Internal insurance and foreign loans provide $ 4.3 billion for overseas projects for enterprises Time:2022.06.21

Tianshan News (Reporter Wang Yongfei) The reporter learned from the Urumqi Center Sub -branch of the People's Bank of China: Since its landing in Xinjiang in 2014, in 2014, as of June 20, it has provided US $ 4.3 billion in financing guarantees for overseas projects of Xinjiang enterprises.

Internal insurance and foreign loans refer to domestic banks or enterprises to provide guarantees for subsidiaries or invested enterprises registered by domestic enterprises in overseas. Overseas banks shall issue corresponding loans to overseas investment companies to facilitate domestic companies' overseas branches to use overseas low -cost funds.

Recently, Xinjiang Jinfeng Technology Co., Ltd. has a $ 270 million internal insurance and foreign loan business. In order to promote this green project loan as soon as possible, encourage wind power companies to "go out", the Xinjiang Branch of the Foreign Exchange Administration opened green channels, and guide Jinfeng Technology to use the pre -review function of the "Internet+Government Service" system to submit the filing materials to improve the review efficiency. 3 On a working day, this internal insurance and foreign loan signing and registration business is completed.

Internal insurance and foreign loans are only one of the measures for foreign -related enterprises in Xinjiang Branch of the Foreign Exchange Administration. Since the beginning of this year, the Xinjiang Branch of the Foreign Exchange Administration has focused on the financing needs of foreign trade enterprises. By strengthening measures such as docking and linkage with various financial institutions, promoting the application of cross -border financial blockchain platforms, and opening up business processing green channels, we will continue to promote the high -quality development of the foreign economy in the jurisdiction. Essence

In response to the difficulty of financing for small and medium -sized enterprises and expensive financing, the Xinjiang Branch of the Foreign Exchange Administration actively guides commercial banks within its jurisdiction to develop and promote financing foreign trade and financial products, unblock financing channels, and reduce corporate financing costs. Construction Bank Xinjiang Branch's "Cross -border Capital Loan" series, "Cross -border Loan" of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Xinjiang Branch, and "Foreign Trade Loan" of Bank of China Xinjiang Branch can use internal and external big data to analyze the credit status of enterprises, online online, online To approve the credit limit for high -quality export small and micro enterprises, and achieve online financing online. As of May 25, since this year, financial institutions in our district have accumulated online loans for 76 high -quality small and micro foreign trade enterprises.

Faced with the financing difficulties faced by small and medium -sized foreign trade enterprises due to credit grades and insufficient mortgage guarantees, the Xinjiang Branch of the Foreign Exchange Administration gives full play to the real -time verification of the authenticity and uniqueness of the export declaration single of the enterprise export declaration of the cross -border financial blockchain. The application of the blockchain platform to carry out financing, and actively provides new ways for SME cross -border financing.

As of the end of May, the Xinjiang Branch of the Foreign Exchange Administration has applied for the business permission to open the blockchain platform for more than 100 banks, and guides financial institutions such as Bank of China, Construction Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of Agricultural Bank The financing business has a financing amount of $ 8.3 million.

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