"Civil Service Satisfied with the People" in the country | Ma Qingyu: The waiter of a good company is a good company.

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.09.20

August 30th was Ma Qingyu's unforgettable day. On that day, he was commended as the national "civil servant of the people" in the Great Hall of the People. He said that being able to get this recognition and the highest honor of civil servants is both encouragement and expectations.

When I first saw Ma Qingyu, it was easy to be moved by a simple smile on his face. After a conversation, I could feel the sincerity, practicality and stability behind this simple smile.

The face was darkened because of the running waves, and sweat often dipped the shirt. This is the true portrayal of Ma Qingyu, which serves the front line of the production and operation of industrial enterprises in 2022.

Ma Qingyu (second from left) visiting the company

As the deputy director of the operation and coordination department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Ma Qingyu's most commonly done in the heavy copy of the copywriting is to visit the enterprise. "In the process of production and operation, companies often encounter Lin Lin's difficult and sad things such as lack of raw materials, tension, insufficient labor, poor sales, and arrears of aging arrears. These need to be understood in time." Ma Qingyu said.

"The business of an enterprise is my business." This is what Ma Qingyu's service enterprise often hangs on his mouth. Not only did he say it, but he did it solidly. As soon as he has time, Ma Qingyu visits the research enterprise, communicates with the person in charge of the enterprise to understand the development of the company. Sometimes he called the company's scene, so he called to understand. Many times, when the company saw a strange phone call, Ma Qingyu tirelessly hit it until the company answered. After understanding the problem of corporate problems, he will try his best to clear the pain points of the corporate pain point and actively respond to the concerns and expectations of the enterprise. Over the past few years, he has promoted more than 500 development problems in enterprises.

For enterprises, in the process of development, various types of helping enterprises are very important. How to make the policy of benefiting enterprise more pragmatic and more affordable enterprises has always been thinking about Ma Qingyu.

In 2016, in order to solve the problem of the weak private economy and the poor competitiveness of private enterprises, the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee decided to introduce several policies to support the development of the private economy. Constructive opinions are adopted to integrate the "50 policies" to support the development of the private economy. For more than 5 years, these two policies have been more than 2800 households (times) companies to fulfill 2.8 billion yuan in policy funds, which greatly alleviates the problem of corporate funds. Play major incentives and guidance.

Ma Qingyu is at work

In the implementation of specific policies, Ma Qingyu spared no effort. In his responsible innovation and entrepreneurial carrier, SME service agencies, public service platform reward funding policies, and encouraging private enterprises and "old -fashioned" enterprises to strengthen the standard system construction subsidy funding policy, Ma Qingyu actively coordinated the relevant departments to actively want the enterprise to think about the enterprise. Things, conspiracy, point -to -point guidance companies prepare to submit materials and organize expert reviews, and strive to be meticulous in every link, not to be vague. In the past few years, he has been in charge of policy redeem, and these two policies have been more than 600 households (times) enterprises to fulfill more than 300 million yuan in policy funds, which has effectively helped the development of the enterprise.

At the beginning of 2020, the pneumonia of the new crown epidemic struck, grasping the epidemic prevention and control, and the re -production and re -production of the work became the main tone of work from all walks of life. In particular, the resumption of labor and re -production of people's livelihood for enterprises is imminent. In order to quickly promote the re -production of enterprises and solve the problems faced by the enterprise, Heilongjiang Province has set up 14 provincial and cities to accept 14 mobile phones with two levels of provinces and cities to accept the hotline for 24 -hour emergency issues that can open up enterprises. Ma Qingyu took the initiative to ask for the answer of the provincial hotline. At that time, he had been transferred to the operation office for less than a year.

"Consultation calls swarmed, and you can receive nearly 400 phone calls every day. Until the middle of the night, there will be a phone call." Ma Qingyu recalled that although many problems are repetitive, some people still have emotions, and some even have even emotions. It is not an industrial enterprise, and the problem is not solved by the industrial information department, but in the principle of helping to help and trying to solve it, he has patiently responded and answered carefully. Gradually, Ma Qingyu became the "backbone" in the hearts of a resumption of labor and re -production. After hard work, it took about one month, and the regulating production rate of industrial enterprises in the province reached more than 97%, which returned to the average level before the epidemic.

At the end of February this year, due to a new round of epidemic, Daqing Volvo Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd.'s necessary door panels, ceiling, wiring beams, lights and other key parts such as the entire vehicle did not transport them, and the production line had to stop. Facing the dilemma of emergency production parts, emergency production line operation, and company production capacity, the company was anxious from top to bottom. Ma Qingyu was in danger again. He took out the strength of "hard bones" and repeatedly coordinated the industrial and information departments at all levels in relevant provinces. Subsequently, he actively communicated with relevant departments along the way of parts transportation to solve the problem of product transportation. In the end, the silent production workshop reproduced the hustle and bustle.

In order to help more enterprises to solve emergency problems, Ma Qingyu took the lead in establishing a key guarantee of guaranteeing the "whitelist" mechanism of enterprises, and at the same time responsible for organizing the establishment of provincial industrial enterprises' logistics insurance and refreshing unique classes, formulating work plans, and organizing implementation. In April of this year, after the national guarantee logistics unblocked and promoted the industrial chain supply chain to stabilize the television conference call, in order to implement the spirit and deployment requirements of the meeting, special classes strengthened the communication and coordination of the country and relevant provinces. 4320 households "whitelist" to ensure the normal stable production of normally stable production of supply and chain enterprises above designated small giants, specialty new giants, key epidemic prevention and medical supplies, important living materials, important spring plowing materials and key industrial chain supply chain enterprises. The "one enterprise, one policy" solves the problems of regulating the external transportation of industrial enterprises, the backlog of cargo, and the difficulty of purchasing transportation and transportation of corporate raw materials, and components. A total of 193 passes were issued to solve 102 demands of 49 industrial enterprises. During the interview, Ma Qingyu repeatedly mentioned that helping enterprises solve problems is a very fulfilling thing. I just did what to do. He said that "the people's satisfaction of civil servants" across the country is a spur on me. As a member of the Longjiang Industrial Front, I will continue to be based on their posts, go deep into the grassroots level into the enterprise, take the business as their own affairs, and think of the company’s business. Thinking, the urgent enterprise is urgent, tracks the targeted guarantee services, vigorously promote the implementation of the policy of benefiting enterprises, dig deeply and sort out corporate problems, adhere to the problem orientation to solve corporate problems in a timely manner, help the development of the enterprise wholeheartedly, and revive the Longjiang to revitalize the Longjiang River. Industry and promoting the high -quality development of the manufacturing industry contributed.

This year is the tenth year of Ma Qingyu's work in the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology. Our province has also officially introduced the "Several Policies and Measures to Promote Industrial Revitalization in Heilongjiang Province". Through strengthening policies, it has promoted the development of Longjiang Industrial Revitalization. In the industrial map of Longjiang's comprehensive rejuvenation and all -round revitalization, Ma Qingyu, the "post -80s", may be just an unknown role, but in the story related to the high -quality development of the Longjiang industrial economy, he helped enterprises solve one after another " The problem of urgency and worrying "is the" waiter "of the enterprise.

Source: Lottery News

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