Overnight Europe and the United States · September 20th

Author:Dahe Cai Cube Time:2022.09.20

① The three major U.S. stock indexes rose across the board, the Dow rose 0.64%to 31019.68 points, the S & P 500 index rose 0.69%to 3899.89 points, and the NANO Index rose 0.76%to 11535.02 points;

② Large -scale technology stocks generally rose, Apple rose more than 2%, Tesla, Meta Platforms rose more than 1%;

③热门中概股多数上涨,小鹏汽车涨超7%,唯品会涨超5%,理想汽车、爱奇艺、满帮涨超4%,蔚来涨超3%,京东、知乎、 Baidu rose more than 2%, and the daily fresh fell more than 10%;

④ The European stock market closed, the German DAX index rose 0.49%to 12803.24 points, and the French CAC40 index fell 0.26%to 6061.59 points. The British stock market was closed on the day of the funeral day of the British stock;

⑤Comex gold futures rose 0.09%to $ 1685/ounce, COMEX silver futures rose 1.03%to $ 19.58/ounce;

⑥ International oil prices rose across the board, and the contract of US oil rose 0.32%in November to $ 85.03/barrel. The contract of cloth oil rose 0.42%in December to $ 91.73/barrel;

⑦ The Asia -Pacific stock market's major stock index closed collectively, the South Korean comprehensive index fell 1.14%, the Australian S & P 200 index fell 0.28%, and the New Zealand NZX50 index fell 0.42%. The Japanese stock market is closed due to holidays;

⑧ New York end, the US dollar index fell 0.06%to 109.59, offshore RMB fell 62 basis points to 7.0047;

属 Most of the basic metals in London closed up, LME -stage copper rose 0.13%to $ 7,772/ton, zinc during LME rose 0.27%to 3162 US dollars/ton, LME nickel rose 1.74%to US $ 24,670/ton, LME aluminum fell 1.23%reported At 2249 US dollars/ton, the LME tin rose 0.06%to $ 21150/ton, and the LME stage lead fell 0.37%to US $ 1882/ton;

遍 U.S. debt yields generally rose, and the March U.S. bond yield rose 2.03 basis points to 3.182%, the 2 -year US bond yield rose 7.3 basis points to be 3.949%, and the 3 -year US bond yield rose 6.3 basis points. 3.898%, the 5 -year US bond yield rose 5 basis points to 3.689%, the 10 -year US bond yield rose 3.95%, and the 30 -year US bond yield rose by 0.1 basis points to 3.518%.

Responsible editor: Liu Anqi | Review: Li Zhen | Director: Wan Junwei

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