Strong party building root foundation steady market promotion development

Author:China Economic Times Rural Fin Time:2022.09.20

Strong party building root foundation steady market promotion development

Agricultural Issuing Dazhou Branch branch agricultural funds exceeded 50 billion yuan

Since the CCB, the Dazhou Branch has focused on serving the national strategy, continuously giving play to the role of policy banks in the main body and backbone of the rural financial system, and continuously increasing support for key areas and weak links in agricultural and rural areas. Recently, with the 123 million yuan fund project of the support infrastructure construction fund project in Tongchuan District, Dazhou City, the bank's balance of agricultural funds reached 50.048 billion yuan (including the fund of 4.967 billion yuan), and it continued to maintain the province's agricultural distribution system. The first impressive achievement with Dazhou Financial (legal person agency) peer in the industry has made great contributions to the full service to the economic market.

Strong party building, a "policy bank".

For a long time, the bank has adhered to the party's political construction as the lead, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment", and effectively transform the insistence on "two establishment" and "two maintenance" into the implementation of the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee. Action. Always adhere to the party building leading business development, focus on the operation of party building, do a good job of party building and promote the operation, and use the party building team, strong business, and promoting development. Driven by the strong promotion of the strong party building, combined with the entire business of the entire business, we will pay close attention to the management and improvement level of the integration of regulations to promote the implementation of various tasks and achieve the goal of "governance forcibly". It is worth mentioning that through the combination of strong party building, grasp of compliance, and refinement, the bank successfully strived to create a national civilized unit in 2020. On the seventh floor of the bank's office building, the party building activity position and the creation of the national civilized units recorded the scientific planning of the bank, first grasped early, and promoted the rising dripping of various business indicators. The role and responsibility of the lead, supplement shortcomings, and reverse cycles.

Heavy grain and oil, make excellent "food bank" brand

"Stable Chinese bowls, full of Chinese food" -The national food security strategy of the Party Central Committee based on the world's conditions and national conditions. The bank focuses on the national food security of the country, and the agricultural policy bank "supporting farmers is the country and the act of acting the people", returns to its origin, focuses on the main business, and uses the food and oil credit business as the foundation of the foundation and the foundation of the development. The "main position" of grain and oil credit, carrying the main responsibility of serving the national food security on the shoulders and grasping. The bank has made full effort to supply and manage the funds of grain and oil reserves, actively supports the city's policy of collecting financing and rotation, rotation and other financing needs, protecting the interests of farmers, and maintaining market stability. Since the beginning of this year, a total of 237 million yuan of grain and oil loans have been put in. At present, the bank's grain and oil loan balance is 1.917 billion yuan, ensuring that grain reserves at all levels are 247,519 tons and 10,376 tons of oil reserves.

Effective effect, strengthen the "Agricultural Land Bank" brand

"Tibetan grain in the ground, hiding grain in technology" -In in-depth implementation of the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on the construction of farmland construction, the implementation of the "Strategic Plan for the National Rural Rejuvenation (2018--2022)" The spirit of the city's two -level rural work conference, consolidate the results of the expansion and expansion of poverty alleviation, improve the city's agricultural production conditions, guide farmers to carry out diversified industrial development, and enhance the comprehensive production capacity of agricultural drought resistance and disaster resistance. The bank extracts the backbone of the business, forms a group of tackling groups, accelerates the marketing speed of high -standard farmland projects, increases the approval of high -standard farmland projects, accelerates the progress of high -standard farmland launch, and does a good job of "land articles". As of now, the bank has been approved by the "agricultural land" loan of 7.564 billion yuan and a loan balance of 2.506 billion yuan. It supports high -standard farmland construction of 262,700 acres to further release the vitality of agricultural development.

Fighting Strategy and Greeponing the "Water Conservancy Bank" brand

With the "big of the country", there is a long way to go. Major water conservancy projects are the heavy weapons of the country and have a major "pushing role" for local economic development. The bank takes the initiative to connect with local governments and relevant departments, focusing on the comprehensive governance of the river basin and water environment along the river basin, to promote agricultural issuance functions and support policies, and the prominent advantages of policy financial loans, low interest rates, stable funds, etc. Urban and rural water supply integration, domestic sewage improvement, urban inland river governance and small watershed ecological governance. At present, a total of 1,080 million yuan in water conservancy loans has been approved and the balance of loans is 4.031 billion yuan. After the construction of the water conservancy project is successful, it can optimize the dredging and dredging river in water resources, prevent drought and flooding, enhance the protection of water quality of agricultural and rural areas, promote the irrigation of agricultural land, protect ecological repair, effectively solve the discharge of two -stage sewage in cities and counties, collect and deal with problems of collection and treatment , Help improve the level of safety guarantee for the people's production and living water.

Protect the ecology and make a beautiful "green bank" brand

"Green water and green mountains are Jinshan Yinshan." Carefully implement the "two mountains" concept, reduce the "double carbon" goal, and strive to use green finance as an important force to serve the local economic development, and improve the capacity of green financial services. The bank focuses on green industries such as clean energy, ecological environment, energy conservation and environmental protection, and helps to create beautiful livable cities and achieve the protection of ecological goals. Credit personnel actively learn green loan documents, and use preferential policies such as sufficient credit scale, interest rate discounts, differentiated authorization, and green channels. 45 green loan projects have been approved, and the balance of green loans is determined to be 9.929 billion yuan. Since the beginning of this year, it has launched a green loan of 2.387 billion yuan. After the issuance of green loans, while governance improves the ecological environment, it also achieves economic recycling benefits, and then forms a harmonious symbiosis with nature.

At that time, the horse's whip was a new article for the moment.Next, the bank will take the spirit of "supporting farmers as the country and standing for the people", and practice the pursuit of "family feelings, professional literacy" value pursuit, to serve the rural rejuvenation to collect the overall agricultural situation, focus on food safety, agriculture, agricultureIn the fields of modernization, infrastructure construction, and ecological civilization construction, we will strive to enter the new journey and go to a new level in business, and contribute agricultural distribution for the economic market to stabilize the economic market.(Liao Chao) Responsible editor: Zhang Wei Guo Jinhui

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