The city's industry has raised the "backbone" of high -quality development of the economy

Author:Chongzuo Radio and Television Time:2022.09.21

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"Last" drives the "chain" to lead the industry to move forward steadily

——The review of industrial development achievements in our city since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Tower hanging forestry, roar of machines, and vehicle shuttle, construction workers are working nervously, grabbing work and rushing progress, and modern factory buildings have risen, and the production lines are quickly put into operation ... Recently, the construction of major key industrial projects in our city was in full swing.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Chongzuo Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have always put industrial development in a prominent position and grasped it, and followed the industrial development ideas in accordance with the "strong leader, supplementary chain, and gathering group". Strong chain extension chain, strengthening the advantageous industrial cluster, the city's industrial economy has stabilized and far from the road of high -quality development, and its scale has continued to grow.

The city's total industrial output value increased from 45.539 billion yuan in 2012 to 93.684 billion yuan in 2021, a year -on -year increase of 105.72%, and the comprehensive strength of the industrial economy increased significantly. By the end of 2021, the number of industrial enterprises above designated size will reach 418.

Industry is prosperous, and the industry is strong. Looking back at the journey of ten years, the city's industry has set up the "backbone" of the high -quality development of Chongzuo's economy.

Guangxi Huabo New Materials Co., Ltd. produced 6,000 tons of high -performance glass fiber filtration material project.

Pay close attention to the construction of major projects,

The leader drives industrial gathering and development

Major projects are an important engine to drive regional economic development. Grasping a leading project can attract an industrial chain.

In recent years, Chongzuo has firmly established the concept of "project as king", unswervingly grasped large projects and large industries, leading leading enterprises to lead the development of key industry chains, vigorously introduced upstream and downstream supporting enterprises, and stimulated the construction of chains, extension chains, and extension. The powerful "chain effect" of supplementation chain can accelerate the creation of advantageous industrial clusters with "chain".

Southern Manganese Lithium Elix Project, Guojin Rare Earth Metal, Xianggui Ledia Yeast Phase 1 annual output of 20,000 tons of yeast project, Okaro overall cabinet ... project construction fast horse plus whip one by one, from project introduction to construction to construction construction Then to put into production, "the firepower is fully opened.

Located in the China -ASEAN Youth Industrial Park, which is located in Qu Li Town, Fusui County, the second phase of the current project is accelerating construction.

Guangxi South Copper Co., Ltd..

As the city's number one project, the first phase of the copper smelting project of the South China Copper Industry has attracted much attention since the start of construction. The project was completed and put into operation in April 2019. The annual industrial output value of the South Kingdom Copper Industry was 11.85 billion yuan in 2020, achieving a zero breakthrough in Chongzuo's 10 billion yuan output value enterprise. In 2021, the first phase of the project has achieved a stable production of 300,000 tons of cathode copper, achieving an annual output value of 18.512 billion yuan.

Driven by the "industrial aircraft carrier" of the South China Copper Industry Project, Chuanheng Group's "copper titanium sulfurfluoro" green circulating industry base project and Xinke precision electronic copper belt project have settled in Chongzuo. The framework of the copper industry industry in our city has gradually opened, and the industrial cluster pattern of coordinated development of copper, manganese, and rare earths has gradually formed.

In addition, the wood processing industry is driven by the leading enterprise. With the implementation of a number of home furnishing companies such as Xiangsheng High -end Home Furnishing, Book Fragrant Gate, Okaro, etc., the traditional wood industry has been realized from the production of single boards and plywood to the intelligent production of custom home furnishings. The high -end green home industry realizes The wood processing industry has become the third industry in the city after the copper industry and sugar industry.

So far, 40 projects in the city are included in the "Double Hundred and Doubles New" project plan library in the autonomous region, and the number ranked 3rd in the region.

Focus on improving the carrying capacity of the park,

Carefully building nests attract "Baifeng" habitat

The park is an important carrier and platform for accelerating industrial agglomeration and cultivating industrial clusters. There are 11 industrial parks in the city, of which 2 are national -level parks, 7 autonomous regions -level parks, and 2 have not yet been identified but formed a county industrial park.

As the main battlefield and industrial transformation and upgrading of Chongzuo Industrial Economy, various industrial parks adhere to high standards to do a good job of infrastructure construction, and continuously improve the park's acceptance of industrial level and attracting attractive attractive investment.

During the "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" period, the city's in -depth implementation of the standard plant construction project of the park, with a total of 17.3 billion yuan of infrastructure funds in the park, and a standard factory of 4.42 million square meters (including self -construction and self -use). Double, it has laid a solid foundation for the development of the park and created good conditions for subsequent industrial agglomeration and development.

In 2019, the city's industrial park contributed a total output value of 50.251 billion yuan, accounting for 84.7%of the city's total industrial volume; in 2020, the city's total industrial output value above scale contributed 62 billion yuan, accounting for 87%of the city's total.

While continuously consolidating the development of the development of the industrial park, the city has continuously optimized the innovation service system and mechanism, relieved the difficulties of enterprises to produce and develop difficulties, and focus on improving the sense of gain and satisfaction of industrial enterprises.

The city continues to optimize the leaders of the city's four teams to contact the service industrial enterprises and industrial project mechanisms, coordinate and solve the difficulties of enterprises and projects in front line; actively explore the establishment of a service commissioner and other service enterprise systems, and establish and improve the industrial development policy system. There are more than 100 extended chain enterprises that have been successfully introduced copper deep processing, wood processing, agricultural and sideline food processing, and electronic product manufacturing industries, and new breakthroughs have been made in attracting investment.

Planting the sycamore trees, attracting the Phoenix. Longzhou ecological alumina, Lelin medium high -density fiber board and biomass power plant, Liwen Chongzuo headquarters economic full industrial chain base project, Zhongnengjian Chongzuo thermal power plant, Shuxiangmen land ecological industrial city project, South China Science and Technology light A number of major industrial projects such as quality functional materials projects have signed contracts and started construction. Continue optimization and enhance the industrial structure,

Modern industrial system accelerate construction

As the saying goes, eat mountains and eat the sea. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the city has been based on the resource endowment, comparative advantage and industrial foundation, and continued to promote the adjustment and layout of industrial structure, and make every effort to build chain, extension chain, supplementary chain, and strong chain articles to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system.

On the basis of promoting the stable development of traditional industries such as sugar and manganese, our city has accelerated the development of copper, wood, and building materials, and gradually formed a new material and circular economy, sugar and food processing, high -end home furnishings, new types, new types, new types, and new types of copper and manganese. The four major industries of building materials, as well as two characteristic industrial clusters, modern export manufacturing, agricultural and sideline products and green processing of Chinese medicinal materials.

Among them, the development of copper and manganese rare earth new materials industry cluster has risen into a strategy at the autonomous region. It has the world's richest manganese product line and the most concentrated production line of global ionic rare earth separation capabilities. It has become the world's largest active dry yeast production base. The level of copper smelting production technology is leading the country.

Science and technology are the first productive forces, and innovation is the first driving force for development. In the past ten years, our city has insisted on putting "innovation -driven" in prominent positions. A group of emerging industries have accelerated the cultivation. New energy companies such as Huazheng New Energy Battery have settled and realized the trial production of some projects. Continuously grow.

Enterprise innovation has achieved remarkable results, and the vitality of innovation has been continuously enhanced, and it has become a vital force for the steady growth of the industrial economy. In 2021, 55 industrial projects were successfully promoted into the "Thousand Enterprise Technology Reform" project plates in the autonomous region; COFCO Chongzuo Corporation was identified as an autonomous region -level innovation demonstration enterprise, with a total of 4 cumulative city; promoting Guanglin Okaro Company, etc. The three corporate workshops are identified as the Guangxi Digital Workshop, with a total of 5 in the city.

After years of hard work, Chongzuo Industrial Industry has achieved a "gorgeous change", from the single structure of "one black and one white" to the current "4+2" diversified leading industrial system. Send a perfect way to take a road of industrial optimization and green development.

The rudder is stubborn, and the wind is so good. Going to the new journey, how can Chongzuo Industry do it next?

During the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period, Chongzuo City will anchor the construction of modern southern Xinjiang gates and the "two higher" work goals during the "14th Five -Year Plan" period. Improve the level of modernization of the industrial chain, promote the coordinated development of the upper and lower reaches of the industrial chain, and accelerate the construction of the "4+2" modern industrial system. By 2025, industrial added value will account for more than 35%of the GDP in the city; investment in industrial fixed assets accounts for more than 35%of the investment in fixed assets in the whole society; industrial enterprises above designated size exceed 800; total industrial output value above designated size exceeds 230 billion yuan , Strive to forge aim at the goal of 2500-300 billion yuan.

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