Three thousand groups move from the mainland to overseas

Author:Pioneer Time:2022.09.20

Author | Editor Ding Qianwen | Fan Zhihui

In 2018, the three thousand groups went to the mainland; in 2022, these groups began to move overseas.

On September 18, the performance of the sunset speed in London, England came to an end. This is their eighth performance of this European tour. According to the schedule of the performance, at the next time, the sunset will also move to the United Kingdom, North America, Australia and other places at a frequency of almost a day.

According to music first, since July this year, there have been few performers in the mainland performance market. Orchestra, such as fools and idiots, chairs, five people, etc.

The Taiwanese groups that have been selling on the mainland venue have now begun to change positions and land on overseas markets.

When the Taiwan regiment moves to overseas

With the start of the economy of Taiwan, the entertainment industry has also ushered in a blowout period, and Taiwanese artists have begun to develop a broader audience market. Among them, the "Lu" is the best choice in front of Taiwanese artists, and the Taiwan regiment is no exception.

In the era of traditional records, it is also the glorious period of Taiwan and Hong Kong's record industry, leading the popular trend of Chinese music. The Taiwan groups such as Mayday and Sodagas have successfully entered the mainland market after becoming popular in Taiwan, successfully rooted and influenced so far.

As the era of the Internet entered the Internet, Taiwan Entertainment was not repeated because of the flood of piracy. While being impacted by Japan and South Korea, it began to be affected by the reverse output of the mainland. For example, the Pharaoh band established in 2015 is the northern band that is completely different from the southern Fujian style. In 2018, there were even 80 groups of Taiwanese bands who came to the mainland to perform in the mainland.

However, in the era of the epidemic situation, the overseas non -Chinese language market, which had been added with the additional options of most Taiwan groups, became the first choice for the Taiwan Regiment.

Judging from this year's situation, in the current public performance schedule of most Taiwan groups, it has already taken attention to Europe, America, Southeast Asia and other places. In addition to the sunset, as early as July, Mayday also announced that it will be touched in the United States in November, and it is expected to participate in a music festival held in the United States. Elephant gymnastics, Mengdong and other orchestras have opened more frequent overseas liveHouse performances to varying degrees; Constant's change of ball KST and I MEAN US, etc., are also active in major international music festivals.

In addition to the epidemic factors, because most orchestras have cooperated with many overseas singers to cooperate with many overseas singers to recover overseas audiences through the form of release single, warm field performance, and underground performance. For example, Elephant Gymnastics Signing in the American independent music label Topsheld Relords, in 2019, he was invited to the US CAMP Floggnaw Music Festival, hosted by hip -hop singer Tyler and Creator, and successfully launched a US tour in the European label. Guruguru Brain's Dream East Orchestra is a European tour with the appearance of the well -known Japanese band.

It is worth noting that no matter what form of the Taiwan group performance content, most of them are mostly displayed as the venue sold out after the invoicing. This also reflects the popularity of group music overseas, and the income is already very considerable.

Taking the sunset speed car as an example, the overall box office of its overseas tour in 2019 has reached about 90 %. By 2020, its overseas performance invitation costs have also been three times more than before. Although it has not made a detailed fee publicly, according to the lead singer, the appearance fee starting from the sunset will already start the self -sufficient operation orchestra and the company. It is no longer when applying for 2.5 million Taiwan dollars from Taiwan in 2019 to support the tour to support the tour. It's right.

Of course, even during the special period when the epidemic was unable to live on the spot, the Taiwan groups did not suspend the performance, and appeared in the overseas music festival in an online manner to "pack" the performance in the form of "Taiwan Beats Showcase". For example, in the US Southern Music Festival in March this year, the six groups of platforms participated online. And this Showcase has become a fixed model of overseas performances under the influence of the epidemic since last year.

It can be seen that the third year of the epidemic in the mainland market is not much opportunities to give the Taiwan band reclamation. They have entered the overseas market together, which is much higher than the early stage of the epidemic.

Why do the Taiwan regiment have a market overseas?

Strictly speaking, the Taiwan Regiment did not give up the mainland market.

Under the epidemic, compared with overseas, the mainland has more uncertain factors. Among them, the cost and performance costs involved are higher, and there are restrictions on the venue. Therefore, even the same group of people, most of the performance fares of Taiwan groups have obvious price differences, such as five people who have been isolated in Shanghai for more than three months, the mainland singing fare is 380 yuan, and Taiwan is the lowest. 230 yuan caused dissatisfaction.

However, the Taiwan regiment had to go overseas, but it also originated from the time to mature.

As we all know, the scale of Taiwan's local market is relatively small. Except for the mainland market, the Taiwan Regiment has not given up the simultaneous exploration of the non -Chinese language market. From the first step of the ladybug orchestra in North America to perform a tour to the overseas market in North America to perform in the overseas market, to more than 20 years of development, Mayday, the sunset speed vehicle, etc. have not stopped.

The reason why the Taiwan regiment can go overseas is first of all. The full English and international style of eliminating cultural background factors is also the standard for many Taiwan groups to open the international market, which also makes them easier to discover their works on the international streaming media platform. For example, the sunset speed of the overseas market has more than 49 million listening volumes on Spotify. There are about 1.25 million playback volume per month. The city with the first source of the audience is Jakarta, Indonesia. From the perspective of Professor Jian Miao Ru, a professor of Chung Kujin University, who has been studying popular music for a long time, the production, distribution, and circulation links in the music industry in the past were mastered by the opinions of the record company and stuck in physical sales. After 2015, digital streaming in the international record industry industry The strong revenue gradually exceeded the entity, and the Taiwan regiments that grew up in this period no longer needed to rely on the company's role to complete the operation of the orchestra, and to choose how to face the global market. In order to stabilize a large number of Taiwan groups, they generally choose to use English, the style of the song is more international, and the positioning of the types of genre is clearer.

The recommendation mechanism of international streaming platforms such as Spotify, YouTube, etc., also sent the music type positioning to the audience with a clearer music type positioning through the algorithm. Overseas audience foundation. For example, in 2020, the Bayi Orchestra held an online live concert on the YouTube platform, setting the highest record of "YouTube Music Night Series Concert" in Asia, with a total of more than 20 million people online in one hour, of which a large number of people came from Southeast Asia. , European and American users.

In addition, the official support from Taiwan is also a boost. Ma Shifang, a critic, once said, "Hong Kong and Mainland musicians are envious of death, and they are envious of death. Music activities, records, and subsidies." Similarly, it is also worthy of going to the sea to go to the sea.

In 2007, the Taiwan Music Subsidy Plan was implemented, and it has been invested over 100 million Taiwan dollars. It is no exaggeration to say that most well -known Taiwan groups have survived due to the subsidy. After 2010, with the incorporation of the entertainment industry into one of the "six key emerging industries" in Taiwan, the Ministry of Culture in Taiwan also started to increase support.

Like South Korea's KOCCA support for South Korea ’s independent orchestra, the Ministry of Culture in Taiwan has learned from its experience to establish a cultural content strategy to enter the court (TAICCA), and has long recommended local orchestra to participate in overseas music activities, mainly for international music festivals. Among them, it is the most frequent to the Japanese music market. Famous music festivals such as Fuji Rock, Summer Sonic, Punkspring, and many other groups participating in performances every year, such as elephant gymnastics, Constant's changing ball KST, etc. are regular customers.

In 2016, the sunset Speed ​​had applied to TAICCA to subsidize 1.8 million Taiwan dollars, expanded the tour from Asia to North America, and then applied for 2.5 million Taiwan dollars to the global tour in 2019. It can be said that while promoting the Taiwan Regiment's overseas performance market, TAICCA also gave support and subsidies to Taiwan ’s Taiwan group supported by its own overseas market.

In addition to providing international development channels and overseas tour subsidies, TAICCA also gives corresponding subsidies to varying degrees in music production and international music platform operations. Media platforms to develop newcomers, help Taiwan groups to integrate international markets, and cultivate international performance strength.

From the perspective of the Taiwan Regiment itself, it also attaches great importance to the operation of social platforms, promoting efficient communication with fans at home and abroad, while conveying the orchestra's music concept, it also improves the loyalty of fans. For example, the Mengdong Orchestra has more than 40 social platform accounts, and the publishing content is differentiated. For example, on Facebook, the most commonly done by Mengdong Orchestra is to share the daily and band activities of the band, while Instagram is more Publicity for albums or tours.

Most of the overall text content is simple and easy to understand, and it will also use two languages ​​in Chinese and English intimately. This also minimizes the problem of language barriers to the minimum, and the information is fully conveyed to overseas audiences. From the perspective of Mengdong Orchestra, although there are many social platform accounts they operate, different platforms have different characteristics, and they will also adjust the content of the document, which has a positive effect on the propaganda orchestra.

After the social platform is stable, it is also conducive to subsequent fan economic realization. 2021年,TAICCA曾发布一份《台湾音乐人在日本社交平台的讨论声量研究》,落日飞车、灭火器、闪灵乐团、拍谢少年在日本社交平台为讨论度最高的前五名(排除五月天、 Jay Chou and other phenomena -level Taiwanese artists). Among them, Twitter discussed the main position of the Taiwan group for the Japanese fans, accounting for about 96%of the volume. The fans were strong, and the performance and album sales were also considerable.

But anyway, the orchestra's own music works are the foundation that prompts them to go to overseas markets and occupy a place. For example, in 2020, the album "Flexible Storm" of the setting sun is highly recognized by overseas, ranking fourth on the NME Asian Best Album Ranking List in the UK.

In the final analysis, for the Taiwan Regiment, it is formed to assist over superimposed. After all, it is necessary to use music works to lay a strong foundation in order to achieve a solid international influence. Conclusion

However, even if the Taiwan regiment has put the footsteps of the reclamation market overseas, it does not mean that it has abandoned the mainland. The mainland is still the largest consumption place for music in Taiwan. Essence

At present, the Taiwan Regiment no longer comes to the mainland to sing and be forced to start a new market. This phenomenon is active in the Mainland with K-POP artists many years ago but encountered the "restricted Korean order" freezing period. The situation of exploring the new market is almost exactly the same.

After all, in the post -epidemic era, the music industry around the world had to make changes and flexibly conform to the present. Most of the Taiwanese bands are no longer attached to the mainland to move the mainland and then change to other. In fact, it is wise to lose.

And good works are still an important factor in promoting the success of the orchestra. Under the differences between information differences and regional differences, in the end, it is still necessary to use the length of the work. Perhaps this wave of the Taiwan Orchestra has been forced to go to sea and can further bring a broader international attention to Taiwan and the entire Chinese music.

However, it should be noted that moving towards overseas markets does not rely on translating the original music works into English as simple as English, nor does it mean that it blindly follows the international popular trend production works. For Taiwan groups that use Hakka, Aboriginal language, etc., it is even more disadvantaged.

Looking at the international, Taiwan group music and even Chinese music out of the way, in fact, survive in European and American pop music, overseas native music, and K-POP global boom, it is even more necessary to have unique features, so that overseas audiences will be different in language. If you are willing to take the initiative to understand in one condition.

And the "Taiwan Terrontity" has become one of the trends, and maybe one day can be rushed out of the siege.

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