The "Hundred Schools Thousand Enterprises" school -enterprise cloud docking series activities are successfully held

Author:SME public service platform Time:2022.09.20

On September 15th, "Hundred Schools and Thousand Enterprises" -The online industry -university -research college connection meeting of Hebei University of Technology was successfully held. The docking meeting was hosted by the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and was organized by Hebei University of Technology and Hebei Provincial Industry -University -Research Cooperation Promotion Association. The docking will focus on the fields of fine chemicals, new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, advanced manufacturing and automation, and invite 8 senior experts including the School of Chemical Engineering, the School of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Energy and Environmental Engineering, the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Focusing on the development and application of "development and application of industrial enzymes and fixed systems", "key technical application and engineering demonstration of high -efficiency energy saving separation of energy saving and energy saving next to the tower", "Powder particles -ton bag automatic packaging machine design and equipment integration" Share and release with high maturity projects. A total of 286 people in more than 200 enterprises in the province and some relevant comrades in some cities and counties participated in the event online.

After the meeting, according to incomplete statistics, three companies including Beijing Tianduo Sifang Technology Company, Hengshui Hongmao Dama Model Co., Ltd., Handan Zhengda System Management Group Co., Ltd., and Professor Jia Hapeng, Materials Science and Engineering, Professor Jia Hapeng, School of Mechanical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology Professor Cao Xiaoming and other experts of the college reached further exchanges and docking intentions on the development projects such as automatic packaging machines and hot -dip galvanized packages. The subsequent Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology will continue to follow up and promote the service of both schools and enterprises.

The "100 Schools and Thousand Enterprises" industry -university -research activities are the industry -university -research brand activities that have been building in recent years. Through accurate, pragmatic, and efficient services, we have continuously promoted the manufacturing enterprises in our province, and the provincial and foreign universities and scientific research institutes, which are widely and in -depth. Cooperation. In the next step, in order to serve 12 leading industries in the province and the innovation and development of 107 county characteristic industrial clusters, the event will continue to focus on corporate technical needs, and flexibly adopt various forms such as school -enterprise cloud docking, enterprise universities, and expert clusters. Practical service enterprises and colleges and universities, helping the province's enterprises and universities to build a platform for interconnection, cultivate the fertile soil of the transfer of scientific research results, and attract more enterprises to participate in the "100 schools and thousand enterprises" industry -university -research activities, prompting more The scientific and technological achievements have been transformed into the ground and continuously empowering the high -quality development of industrial enterprises in our province.

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