Jilin province's crops are low -temperature early cream in time to harvest guidance

Author:Jilin Daily Time:2022.09.21

In order to ensure the safety and maturity of crops, while implementing the relevant requirements of the National Agricultural Technology Center's "Notice on Continuing the Production of Autumn Grain and Autumn and Winter Technology Guidance", recently, the Jilin Provincial Agricultural Technology Promotion Station issued the "Jilin Provincial Crop Anti -Low Temperature and Early Cream in a timely manner. Harvesting Guidance Opinions, instructed localities to refer to the implementation according to the actual situation.

Scientific and reasonable prevention of low temperature early cream. Pay close attention to the weather forecast. For the dry field plot, before the early cream comes, artificial smoking smoke and frost should be carried out to reduce the adverse effects of early frost, so as to extend the cooked time after the crop and improve the output and quality. The method is to put straw, leaves, weeds, etc. when cooling down at night, slowly burning, and slowly burning, so that the ground shrouds a layer of smoke, improves the temperature near the ground, changes the local environment, and reduces the harm of frost. Smo smoke piles should be dense, distributed uniformly, and try to control the entire field of smoke as much as possible; for the greedy and late rice, it is necessary to adopt night irrigation and drainage during the day to keep the field moist and slow down the cooling speed.

Harvest Baoqiu grain in time. Corn can be collected late in time, extend the effective grouting time of the grains, accelerate the dehydration of the ears and seeds, reduce the water content of the seeds, and improve the yield and grain quality of corn. When the bud leaves are dry, the black layer appears, and the grain milk line disappears, the straw is returned according to the specific conditions of various places; for the normal and mature soybean varieties, when the leaves are all falling off, the grains return to the color of this variety, the water content is low, and the water content is low. At 18%, mechanical or artificial harvesting; rice can be appropriately extended to grow at the same time as the early cream. When 90-95%of the grains turn yellow, it is a suitable harvest period. High -quality and high yield. The harvest is too early, the green rice is more and the rice is low, and the rice quality is poor; the harvest is too late, the losses are large and the rice is crushed. It is strictly forbidden to harvest after the frost, so as not to affect the quality of rice.

Author: Jilin Daily All Media Reporter Yan Hongjin

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