Changsha's economy has entered a high -quality development track

Author:Hunan Daily Time:2022.09.21

The total economy is over trillion permanent resident population over 10 million

Changsha's economy has entered a high -quality development track

Hunan Daily All Media Reporter Zhang Yijia

The total economy is over trillion yuan, and the resident population is over 10 million. "Extraordinary ten years" promoted high -quality economic development special press conferences.

In the past ten years, Changsha's economy has entered a high -quality development track, and various undertakings have achieved historic achievements. Changsha's global influence, national competitiveness, regional leadership, and province's radiation power have been significantly improved.

Strong strength: "Four Centers" are distinctive

Over the past ten years, Changsha has focused on building a national important advanced manufacturing center, the National Science and Technology Innovation Center, the International Cultural Creative Center, and the National Comprehensive Transportation Hub Center, seized the "three wisdom and one core" industry development system, and builds a "1+2 with outstanding advantages and distinctive characteristics. +N "advanced manufacturing clusters continue to strengthen the vitality of economic growth, construction machinery moves to world -class industrial clusters, intelligent connected cars maintain a leading trend, advanced computing and advanced energy storage materials have accelerated the rise.

The total economic volume is over trillion yuan, the local general public budget revenue is over 100 billion yuan, the resident population exceeds 10 million, and the comprehensive strength jumps to a new level. The GDP of Changsha increased from 63.9991 billion yuan in 2012 to 1327.07 billion yuan in 2021, spanning the 700 billion yuan steps, ranking 6th in the provincial capital cities. Changsha County, Liuyang City, and Ningxiang City have jumped to the top 100 of the county's county economy in the 3rd, 8th and 15th positions, respectively. The top 100 economy.

Scientific and technological innovation has become a new engine. Changsha is driven by scientific and technological innovation. The number of national intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories ranks first in the country, with a total digital economy of nearly 400 billion yuan, ranking 12th in the top 100 digital economy cities. The innovation platform increased from more than 300 years ago to more than 1,500, and high -tech enterprises increased from 825 to 5,218 ten years ago. Innovation capabilities ranked 8th in national innovative cities.

The integration of urban and rural areas shows new weather. Changsha is led by regional coordination and the "Double Five" project. It optimizes the layout of urban functional layout around the "one river and cross -strait development", and the airport enters the "double runway and dual air station era". "Times", the subway enters the "network era", the power grid has entered the "high -voltage era", and the development pattern of large -scale cities has been further expanded.

Regional cooperation has achieved new breakthroughs. The Changzhutan Metropolis District has become the fourth urban circle that the country's official approval, and has taken an important step towards building an important growth pole nationwide. In -depth integration into the development of urban agglomerations in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, actively connect with the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, and comprehensively promote cooperation in the Xiangxi -Jiangxi border area ... Changsha "out of the circle" and "building group" in the construction of a new development pattern, deeply integrated into the "dual -loop".

More charm: more than 1.5 million households in the market

In the past ten years, the total imports and exports of Changsha have increased from 54.88 billion yuan in 2012 to 278.03 billion yuan in 2021, an average annual growth of nearly 20%; trading partners spread all over 227 countries and regions around the world. Wait for the international event.

Changsha has further promoted the reform of "decentralization and management service", and accelerated the "five chain integration" of the industrial chain, innovation chain, talent chain, capital chain, and supply chain, and continued to optimize the business environment. The 9th place of the business environment for the business of domestic private enterprises, ranking first in the central region for 3 consecutive years; in the previous round of national business environment evaluation, 7 indicators were rated national benchmarks. one.

Changsha has promoted the standardization, standardization, and facilitation of government service services, and continuously solidified the results of the reform of "decentralization of management uniforms". The power can be "able to put it all", and 628 administrative power of the district, county (city), and parks in the park, and the pilot reform of the reform of the administrative license is relatively centralized, so that the "one seal management approval" enters the reality and gives the park all over the entire park. The chain closed -loop management authority is injecting stronger momentum for development; the process achieves "capable simplification and simplification", and more than 400 government services "one thing one thing once" has benefited more than 18.5 million people. The nearby good office has become a new normal for Changsha government services; accelerating the construction of a "no certificate city", carefully creating the "15 -minute government service circle", 12345 hotline integration upgrade has become the city's government service "general customer service", a better government service environment becomes a service environment becoming a service environment becomes service. Entering the starting point of economic and social development.

Changsha introduced pragmatic "hard measures" to create the best "soft environment". As of August this year, the total number of market entities reached 15.03 million, an increase of 2.2 times over the 465,000 households at the end of 2012. Especially in the first eight months of this year, there were 230,000 new market entities, and the incremental growth rate ranked second in the provincial capital cities in the central region.

Higher quality: more than 2.8 million innovative talents gather Changsha

In recent years, Changsha listed companies have achieved "quality" and "quantity" double rise. As of September 15, there were 83 A -share listed companies (including 3 companies to be released) in Changsha, ranking first in the central provincial capital cities and fifth provincial capital cities.

Changsha has been rated in China's most happy cities for 14 consecutive years; the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents has been increased from 30288 yuan and 15057 yuan in 2012 to 62145 yuan and 38,195 yuan, which has doubled.

Changsha firmly establishes the development concept of "green water and green mountains is the golden mountains and silver mountains", and vigorously optimize the industrial structure, energy structure, and transportation structure, and supports an annual average annual economic growth of 7.8%of the annual energy consumption growth rate of 3.0%.Continue to promote the defense of blue sky, blue water, and pure land. The excellent air rate rose from 53.7%in 2013 to 83.3%in 2021. The excellent water quality of the "One River and Liuhe" reached 100%, and the forest coverage rate reached 55%.The top three in the city.The happiness Changsha, which is livable, well -owned, and Yiyi, has become one of the cities with the largest net inflows in the country and the strongest talents in the country in recent years.The future development provides a steady stream of stamina.

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