction of agricultural and consumer goods to the "last mile" of farmers' families. Third, in terms of farmers 'production and income increase, in the past, agricultural production was based on production. With the development of digital technology, major e -commerce platforms and big data can provide clear market signals for farmers' production behaviors, allowing agricultural production to gradually shift to demand -oriented orientation Fresh the docking channels for rural products and markets.

Fourth, in the development of green and ecological agriculture, through the development of advanced digital technology and scientific planting methods, it will achieve local irrigation, fertilization, and disease -proof pests in the process of agricultural production, reducing costs while promoting green agricultural development, and improving the agricultural ecological environment.

Fifth, in terms of rural governance, digital technology helps villagers to more conveniently understand the situation of village committees and villagers' groups, efficient and two -way transmission effective information, and improve the degree of modernization of rural public governance.

The concept of digital technology itself is relatively broad, and its development has brought new opportunities to rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organization, which helps to promote comprehensive revitalization of the countryside.

"21st Century": Rural digital infrastructure and industrial foundation are relatively weak. Some farmers face digital gap problems. How should we improve the adaptability of digital technology and rural areas and accelerate the development of rural digitalization?

Zhang Xiaoshan: First, rural rejuvenation is not a closed development of rural areas, but to promote the healthy interaction of various types of production factors in urban and rural areas, accelerate the process of market integration of urban and rural factors, and enter the countryside in advanced modern production factors such as urban technology, management, and funds. Each elements in the countryside are organically matched to form a relatively balanced pattern of elements. In the process, technicians, management talents, and investors act as carriers of urban production factors flowing towards rural flow. In the process of driving the flow of production factors to the countryside, they also bring digital technology to the countryside and change the current situation of rural areas.

Second, the main force of rural revitalization is a small number of farmers with knowledge, technology, and operation, such as returning to entrepreneurial migrant workers and investors who go out to return home. New technologies, thereby improving the adaptability of digital technology and rural areas.

Third, including rural online celebrities and online purchasing agents, some of the localized talents that promote rural development in rural aboriginal people may face digital gap during production and operation. Digital technology is serving others, and people will continuously improve their own quality in the process of applying digital technology. The production and operation process of rural local talents is also a learning process. Its digital literacy will gradually improve in the process, thereby promoting the promotion and application of rural digital technology.

"21st Century": As a majority of agricultural production subjects, how should the digital literacy of small farmers improve?

Zhang Xiaoshan: The representative of advanced agricultural productivity is high -quality farmers, as well as agricultural entrepreneurs and potential agricultural entrepreneurs. They have culture, understanding technology, operating, and willing to take root in the countryside. After these people develop, they can form a drive. Improve the digital literacy of other farmers.

In addition, social service organizations, farmers' professional cooperatives, and major agricultural production professional can undertake agricultural production activities of some small farmers. The handlebars drive the low cultural level of farmers to apply advanced digital technologies to improve the development capacity of small farmers.

Judging from our many years of experience in rural survey, the development potential of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers has great potential. As long as there are appropriate economic incentives and mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers, they can glow with endless vitality.

"21st Century": How to promote a benign interaction pattern of forming urban and rural elements?

Zhang Xiaoshan: This issue involves deepening the reform of the rural property rights system. Urban and rural elements are different and complementary. To enter the countryside in advanced production factors, it is necessary to have a good policy environment to provide a relatively stable future expectations, promote the reasonable allocation of urban and rural factors, and form a relatively balanced interest pattern. Urban and rural elements must be invested, and they must also get corresponding reasonable returns.

There is still a long way to go to deepen the reform of the property rights system, but from the perspective of trends, the barriers of the division of urban and rural factors must be demolished and the integration of urban and rural factors can finally achieve rural revitalization.

It should be reminded that the return on investment in agricultural investment is relatively low, the investment cycle is long, and the "agriculture, rural areas" cause must have a long -term vision.

Break the obstruction of the rejuvenation of the countryside

"21st Century": The "14th Five -Year Plan" plan clearly adhere to the priority development of agricultural and rural areas, and comprehensively promote rural revitalization. Rural revitalization requires a lot of capital investment, and rural areas have always faced difficulties in loans and expensive loans. How should we solve the obstruction of financial services to rural revitalization?

Zhang Xiaoshan: The financial organizations currently serving rural areas are mainly formal financial organizations, and policy banks and commercial banks are in a monopoly position. New operating entities such as family farms and professional households are relatively large. It has a certain amount of agricultural machinery and other agricultural facilities for risk mortgage, and the demand for funds is relatively easy to meet. Although small farmers are the main body of agricultural production and operation, they are often the most difficult to obtain loan services.

There are two main reasons behind it. One is that the traffic in rural areas is relatively inconvenient. The amount of small farmers' loans is small and the residence is decentralized. The transaction cost of the financial organization provided services is much higher than the city; the second is that small -scale production farmers lack mortgage and credit Guarantee, loan financial risks are relatively high, and financial organizations provide low enthusiasm for financial services for small -scale operating entities in rural areas. It is necessary to eliminate the obstacles of loans to farmers, to achieve more effective connection with financial supply and rural financial needs, and promote financial supply to better land in rural areas and make efficiency.

Some large -scale farmers 'professional cooperatives, rural grass -roots supply and marketing cooperatives, and village committees and villagers' groups such as rural committees and villagers can play the role of financing services. These organizations are financial intermediaries and assistants for regular financial organizations. They are also one of the providers and possible loan guarantors of farmers' credit rating to help regular financial organizations to eliminate concerns and provide loans to farmers with confidence and quickly.

To meet the financial needs of small -scale business entities, we need to better promote financial reform. In a good policy orientation and policy environment, various types of business entities can have developed material foundations, financial support and technical support, and rural revitalization can enter the fast lane to achieve sustainable, fast and healthy development.

"21st Century": In addition to regular financial organizations, do other types of financial organizations serve rural revitalization?

Zhang Xiaoshan: Diversified financial organizations can meet the diversified financial needs of different business entities in rural areas. From the perspective of the experience of countries around the world, developing diversified financial organizations is an inevitable law.

The possibility and operability of the informal financial organization also have the possibility of serving the countryside, but the primary premise is not only to consider short -term economic benefits, but also consider social benefits and long -term economic benefits, and truly provide convenient and fast financial services to farmers. In addition, in order to serve the countryside, an unconventional financial organization needs a high -quality financial service team to run under the effective regulatory framework.

As far as the current situation is concerned, some conditions are still difficult to have. Some financial organizations intend to provide financial services to the countryside but cannot be guided and supervised and guaranteed accordingly. There are business concerns. How to make diversified financial organizations under effective supervision and provide financial services to farmers through different channels is the focus of our need for exploration.

"21st Century": Rural revitalization funds are widely sources. How should we deal with the diverse subject relationship of capital investment and form a joint force?

Zhang Xiaoshan: The funds for rural rejuvenation are provided by multiple main body through multiple ways, including government, financial institutions, enterprises and other market entities, social groups, etc.

The government should provide funds with low enthusiasm for market investment or difficult operations, such as infrastructure construction, high standard farmland construction, and water conservancy irrigation facilities. Under the guidance of the market economy, enterprises must also provide some investment and some investment and some investment and development in rural development. To make enterprises better serve the countryside, it is necessary to create an institutional environment that is conducive to enterprises to invest in agricultural operations; social organizations and non -profit organizations mainly raise funds or small -scale funds that can not cover the fields of government and enterprises.

To ensure that each fund is put into the duty of the main body, and better serving farmers and serving rural revitalization, I think the key is to deepen reforms, encourage diversified factors input, realize the optimization and allocation of resources, and then promote the development of rural productivity, promote the common peasants' common together Wealthy, eventually achieve comprehensive rural revitalization.

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