Notice on the comprehensive improvement of product quality measures

Author:SME public service platform Time:2022.09.20

The people's governments of each city (including Dingzhou, Xinji City), the management committee of Xiong'an New District, and relevant departments of the provincial government:

The "Several Measures on Comprehensively Improving the Quality of Products" is issued to you, please take the actual implementation of the local departments.

Hebei Provincial People's Government

September 6, 2022

Several measures to comprehensively improve product quality

In order to comprehensively improve the quality level of products in our province, improve the brand influence and market competitiveness of Hebei products, promote the high -quality development of economic and society, accelerate the construction of strong economic provinces and beautiful Hebei, and formulate the following measures in accordance with the actual situation.

1. Strengthen standard leadership

(1) Supervisory enterprises to comprehensively target the standard. In the province's various enterprises in the province, we will carry out the actions of the benchmarking standards, guide enterprises to strictly regulate the implementation of national and industry standards, and aim at the advanced standards of outstanding enterprises such as the Chinese Quality Award, world -class enterprises, Germany, Japan and other countries. , Make up for shortcomings to comprehensively improve product quality. Implement the corporate standard "leaders" system, evaluate more than 30 corporate standards "leaders" in Hebei Province each year, and give corporate fund support at 30,000 yuan per project.

(2) Encourage enterprises to create advanced standards. For enterprises to host the international, national and industry standard systems, each project subsidizes 300,000 yuan, 200,000 yuan, and 100,000 yuan, respectively. Essence For companies drafted by the first prize, second prize, and third prize of the China Standard Innovation Contribution Award Standard Prize, they will give 200,000 yuan, 150,000 yuan, and 100,000 yuan in funding support. Give 200,000 yuan in funding support for enterprises that undertake a series of technical standards for innovation.

(3) Implement standardization demonstration. For enterprises that undertake the construction of national technical standard innovation bases, 1 million yuan of financial support is given. Enterprises that undertake national and provincial standardization demonstration pilot projects give 60,000 and 30,000 yuan in funding support.

2. Strengthen quality management

(4) Learn from advanced quality experience. Support qualified companies to introduce quality experts in Germany, Japan and other countries as quality executives. Each year organizes the provinces with a world -class cultivation scope of the province, and compete for advanced quality management experience such as the Chinese Quality Award, world -class enterprises, and Germany, Japan and other advanced quality management experience. Form a distinctive quality management model.

(5) Promote advanced quality management methods. Promote the chief quality official system of the enterprise, and by the end of 2023, all industrial enterprises above designated size of the province will establish all chief quality officers. Guide the province's leading industries to key cultivation companies to introduce all advanced quality management models such as excellence performance. Continue to promote the provincial local standards "Management of Quality Clinic" and guide enterprises to carry out quality grading diagnosis activities.

(6) Improve the quality management system. Strengthen the supervision and services of quality certification activities, and urge the certified enterprises to maintain the effective operation of the quality management system. Focusing on 107 county characteristic industrial clusters, promote the improvement of the quality management system certification of small and micro enterprises, help more than 2,000 small and micro enterprises each year, and each county (city, district) cultivates more than 2 typical cases each year. Help enterprises establish a measurement management system in accordance with international standards. By 2025, they will help and guide no less than 1,500 enterprises.

(7) Bebecking of outstanding entrepreneurs and craftsmen. Discover the typical examples of "focusing on quality, pursuit of excellence, integrity, and responsibility" for publicity and praise. Each year, "Hebei Artisan" selection of trees, labor and skills competitions, vocational skills training, quality management innovation, quality improvement and improvement, etc. to cultivate more labor models and outstanding craftsmen. Promote ordinary colleges and vocational colleges to strengthen quality -related discipline majors and curriculum construction, encourage vocational colleges to actively absorb industry leading enterprises to participate in professional planning, curriculum settings, etc., cooperate to jointly build new majors, develop new courses, and carry out order training.

Third, strengthen science and technology empowerment

(8) Strengthen core technology research. In response to the prominent problems that restrict the improvement of product quality, strengthen industrial technology research, and achieve breakthroughs in key core technology groups. Support enterprises to increase investment in R & D, and promote the implementation of research and development expenditure expenditures before tax extraction policy. For major breakthroughs in industry common technology and core technologies, the highest capital support is given in the provincial science and technology plan. Support enterprises in our province to cooperate with domestic and foreign courtyards and leading enterprises, transform a number of high -level results in Hebei, form a number of major strategic new products, and create a number of new technology integration application demonstration scenarios. A single project is in the provincial science and technology plan Give up to 5 million yuan in funding support.

(9) Accelerate the development of industrial design. Support the construction of the enterprise industrial design center, accelerate the implantation of industrial design in key links of the industrial chain, and give 1 million yuan of capital rewards for the newly identified provincial industrial design center (industrial design demonstration enterprise); Give 1 million yuan in fund rewards. Promote the transformation and industrialization of industrial design results. For manufacturing companies to purchase industrial design services and design results transformation projects, they will give the approval expenses of 50%and up to 1 million yuan in funding. Support the construction of industrial design public service platforms, apply information technologies such as the Internet, big data, cloud computing, and promote the opening and sharing of design service platforms.

(10) Promote patent transformation. The implementation of industrial patent navigation projects will be fully covered by the province's leading industry by the end of 2023. In -depth implementation of a special plan for patent transformation, make full use of the special funds of the central government of 100 million yuan, and transform more than 35,000 patents. Fourth, strengthen quality service

(11) A strong inspection and testing agency. The special industrial cluster is carried out on the pilot and innovation service platform of organic integration testing, standards, measurement, certification, and intellectual property resources such as inspection and testing agencies. We will improve the cooperation mechanism of provincial quality and technical institutions and international and domestic advanced institutions, and strive to enter the Xiong'an New District. Carry out benchmarking tree cultivation activities in the inspection and testing industry. Strive to create a national quality standard laboratory and more national product quality inspection and testing centers, and give 5 million yuan in funding support for the national product quality inspection and testing center approved. By 2025, the National Product Quality Inspection and Testing Center will reach 16 Essence

(12) Strengthen the supporting service support. Promote the construction of hydrogen energy and engineering rubber provincial industrial measurement test centers, cultivate steel and biomedical provincial industrial measurement test centers, and strive to settle in Hebei. By 2025, build a national industrial measurement test center and 6 provincial industrial measurement and test centers. Give 5 million yuan in funding support for the national industrial measurement test centers that have been approved.

(13) Promote high -end quality certification. Increase the supervision and service of high -end quality certification agencies, and guide enterprises to strengthen high -end quality certifications such as green, low -carbon, organic products and high -quality new products. For foreign trade enterprises to conduct international certification training and consulting services, more than 2,000 training services enterprises are trained each year.

(14) Improve one -stop service efficiency. Promote the "one -stop" service platform and window construction of cities and counties, and more than 3 counties (cities, districts) of each city setting platform and windows in each district, and more than 50 service enterprises. Deepen the "Quality Service Enterprise" activities, organize more quality experts and technical institutions to penetrate the active service of the enterprise, and extend the scope of activities to enterprises and small and medium -sized enterprises above designated size. Beginning in 2023, more than 600 enterprises are served each year.

5. Strengthen brand traction

(15) Shape the brand image of Hebei. Explore and promote regional public brands. Carry out the cultivation of high -end brands and agricultural brands in manufacturing, implement the "increase variety, improve quality, create brand" action, agricultural brand boutique cultivation plan, and agricultural production "three products and one standard" improvement operation. By 2025, cultivate a number of manufacturing industries A single champion enterprise, creating 150 agricultural regional public brands, 120 agricultural enterprises brands, and 100 high -end agricultural products brands. Continue to organize the Chinese brand daily activities, organize enterprises to participate in various exhibitions, exchanges, etc., and promote the Hebei brand on mainstream media and Internet platforms.

(16) Promote the improvement of quality linkage. Give full play to the role of the "chain owner" enterprise of the industrial chain, incorporate relevant enterprises into the common quality management system, and implement quality technology joint research and quality consistency control. Give full play to the role of central enterprises and state -owned large and medium -sized enterprises, rely on the industrial chain, and implement the "specialized new" small giant enterprise science and technology special service group system by improving the quality of upstream and downstream components, raw materials and affiliated products. A group of "specialized new" enterprises. Increase the "National Quality Brand Improvement Demonstration Zone" for its strives, and give 500,000 yuan in fund rewards for each new national quality brand improvement demonstration zone.

(17) Tree quality benchmarking enterprises. All companies that include our province are included in the world's world -class cultivation scope into the list of Chinese quality awards. All the heads of 107 county -based industrial clusters are included in the list of quality awards for the quality award of the provincial and municipal governments to promote typical experience in quality benchmarking enterprises. By 2025, a total of more than 120 provincial government quality awards enterprises have been cultivated.

6. Strengthen regulatory law enforcement

(18) Implement comprehensive supervision. Strengthen the joint random inspection of the "double random and one open" department, and random random inspections of the year account for more than 3%. Improve the quality and safety risk monitoring mechanism of product quality, strengthen the random inspection and comparison analysis of key product supervision, and carry out special rectification of regional products with more problems. The newly established new industry, new format and new model enterprise gives 1 to 2 years to include a tolerance period, and implement flexible supervision such as administrative guidance.

(19) Strengthen key supervision. Establish an important product quality traceability system for agricultural products, food, medicine, and key industrial products, conduct in -depth investigation of hidden dangers of key products, and resolutely keep the bottom line of quality and safety. The qualification rates of agricultural product quality monitoring, food sampling, and drug supervision random inspection have remained above 98%, 98%, and 99%, respectively.

(20) Strict law enforcement and counterfeiting. Deepen the "Iron Fist" operation in the field of people's livelihood and special actions such as "fake fake and preservation", strengthen brand protection for well -known trademarks, Chinese old -fashioned, geographical indication protection products, agricultural geographical indicators and other brand protection, and severely crack down on illegal acts such as brand counterfeit and trademark infringement in accordance with the law.

7. Strengthen work synergy

(21) Promoting departmental coordination. All localities and departments should strengthen the leadership of product quality improvement, and clarify territorial responsibilities, departmental responsibilities and corporate responsibilities. Improve the coordination mechanism of quality work discussions in provinces, cities, and counties, improve the work systems such as departmental collaboration, information sharing, and joint law enforcement, and solidly promote the implementation of various tasks.

(Twenty -two) Improve incentive policies.All localities should improve the quality of product quality and improve the funds.Provincial competent financial and industry authorities must coordinate relevant special funds, sort out the province's quality incentives and awards projects, and establish a list of dynamic optimization lists of quality incentives and reward projects.(23) Strengthen the effectiveness of the assessment.Strengthen the follow -up questioning effectiveness of product quality improvement, increase the weight of product quality in quality work assessment, and include the assessment results into the assessment of party and government leaders and leading cadres at all levels.

(24) Create a strong quality atmosphere.Make full use of the time nodes of quality month, international consumer rights day, World Standard Day, etc., and promote quality and cultural activities into enterprises and parks.The advanced deeds of the promotion of publicity and publicity in mainstream news media are exposed to typical quality illegal acts according to law.

Attachment: "Several measures to comprehensively improve product quality" task division of labor table

Attachment .pdf

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