Guan Qingyou: High inflation will definitely allow many industries in Europe and the United States to withdraw the market

Author:Phoenix Television Time:2022.09.21

On September 21-22, in order to further enhance the international competitiveness of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, in the context of increasingly close cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao financial markets, the "Fenghuang Bay District Finance Forum 2022" was held in Hong Kong and the Mainland. Satellite TV and have jointly launched and received support from more than ten academic institutions. Focusing on the theme of "Change Bureau and Confidence", multiple forums are set up to explore important issues such as global economic challenges under the big change, the Dagang area mission under China Financial Open, the construction of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, the Hong Kong capital market leadership and driving driving Essence

If the dean of the Institute of Finance and Chief Economist Guan Qingyou

In the "Formation -China's New narrative" round table forum, if the dean and chief economist Guan Qingyou of the Financial Research Institute and Chief Economist, when they talked about the discounted or anti -globalization process, pointed out that We must objectively face up to reality, welcome the challenges, and use their own advantages to seize the opportunity. In addition to the level of interest, in terms of strategy, culture, and diplomacy, we maintain communication with developed economies such as the United States, Europe, and Japan to achieve the common Chinese people. The concept of "harmony and difference".

Guan Qingyou said that when facing the challenge, when the United States has promoted the re -construction and reorganization of the industrial chain, it will definitely have a great impact on our country, including the technical level, the layout of the industrial chain, the financial field, and even the cultural field. Look at these challenges, and then find a solution.

In addition, you must face up to your own advantages, seize the opportunity keenly, and use external pressure to achieve industrial upgrading. Guan Qingyou believes that opportunities refer to the re -layout of the industrial chain in high inflation, and will definitely allow many industries in Europe and the United States to withdraw their market. "We are also under pressure, and they are also facing stress, which depends on who can hold it, who can internalize the cost to the product, and who can finally win again in the industry's upgrade and expansion. It is also our opportunity, "he said.

This forum is supported by the chief strategic cooperation between the Oriental Luxury flagship MPV Red Flag HQ9, and has received academics of National Financial and Development Laboratory, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai Advanced Finance College, Druck Management College, France's Lyon Business College and other academics. Institutional support. At the same time, China Fund News, Sing Tao News Group, Hong Kong Dagong Wenhui Media Group, Ming Pao, Hong Kong Business Daily, Asian Weekly, Bauhinia Magazine and other media institutions cooperated.

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